Chapter 5 The Makings of a Path

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- Akira? - - Akiraaaaaa? - - AKIRA!! -
"WHAT?! I'm up I'm up!!!" The boy shouted angrily as he sat up quickly in bed. "Ugh...sat up way to fast." Akira gripped his head for several seconds with another groan, then got out of bed. "You know Miki, it'd be nice if you slept when I did."
- I can't sleep -
"I know. I'm just saying it'd be nice if you did. Morning by the way."
- Good Morning. -
"Morrrrrning!" Gojo exclaimed from the now open doorway.
"Yaaaaay..." Akira responded sarcastically as he stretched.
"Aawwww Don't be like that Akira. It's a great day!"
"Is it? Could've fooled me... Nice glasses by the way."
"Thank you thank you."
"Is he up yet?" Megumi asked as he peeked past Gojo.
"Unfortunately," Akira said.
"I don't think he's a morning person..." Gojo whispered loudly to Megumi.
"I can hear you."
Gojo gasped then shook his head.
"Really? No way."
Akira rolled his eyes and put on a black collared T-shirt. "Well Akira, Megumi, I'll let you two talk in private." With that Gojo closed the door and presumably left.
"You up for a walk?" Megumi asked to which Akira blinked but then nodded.
Akira put on a pair of red and white sneakers then Megumi led him out of the building.
"So, what's her name?" Megumi asked making Akira look at him confused. "Your partner. The Cursed Spirit."
"Ah so he told you all then," Akira muttered then looked up at Megumi again. "Her name's Miki."
Megumi nodded to himself as he chuckled. "What's so funny?"
"The fact that a special grade Cursed Spirit has such a normal name."
"Special Grade?"
"Yeah. Essentially it means the most powerful of Curses. Is she intelligent?"
"Uuuhhh Yes? Not exactly sure what you mean by that."
"Can she talk, think, strategize, feel like we do?"
"Oh then yes very much so."
"Huh. And she's not like evil or violent?"
"Not anymore than you or me. Why you asking all this?"
Megumi sighed looking up at the sky then back down to Akira.
"Gojo spoke to me in private yesterday. Said you may need help deciding what to do, and that since I'm in a similar situation it'd been good for us to talk."
"Similar situation?"
"I...I have trouble letting myself cut loose. Which makes my path as a Jujitsu Sorcerer more difficult."
"Why? Because you need to be strong?"
Megumi scoffed but nodded at Akira's question.
"Essentially yeah. We should push ourselves so we can better protect the normal people out there. Among other reasons, which aren't that important right now."
"I see. So your problem is struggling to self-improve."
"I guess yeah."
"That's actually a super shitty problem to have," Akira snickered making Megumi glare at him. "But it's not like mine is much better. Yeah I don't know what I'm going to do honestly."
"You thought about just going out on your own? You don't need to be a part of this. You can just do your own thing. Go back to school, look for a job or a university, live a normal life."
Akira looked at the other boy after he said that, not expecting that recommendation from him.
"Honestly? No, I hadn't thought of that. But it's not a bad idea. Still, before I just up and leave...any chance you think Gojo would let me go on a mission? I'd like some experience, I feel like that'd be better for me than training in the school."
Megumi looked at Akira but then slept walking and shrugged.
"You could ask him. I don't know what he'd say though."
"I'll do that when we get back then. What about you though Megumi? This conversation helping you make any discoveries so far?"
"No. But I think this was supposed to help you more so than me. That said, you good to head back now?"
Akira looked around at the city block they were in, maybe 10-20 minutes from the school.
"Yeah. I didn't notice we were so far out."
After returning Akira went to find Gojo as he'd said he would.
The white haired man looked at Akira after turning to face him, looking kinda surprised.
"How'd your talk with Megumi go?"
"Productive. Look uh...I'd like to go on a mission. Alone. Get some real experience and practice."
"I see. You think you're ready for that? Training would suggest you're not."
Akira didn't have a response to that because Gojo was 100% right. He couldn't fight at all still, he had the power but was definitely lacking in skill.
"Yeah. That's true. You mind training with me?"
"Because you think you'll hurt the others if you train with them?"
"Yeah. Basically."
"I see. Yeah I'm fine with that. You think you can take a hit from me?"
Akira smirked at Gojo's question but nodded.
"Yeah. Taking hits isn't an issue, dealing them out though. That's gonna take time I think."
"If you say so. Let's go then," Gojo said gesturing for Akira to follow him away from the school and even past the normal training grounds. "Let me put up a barrier real quick. So we can cut loose for a lil."
Gojo muttered an incantation and the same purple veil fell from the sky directly above him. It surrounded them until it finally reached the ground. "If you want, you can let Miki out too. Fully."
Akira nodded at Gojo after he said that, feeling happy to finally be able actually to cut loose.
"Well Miki, you heard the man. You up for this?"
- Definitely. -
Miki fully manifested with a loud dragon like roar, not stopping until she was fully formed full size. In height she was clear over the forest of tall trees. In width she was maybe a full school-bus and a half. Her wingspan though was easily twice the size in both height and width, maybe a little more. In short, she was a colossal creature.
"Wow...she's big. And her size isn't nearly as impressive as her cursed energy output."
"What the...WHOA!!!"
Yuji shouted as him and the others raced around the corner, now seeing the three.
"So that's Miki..." Megumi muttered. "No wonder they're a special grade."
"Ready?" Gojo asked and Akira nodded.
"You sure we don't need to hold back at least a little?"
"Nah. I can take it, so come at me full force."
"If you say so. Ready Miki?"
She responded with a loud air vibrating roar and her already brightly glowing red eyes flickered intensely for a moment. "Glad to hear it. Well I go!"

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