Chapter 3 Training and Reactions

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"Ow..." Akira groaned as he ended up on his ass for the third time.
"You ok?" Yuji asked offering a hand to Akira to help him up. Akira blinked as he looked from the hand to Yuji.
"Yeah. I'm good," he answered getting to his feet on his own. Yuji lowered his hand and nodded, not really even processing the rejection. Yuji was very aware in battle, around people...not so much.
However all the others, especially Megumi, noticed Akira's action. Yet none said anything, but they were all watching him spar against Yuji at this point. "Again?" Yuji asked and Akira nodded.
Yuji ran at him, right fist raiser aimed at Akira's face.
Akira did the obvious and side stepped to the left to dodge the hit then went to counterattack. His reflexes weren't nearly fast enough though, as soon as Akira pulled back his own fist, Yuji spun his fist and body in a 360 degree movement backhanding the other with the back of his fist. The attack smashing Akira onto the ground on his side. Onto his ass...again. Akira was starting to get frustrated now, getting to his feet again.
Yuji blinked at Akira surprised by his words but got into a fighting stance once more. Akira took a breath needing to calm himself before his attack. He closed his eyes and relaxed his body, and then opened them and ran at Yuji. Yuji attempted a straight kick to Akira's center chest, however Akira spun to the left and punched at Yuji's left side with his right arm. Yuji used his left arm to guard and it took the impact instead. Yuji turned his body slightly to hit Akira with a uppercut from his right fist. Akira actually caught the incoming lower fist in his left grip. Yuji looked down surprised, Akira used the opportunity of momentary shock to simultaneously yank Yuji toward the ground with his right hand on Yuji's shoulder and letting go of his right fist. Akira put his all weight into the movement to help it as well. Yuji recovered in time though and used his superior reflexes to trip Akira with his left leg between Akira's stance, using his own tactic against him. Akira's weight worked against him now combined with Yuji's firm stance caused Akira to fall to his side again on the ground and his grip failing him on Yuji's shoulder.
Akira punched the ground in frustration, and it rumbled gently within maybe a ten foot radius. But it was enough for everyone to notice. His vision was starting to become red tinted too.
' Miki, it's fine. Let it go. '
Miki's heads glared at Yuji and her wings spread guarding Akira from their view. She even growled at the other pink haired boy. Akira sensed this and shook his head.
"It's fine. You don't need to step in," He said aloud to reinforce his point. ' Remember what the white haired dude said. You manifesting isn't a good idea right now. I'm supposed to only use my abilities. '
"Uh let's...let's take a break..." Yuji said awkwardly to which Akira nodded.
"Good thinking," he muttered getting to his feet and walking towards the forest. "Be back in a few."
"So! How's it going guys?" Gojo asked cheerfully opening the doors from the building to the training arena. He got no response as all eyes were on where Akira had been before going into the forest. "I'm sensing his first day of training was eventful...."
"I don't think he likes us."
Gojo looked at Yuji then back to the forest then back to Yuji.
"Hmm..." Gojo frowned.
"He doesn't like losing," Megumi corrected him. "I don't think he has any problems with us."
Everyone looked at Megumi seemingly not expecting a response from him on the matter.
"What I wanna know is who he was talking to," Maki said speaking up next. "He said: It's fine. You don't need to step in. That sound ominous to anyone else?"
They looked at Gojo expectantly awaiting an answer on the situation. He'd been known to forget to mention things before.
"He was talking to his partner. She's a very powerful cursed spirit. Like special grade powerful. I'm only going off their cursed energy though, I haven't seen any of their abilities."
"Another one?!" Maki shouted at Gojo.
"Ye," he replied nonchalantly. "It's fine though. They won't hurt you. They're not inherently malicious or evil as best I can tell. AND they know I'm watching over you guys. So es all good," he said giving two thumbs-up. His actions and words failed to put any of them at ease though.
"He's pretty weak..." Maki said looking to the forest.
"No he's not! When I was fighting the Curse in the Tokyo residential area he was super cool. He threw benches and energy while zooming on his skateboard. I betcha he's just never really fought like this. Hand to hand just on his own."
Gojo looked at Yuji confused after hearing his statement.
"I told him to only use his abilities. Maybe he took that as only use his martial arts and no cursed energy? If that's the case..." Gojo thought aloud and went towards the forest.
"Imma go talk to him you guys keep up the good work!"
"Sensei! He was pretty upset."
Gojo chuckled and shook his head.
"No he wasn't."
"Huh?! How'd you know?" Yuji called after him.
"This place is still in one piece. Maybe mildly annoyed at worst. Be back in a few."

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