Chapter 12 Taking Out The Trash

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Akira sped around the corner on his board after glancing at a cluster of curses huddled in a corner of an ally watching them. Keeping his fast pace the boy zigzagged through the sidewalk and street he took note of the curses the kept showing up in each secluded part of his soon to be new territory.
"Just me or do they all seem scared?"
- Not just you no. -
"Look Miki I'm all for clearing them out as well. But do you think we could negotiate with them?"
- What do you mean? These are very primitive curses Aki. -
"I guess yeah. I was just thinking we could use them as eyes and ears."
- That's...not a terrible idea but you'd have to have something they want in exchange. -
"We do."
- which is....? -
"I'm thinking they might be down for attacking invaders of our territory. Ie, jujitsu sorcerers or potential threats."
- They'd die immediately. I personally don't find a death sentence to be very appealing. -
"I can give them a slight power up and they do already have sheer numbers going for them."
- ...I'd really prefer we just wipe them out. -
"Okay," Akira said as she shrugged. "Was just an idea."
- I think we've spotted them all. -
"Mhm. I'll take half and you go for the other and see who's done first?"
Miki snickered at a smirking Akira after he suggested the competition.
- You think you can win? I'm pretty fast too you know. - Miki shrunk down to her human size as she said that so she'd be able to travel faster while maintaining better balance and maneuverability.
"That's why it's fair."
- You're on. -
"Count of three...1...2...3!"
There was a mild shockwave from both of them as they went opposite directions. Akira only went up to maybe half of his full speed at most but it was still fast enough to be acknowledged as something a normal inhuman couldn't reach. The boy hopped off the ground while on his board, bouncing it between the top of a metal bench and the concrete wall of a house before kicking off once more and spinning in the air, falling back onto the road as tore a significantly sized bundle of curses apart using his telekinesis technique before moving on to the next area. As he sped around he saw a couple hunched over as they walked with two curses on each of their shoulders, Akira flicked his fingers in their direction killing the four curses making the couple fully stand up right and look around confused.
Off in the distance the screams of probably multiple curses could be heard presumably as Miki was keeping pace with Akira's current record. In fact Miki's kill streak was sending a bunch of curses Akira's way now, which put him in fairly nice advantageous position for the contest. As they came into sight he used a different cursed technique of his to attract them to a collective spot in front of him, once assembled he clapped his hands together they all blew apart.
"Yuck," the boy said with a look of disgust as he skated through the mess. "That makes 14 though."
Suddenly Akira heard a slightly loud roar that sounded a lot like..."Shit, Miki."
No longer interested in playing around now that Miki sounded like she might be dealing with something that's actually potentially dangerous.
He kicked off from the road imbuing his skateboard with some cursed energy so it wouldn't fall apart he zoomed in the direction of the roar at full speed zigzagging through the streets gripping a pole as he turned a corner towards the neighborhood park. Just as he did so he saw a white haired individual with what looked like patch marks on him slashing at Miki with a arm that looked like a blade. The blade just barely made contact but it made Miki bleed a tiny tiny bit. Despite the minuscule wound, the boy was still royally pissed off that his partner had been hurt.
"GET AWAY FROM HER YOU ASSHOLE!!!" Akira shouted angrily zooming behind whoever this was and using his fist punched Miki's attacker through a few trees. The patchwork individual stood up then looked from Akira to Miki then blinked, clearly surprised and confused.
"Wow, now that's interesting!" He smirked after a few more seconds.
- I'm okay. -
Akira nodded without taking his eyes off the smirking creature.
"Hiiii sorry sorry. My name is Mahito I'm a curse like her. I was just..."
"I don't care who you are or why you're here. This is your one and only warning, leave this neighborhood. Now." Akira commanded angrily.
"Okay okay, you don't have to shout. I'm leaving," Mahito replied with a faked hurt expression. He sighed then seemingly dissolved into a park water drain.
"You sure you're okay?"
- Yeah. - they both looked at her wound that was already completely healed. The sight of which made Akira sigh with relief. He was still ticked but he was calming down now.
"I need to work on my anger and trust." Akira muttered under his breath after letting out a shaky sigh. Akira shook his head a little as he looked down at the ground. "Otherwise I'll..." he stopped speaking but he failed to hide the rest of his thought from Miki: Otherwise I'll end up starting something that'll actually endanger her.
Miki blinked feeling confused not initially following what Akira meant until maybe 10 seconds later. Miki chuckled or did what probably passed as a chuckle for her. Just as Akira looked up at her he felt himself being yanked pretty forcefully into her. Akira's surroundings suddenly got blocked from view too. Akira tensed up ready for another fight then after maybe half a minute he realized it was Miki completely covering him with her body as she hugged him tightly.
"Mi..." Akira began still tense.
- Aki. - her tone was gentle, calm, and almost passing for soothing as she said his name. She slowly pulled away from him and put both her heads near his and tilted his head up with a claw so he looked at her. -  you tore out your own heart from your chest and offered it to me as a sign of your love for me. You could start a war that'd burn this world down, us with it, and I'd stand by you without hesitation. I'll never leave you, it'll always be us Okay? -
He nodded a few times as he wiped some tears from his eyes and put on a smile for her, just for her.
"Okay. And uh...I'll let you win our contest."
- Will you now? - she asked playfully as she nudged him. - How very kind of you. -
"I'm considerate it like that..." he looked back at where this Mahito had been and frowned. "Defending our territory might be a bigger task than we thought. We're between Amia's and Gojo's group. Plus I doubt we've seen the last of that patchwork guy."
- Agreed. I doubt we'll be able to remain neutral for very long. -

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