Chapter 1 Curses and Chances

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"Aki!" Amia shouted as she waved at the pink headed boy. He turned to look behind him just as he'd put his skateboard down.
"We're you really just going leave without saying goodbye to your bestie?"
Akira blinked at her but then nodded to her question.
"Uhm...yeh. Why? You need something?"
Amia looked flabbergasted at his response, mostly because best she could tell it was the truth.
"Not anymore! Jerk..." she called after him as he rode away on the board after she'd said no.
- She's too clingy -
Akira smirked after hearing Miki's comment.
"You sure you of all people should be commenting on that Miki?"
His hidden partner didn't respond to his question, despite it being playful. "Didn't think so," he chuckled, grinding his board on the railing cemented in the middle of a set of concrete stairs leaning down to a lower section of the sidewalk. He stuck the landing flawlessly too, not even so much as a falter in balance. His trick granting him significantly more momentum allowing him to speed down the sidewalk much more efficiently, still his velocity didn't hinder his navigation abilities on the somewhat crowded path.
"Watch it kid!" A man shouted after him angrily despite it not being a close call, at least not in Akira's mind. His frustration didn't even register to the boy as he continued in his way home. Residences likes either side of the two way street, guarded by fences in the front.
- Akira watch out in the alley to your upcoming right. There's a few curses accumulating there. -
Akira nodded despite Miki not being manifested but it still showed his acknowledgment to her.
"As long as they don't bother me I got no reason to bother them. 'Sides I got you right Miki?" He asked out loud.
The curse responded with what most would problem consider to be a terrifyingly sinister smile, but Akira knew Miki very well after all these years and there was nothing sinister about her expression. Despite its appearance it was her showing visible happiness at his words.
She loved him very very VERY dearly after all, she was completely and utterly obsessed and infatuated with him. So such words from him made her tingle with joy.
- You do. -
"Yup. So I'm not worried and you shouldn't either, ok?"
Miki nodded her heads in response, still one of them did turn just as they arrived at the area she'd warned him about. As he'd said though none of them made an attempt to interact with him, simply watching him pass. "See? No worries." Miki didn't respond but relaxed now that Akira was proven correct, the ease in vibes made the boy smile. "Sweet! We're almost there!...WHOA!" He exclaimed coming to a very harsh stop just as another pink haired boy back flipped in front of him, clearly dodging some kind of attack.
"Run!" The boy said shoving Akira out of the way just as a massive claw slashed where he'd been seconds prior, the boy himself barely evading himself.
Akira could feel Miki getting ready to attack whatever this thing was.
"Wait," Akira ordered to her and Miki kept her red eyes on both her heads fixed on the now emerging body of the huge muscular black Curse. The Curse didn't seem to notice Akira or Miki, instead opting to focus completely on the other pink haired teenager. "It's not after us," he muttered throwing a small nod to the other.
"I can't believe Sensei thought I was ready for this!" He shouted as he ran, making Akira and Miki both blink.
"I feel like it'd be interesting if we helped him..." Akira stated thinking aloud. Miki's heads both looked down at him in surprise at her partner's consideration. Despite no one being able to see her so far in his life except him, he looked up at her asking her for her thoughts on the matter.
- Sure. -
"That's the spirit," Akira grinned and put his board down once more, easily catching up to the boy with the downhill Slope granting him more speed.
"You're still here?!"
"Yeah. What's your name?"
"Yuji, you?"
"Akira, uh you want a hand with that?" Akira asked glancing behind them, at the charging Curse.
"You can see it too?!" Yuji asked and Akira nodded.
"Okay then, yeah sure. I need to get it away from the buildings, or at least until Sensei puts up a barrier..." Yuji said as he ran but they both watched as a purple colored veil descended from above, surrounding them.
"That the barrier?" Akira asked and Yuji nodded now grinning.
"Yup. So now we can fight it. You take left I'll take right!"
Akira stood there after stopping and watched in awe as Yuji charged it going a wide right, clearly expecting Akira to take left.
' How serious you think? ' Akira asked mentally.
- Not very -
"Not very it is."
Akira went wide left on his board, and flicked his right wrist and hand towards the Curse as he rode by a metal bench, his gesture surrounding it in yellow cursed energy allowing him to rip it from its position and fling it at the thing.
The Curse now noticing Akira, glared at him and changed its stance so it faced him, allowing Yuji to punch it hard with his cursed energy on the right side of its face after jumping high.
The Curse staggered backwards and Akira used the opportunity to throw a moderately sized blast of his yellow cursed energy at it, his attack bursting through its other side, leaving a massive hole in its chest. The entity used its left leg to try and shake the ground enough to make both boys lose their footing as the Curse itself fell. However, both were able to jump at the right time avoiding that fate.
Yuji jumped high and brought his right fist down hard on its head causing the Curse to be fully exorcised, thereby disappearing.
"We did it!" Akira said going for a high-five which Yuji reciprocated.
Suddenly the veil lifted and a man descended from the sky. He wore a purple jacket and had matching jeans...and had both eyes covered by a cloth pushing his white hair up.
"Sensei!" Yuji said bowing rapidly before standing up once more, the interaction however made Akira curious to who this man was.
"Good job Yuji, I knew you could do it!" He said happily. "Oh and who're you?" The white haired male asked, looking to Akira.
- Aki...I haven't ever seen someone this strong before. We should leave. -
Miki's words and suddenly extremely hesitant attitude made Akira tense up a bit.
He was used to being the baddest thing in a room and in the rare event he wasn't, he usually liked his odds. Miki made it sound like there was no way in hell they could beat this man.
' I don't think we'd make it far... I think we're safer just playing nice for now. '
Miki wanted to say more but Akira was more than likely right.
"I'm Akira Kajima."
"Nice nice! I'm Satoru Gojo."
"Sensei! He can see them too!"
- Great. -
' Great. '
They said in unison, then Miki looked over at Yuji again then growled low.
- I didn't realize it at first but he's like us. This Yuji kid...he's like us. -
' How so? '
- He's got a Curse in him too. A very very powerful one. -
' I see. '
"Who's the dragon?" Satoru asked looking up at Miki making both Akira and Miki go wide-eyed.
"There's a dragon?!" Yuji practically shouted looking around frantically. "Where?! Where?!"
"Why can't he see her too?" Akira asked confused.
Gojo smirked at Akira's question, amused perhaps by his bold curiosity.
"Yuji's senses aren't at powerful as mine. So you gonna introduce us? I can see it I can't hear what it's saying."
"Her. Her name is Miki," Akira answered reluctantly.
"You're not afraid of her?"
"No? She's beautiful, amazing, and perfect. Why would I be?" Satoru blinked clearly very surprised maybe even shocked at Akira's reply. Miki wrapped her currently spectral massive tail and wings around Akira she lowered her heads, eyes fixed on the blindfolded man, teeth bared. ' Easy. I don't want us to die. '
"I can see she's extremely powerful even before manifesting. You're not too bad yourself either."Akira rolled his eyes at the man and shook his head. "I'm not even remotely near her ballpark in skill or energy."
"Hmm...Well! We best return to school Yuji. You should come with us too you two. It's easier going with us now than having some other sorcerer trying to catch or kill you later on. Though..." Satoru looked at them both again. "To be fair, I don't think most would stand a chance against you two. So come with us, seriously. It'll be fun," he said.
"We'll pass. Thank you though."
Gojo frowned after hearing Akira's reply, not expecting such sudden and abrupt rejection.
"So harsh. You sure? I could make you."
"And just uproot my life as I know it?"
"It'll be more normal there than where you are now. We'll have someone come get your things later."
Miki and the boy looked at each other, both not happy about the arrangement. Still...there wasn't really another choice that they could pick.
Akira flipped his skateboard into his hand from the ground and sighed.
"Fine. Not like there's a choice is there?"
"That's the spirit! And Ah here's our ride," Satoru said as a limo pulled up. "Come on come on!"
"Yeah uh...that's not happening. Too cramped," Akira said meeting Gojo's eyes once more. "Mind giving me the address? We'll follow you."
"Sure," Gojo grinned handing over a small slip of paper. "Sure you can keep up?"
"Oh yeah," Akira smirked. "Keeping pace with a car is easy."
"Alrighty then. See ya there."
Akira looked up at Miki as the car sped off and he put his skateboard down. Miki still fairly on edge about everything.
"Granted we don't have a choice but it could actually be fun. Things have been mostly dull before this you know." Miki nodded with one head at Akira's words no argument from her. Akira sighed as he stepped on the board after putting in the address on his phone, followed by earbuds in his ears. "Let's get going then," he muttered to himself and kicked off with some cursed energy easily passing the car the other two had left in on the way to this place called Jujitsu High.

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