Chapter 11

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Sorry in advance for all the flashbacks ;)


"What are you talking about coach?" I asked curiously.

"Just that I have 4 tickets to France, The principle thought since you lot are now boys and girl and are 'working' together he thought he'd reward 4 of the best players, but I guess I'll just have to give the tickets to some other team since none of you are good players, I mean you are, but what's an individual without it's team? Guys TOGETHER you'll achieve more! Alone you do so little but together you can do so much more! With this rate you won't be able to win the game tomorrow nor the tickets" After he was done lecturing he left. Just left, he got up and left. I could tell he was disappointed. After he left the chaos began. Everyone started blaming each other for everything. "This is your entire fault" Someone yelled to someone making the other person reply "how is it my fault?" And everyone started arguing.

"Stop it! Stop arguing!" I yelled and after a few yells everyone shut up and looked at me. I feel kind of embarrassed doing this in front of Ryan and even Harry but I have no choice "Can't we just at least try to be a team? Support each other? Help each other out? Have each other's' backs? Shouldn't we at least get along? I know most of you, hell, all of us are not too psyched about the changes but maybe change is good sometimes, we are all in this team for the same reasons, remember that we ARE part of a team and are supposed to be working towards a common goal. We need to support each other when an attempt is made and fails and we need to cheer each other up when we utterly mess up like just now and not point fingers." After I was done talking I let out a breath.

"Okay so let's try this one more time, shall we?" I said as I threw the basketball at Niall." C'mon guys, we can do this" I said as everyone got their lazy asses of the bench. The game went better than I thought. After we were done we drank a bit to cool off.

"See! When we set our minds something we can do it!" God I'm sweating worse than a whore in church. I can't wait to go home, take a hot shower, wash my hair, dry my hair, and relax while laying down on my bed- wait, I have detention! Ughhhhhh, I internally groaned. I wiped my face and neck with the towel and made my way to the detention room down in the basement. If this isn't creepy I don't know what is. I walked inside and there was only Harry lying lazily on the chair and Mr. Adams at his desk. "Take a seat!" Mr. Adams said. You don't have to tell me twice, my legs are killing me from all that practice. I'd thought for sure Harry would ditch but he didn't.

"Okay the rules are simple, no talking, tapping, texting, sleeping and whatever else that annoys me unless you want another detention I suggest you follow the rules!" I sighed as I leaned back into my chair. About five minutes of boring-ness later Mr.Adams spoke up again.

"I'm going to talk to Mrs. Gracie be right beck, don't do anything stupid" He warns although saying that to a couple of reckless teenagers who are alone in a room is perhaps not the best thing to do.

"So... What do you want to do?" Harry asks tapping his foot on the ground clearly as bored as I am. "Want to ditch?" He asks and honestly I'm almost tempted to agree but I know better especially considering what had happened the last time I tried to ditch. "Yeah, I'd rather not" I say to him. "Do you want to end up here tomorrow too?" I ask as I raise an eyebrow at him.

"You only end up here again if you get caught" He replies, with a smug on his face.

"As tempting as that sounds I'm going to have to decline" I reply smirking.

"Fine Short stuff" he sighs. I immediately roll my eyes, hearing that horrendous nickname makes me want to cringe. "Since we are alone in a room, probably locked we might as well talk" Harry suggested and at least that mind of his works sometimes.

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