Chapter 7 Continuing Education

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Akira caught his skateboard in his hand after flipping it upright off the ground with his foot, looking forward at his high school.
"Feels weird returning after everything that's just happened..." He sighed taking his steps forward and into the entrance.
There weren't any reactions really, not that he expected there to be. It was like he'd never left in the first place, no one batted an eye. Except...Amia. Akira's "best friend," Miki's moderately disliked "opposition," and one of the most popular girls in school.
"Akira!" She exclaimed clearly excited as she walked towards him, arms outstretched wanting a hug.
- Shit. -
Miki and Akira muttered in unison just before she made it to him and embraced him in a tight hug.
"Hey Amia, how've things been?" Akira asked after lightly but uncomfortably hugging back.
"Uuugghhh, you have no idea. Come on I'll tell you as we walk."
Akira was caught off guard as Amia grabbed his hand and started to yank him through the hallway. Miki growled somewhat quietly, not that any normal person could notice her in the first place. Regardless, Miki wasn't happy.
' Easy. ' Akira said. Miki continued to glare at Amia but backed off.
While Miki didn't necessarily see Amia as a actual threat to her and Akira's relationship, it did make her jealous nonetheless. However Miki got jealous very very easily towards most things in Akira's life that he paid abnormal amounts of attention to that wasn't her. But this girl's persistence and constant affection for Akira made her a special nuisance in Miki's eyes.
Akira listened halfheartedly as Amia continued to talk and talk and talk and then talk some more.
Both Akira and Amia turned to see a boy this time jogging up to them, though as soon he saw Akira he frowned glancing from him to Amia.
"Him..." the boy began but Amia quickly let go of Akira and ran over to the boy and hugged him.
"I'll catch you later Aki, I gotta talk with him for a bit," Amia said pushing the boy the opposite way.
"That didn't feel natural..." Akira muttered slowly. Miki had no commentary on the matter which Akira found unsettling too.
Miki felt as though she knew that boy or at least had seen him before. She couldn't place him but the feeling of familiarity was undeniably present.
Between the two reactions something overall didn't feel right. For Akira it was Amia's reaction and for Miki it was the boy himself. "Hopefully it's her boyfriend," Akira added after a few more seconds then he continued walking to class.after a tiny bit longer Akira was growing increasingly uneasy, more eyes were on him from other students now. Even some muttering had begun..."I feel like I'm being watched. And I don't mean by the other students. Think I'm being paranoid?" Akira chuckled as he asked Miki.
- No. -
Miki herself felt like she needed to be on hire alert after seeing that boy. Despite this need however, she wasn't sure why.
"That's reassuring," Akira muttered sarcastically. "Wanna leave?"
- Yes. Now. -
Akira sighed and glanced back at the other students. They still continued to stare and gossip, however they were now moving and shuffling to their own classes.
What had happened to the nonexistent reactions from earlier? Honestly to Akira and Miki this suddenly felt like a...trap.
Akira glanced behind him at the doors to the school he'd come in from, they'd closed. Which in and of itself didn't necessarily mean anything. However, when combined with the increasingly ominous vibe it really didn't sit well with Akira or Miki.
Akira turned around and headed towards the doors trying to do so subtly.
"Hey Akira! Where you going?" Amia called out suddenly returning, the boy no longer in sight.
"Uh not really feeling well, figured I'd head home for the day."
"You can't go! You just got back! At least one class with me? Please?" Her tone was genuine or at least seemed to be.
Akira actually stopped and seemed to be considering it, which made Miki growl suddenly. Akira noticed but didn't comment on it.
The odds are extremely slim, almost nonexistent in fact but did Amia set up whatever this is?
"I really don't feel well actually..." Akira said trying to gently push past her.
"Sleep," She said softly but her voices was distorted and echoed and she caught Akira as he fell forward...unconscious.

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