Chapter 11 No Rest For The Wicked

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"Morning," Akira slurred expecting Miki to be there and greet him when he awoke as per normal. The pink haired boy yawned and stretched, hearing a few joints pop before finally opening his eyes. "Miki?" He called out as he looked around. "Well this is new, she's usually here."
Akira grabbed a shirt as he walked by his office chair and headed downstairs with a tired sigh, still slowly but surely waking up.
- Good morning Akira. - Miki said greeting him as he turned the corner into the family room.
"Oh there you are. Yeah good morning. How you feeling?" He asked as he started the stove to make some breakfast.
Miki nodded in response before replying with words.
- Better. Much better thanks to you. -
"You sure?"
- Yeah. Yeah I am. You? -
"Waking up but other than that I'm good. You want any?" Akira offered gesturing to the cereal, pancakes, sausage, glass of orange juice, and scrambled eggs. "I know you at least like the pancakes, so I figured I'd offer to cheer you up a bit more."
Miki blinked then giggled a bit, or something similar to a giggle at least.
- I appreciate that. Well since you cooked some just for me yes, I'll happily take some. -
"Good, first batch is just about ready. I'll bring'em over when they're done."
Miki materialized in a decent size, laying down on and wrapping her tail around the big circular couch and happily watched her partner cook. She'd been keeping watch over him last night but had also worked on shifting into a new form. The process wasn't at all intuitive for her nor was it easy once she'd sorta found the way to start it. Still she felt like she was making some headway with it, even if it's marginal. It was undeniably a step in the direction she wanted to go in though.
"Hey! Akira you home?!" A voice called from the front door making both him and Miki blink and look in that direction.
Akira turned the gas on the stove low and walked over to see Yuji at the front door, seemingly alone.
"How'd you know where I lived?" Akira asked as he opened the door.
"Gojo told me," Yuji said barging into the living room.
"Pretty sure after our agreement last night that this isn't allowed. Especially for us trying to remain neutral," Akira muttered slightly angry as he shut the door and followed Yuji inside.
"A DEMON!" Yuji shouted upon seeing Miki, who rolled her eyes in response and laid back down.
"A demon? The fuck? That's Miki, you've seen her before."
- He's got great tact. -
Akira snickered at Miki's telepathic incredibly sarcastic response to Yuji's accusation. Yuji himself look at them confused after seeing Akira laugh.
"What?" He asked the other boy,  who shook his head as he returned to cooking.
"Nothing. What'd you want Yuji? Why're you here?"
"I wanted to see if you'd tell me what you're wanting to do?"
Akira blinked at Yuji once more not expecting such a stupid question.
"Nope that's not happening. What we do is our business, not yours, not Gojo's, not the school's."
Yuji frowned and sat down looking the two of them over, clearly not happy with his response.
"You know the school plans on killing me after I eat all 20 of Sukuna's fingers."
"Who's Sukuna and why are you eating his fingers?" Akira asked with a disgusted expression.
"He's an ancient and very very powerful Curse. His fingers are powerful and indestructible cursed items, but if I eat them and restore him to his full power....AND they manage to kill him it's two birds with one stone."
"And if they can't?"
"It'd suck for a lot of people. Myself included."
Akira and Miki exchanged looks with each other after hearing him.
- Tell him to get to the point! - Miki told Akira after turning her heads to look at Yuji. Akira nodded at her with an eye roll.
"Yuji get to the part that concerns me and Miki or leave."
"Point is I know what it's like to have a target on your back."
Akira was growing increasingly impatient with not just Yuji but all the interactions with the other jujitsu sorcerers that kept stepping into his and Miki's life.
"I just want you to know you can ask the school for help."
"Cool got it. Anything else?"
"Uh no I don't think so."
"Awesome then can you please leave? And tell Gojo to not give anyone else my address and to leave us alone. Please and thank you."
Yuji looked at Akira confused by the sudden rudeness but then got up with s nod and left.
"If this keeps up I'm going to lose my shit," Akira said feeling very frustrated. Miki didn't answer just nodded with s soft growl. "Anyway! Now that that's done let's eat yeah? I definitely need some pancakes and lucky charms after that," Akira said sitting down at the table after putting the bulk of pancakes besides Miki and the syrup. Miki smiled and slowly dug in, savoring each bite.
- These are really good. Thank you Akira. -
"Yeah for sure no problem. By the way Miki...if you want you can call me something shorter than my full name. Though I guess Akira itself is pretty short. I don't know just feels weird when you use it like you just did. Might just be me."
- Can I call you Aki then? -
Akira blushed s bit but then shrugged and nodded.
- So Aki...what is the plan? -
"There isn't one. I figure we just do stuff we want and go from there. I didn't have a structure in mind. Why? Did you?"
- Kinda yeah. I was thinking we could clear this neighborhood of other curses. -
- To establish a fairly sized neutral territory. Gojo has the school, Amia and her lackies have some other base of operations I'm sure. I think it'd be smart for us to have something similar. -
"I take it with that and your prior statement you mean the actual entire neighborhood not just our block?"
- yes. -
"Sure, I'm down. Makes enough sense to me," Akira nodded as he stood up and took the dishes over to the sink. "Wanna start tonight?"
- Yeah. Sooner is better here. -
"Okay. In the meantime though, anything you wanna do?"
- I think it'd be good to go for a ride around the neighborhood. Scope it all out first. -
"I'll get the board then," Akira said wondering off to his room to grab his skateboard. After Akira came downstairs Miki had returned to her hidden state. "Ok, let's go," Akira said grabbing the keys to his house and locking the door behind him. "Let's go towards the park first."
Akira put his board down pointing towards the left and kicked off against the pavement.

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