Chapter 10 No Side

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(Miki's image/form dilemma was inspired and initiated by shadownitro40 So thank you and I appreciate the votes too. So shout out to you!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks again.)

Akira and Miki sat in the park under a big tree for a few more hours resting together until Miki took a leap of faith and elected to tell Akira what happened at the school and after. The event with his heart had swayed her judgment.
- Akira. -
- Amia, well actually, her and others tried to kidnap you. She put you to sleep with Cursed Speech, which unintentionally let me take over. That's what happened while you were out. -
"Why?" Akira asked slowly.
- Neither me nor Gojo know. He thinks they're a rival group of jujitsu sorcerers. -
"I see. Well school is definitely out of the question now," Akira muttered with a slightly annoyed sigh. "What do you think we should do? I'm betting Gojo wanted us to return."
- He did yes. I didn't give him an answer. To be honest I'm getting sick how things are going so far. We got brought in, we were advised to leave for a bit, this happened and now they want us back. -
Akira nodded after hearing Miki's words and frustration. He was quiet for a time before he spoke once more.
"I agree. I say we say fuck both of them, both sides. Do our own thing from here on out. Whatever that is. And if it intersects with one of the factions then so be it, but I'm not interested in picking a group to join and work with. We've been fine on our own so far, we're by no means weak, we haven't caused problems, why change how we operate now?"
Miki looked at Akira clearly not expecting that sort of vehement reaction. "Now that said, I do think it'd be in our best interest to warn them of decision."
- You mean advise? - Miki asked and Akira smirked shaking his head no.
"I said warn and I meant warn. Gojo aside I don't think most of them pose a major threat to us, nor do I suspect they'd act against us unless told to."
- So we don't give them a reason to. -
- Just so you're aware, the group Amia leads isn't weak by any means either Akira. Amia herself uses cursed speech and doesn't seem phased by the toll it's supposed to take. One of the twins can open portals. So if we go after them...-
"We're not. You got us away from them, and if we're going to strike out in our own then antagonistic behavior like that won't help," Akira said cutting Miki off. "Besides, we don't even know where their base of operations is."
Miki growled softly, mildly annoyed that Akira was against getting even. Namely and specifically not letting her go out of the way to kill Amia, which Miki was very interested in doing. At the same time however she understood and agreed that Akira's words and thoughts were the best course of action.
- Fine. -
Akira chuckled at Miki's annoyed tone and short response.
"If they attack us again, I'm all for us attacking back," he added trying to make her feel better and Miki nodded.
- That's good enough I guess. -
"Good. Now, let's go find a proper bed because I'm tired. Hopefully my house is still safe," Akira muttered getting to his feet.
- I'll keep watch for us. - Miki responded and Akira nodded as he leant backwards popping his back.
"Thank you. Now let's go."
Akira threw his skateboard down from his backpack and got onto it then kicked off, rolling towards the neighborhood he lived in.
- Want a speed boost? - Miki offered and Akira shook his head.
"No thanks. I'm fine like this for now."
- Okay. -
"Something else bothering you?" Akira asked as he rolled onto a sidewalk.
- No. -
- Okay fine yes. Do you think I'm pretty? As I am now I mean. -
"Miki it's strange for you to be feeling so insecure."
- I know. Sorry, you don't have to..., - Akira cut her off.
"I think you're beautiful as you are now. You do look very demonic but even still, yeah. I think you're pretty. Why? Are you wanting a different appearance or something?"
- Kinda? -
"Why? You're invisible to everyone who can't see curses and intangible unless you materialize. I don't see a point. Unless you're wanting to have sex with me or something," Akira said nonchalantly and Miki actually blushed deeply and made a noise akin to a embarrassed squeak. "Are you actually..."
- NO! DEFINITELY NOT!!!! - Miki shouted at him more than a little flustered. In truth, yeah the thought of being able to be physically intimate with Akira in that way had crossed her mind several times. She knew she couldn't be with him right now regardless, Akira was only 16 at the moment after all. But such a thing as this was out of reach even for something as powerful as her. Or at least she was pretty sure it is, she'd actually never tried to take on a different form, maybe she could? Thankfully despite their unique bond their thoughts were separate.
Akira only smirked but didn't respond, deciding it'd be best to leave that subject alone. At least for now.
Akira came to a stop outside a simplistic white and grey two story house, and kicked his board up into his arms.
"Home," the boy sighed loudly and unlocked the door, walking inside then closing it behind him. Akira placed his skateboard upright against the wall then went upstairs to his room.
"Welcome back!" A friendly voice said and Akira jumped then grumbled as he saw Gojo sitting at his desk.
"Why're you here?" Akira mumbled laying down on his bed on his stomach.
"Came to check up on you, and to see if you'd come to a decision?"
- He wants us to go back to the school with him. -
"Oh that. Yeah. We've decided to stay on our own. Neither of us are interested in joining a side."
"I see...," Gojo responded with a frown.
"Yeah. Me n Miki are neutral until further notice."
"You know if you go this rout you'll both be a target."
"We'd be a target if we joined you. Maybe even a bigger one," Akira responded lazily.
"That's a...that's a fair point actually. Don't do anything too stupid though ok? The pair of you are on par with some of the strongest curses and sorcerers out there that I've ever seen. So be smart."
"Appreciate your concern. And don't worry we won't go causing trouble for you or the school either."
"Thanks, I'll try and keep the higher ups away from you too as repayment. They're gonna hate having you out and about unsupervised, might even see you as a threat."
"Don't worry about us. As long as they don't send you I'm pretty sure we'll be fine."
Gojo laughed lightly and nodded.
"I'm glad you're smart enough to know who not to pick a fight with."
"Yeah. Now, is there anything else you needed, or can I sleep now?"
"Nah I'll leave you in peace. Good luck you two."
"Mhm," Akira responded sleepily, closing his eyes as he heard Gojo leave.
- He's the definition of chaotic. -
"Yup. Good night Miki."
- Yeah. Good night Akira. -
Miki watched him as she said she would as he fell asleep. Still the prior thoughts about a new form were irking her to the point of frustration. Maybe an hour later they even managed to get the better of her. She materialized quietly in human size on the floor next to Akira. Then quietly in effort to not wake him, went downstairs. If she managed to pull this off she wanted it to be a surprise and she was aware it'd need to stay secret until he was of age. That aside though, it'd also make being able to go out and about much much easier. She wouldn't need to stay hidden as she has so far anymore if she managed to succeed at this. That said it couldn't just be a humanoid form it had to be an actual human looking form.
- Ok, let's do this. -

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