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"What the hell are you doing here?! This isn't some damn hotel. You need to leave." This guy shouts with tight fists at his sides.

"I-I was told I had to stay until the owner, Johnny, returned and decided what he wanted to do with me." I replied nervously.

"Yeah, that's me, Johnny. The owner of the house. You are NOT welcomed here and remember to forget this place all together when you DO leave. Never speak about it and erase it from your head entirely. Got it?!" He tells me more assertively now.

"Of course." I nodded while still avoiding eye contact.

I felt like he was staring at me but I was too afraid to look up and look into his eyes. Judging by the tone of his voice, I feared at what his eyes would look like and after overhearing what I had the other night, I didn't want to say or do anything that could cost me my life.

Why wasn't he saying anything else? Why wasn't I moving and heading back into the room to pack my things then leave? He just gave me permission after all.

"You have twenty minutes and when I return, you better be gone." He mentions as he walks by me, almost nudging me along the way.

After he slams the door closed behind him, I close my eyes for a moment and take in a deep breath and let it out to calm and collect myself briefly before I begin gathering my things as fast as I could.

I was worried that the fifteen minutes were up and since I didn't get my cell phone back, I figured I would find a way to get another one and just find a phone somewhere else.

Worried that I was a little over fifteen minutes already, I hurried and opened up the door and started making my way down the staircase and right as soon as I was just a couple feet away from the door, the floor was wet for some reason, causing me to slip and fall hard onto the ground.

I felt like I may have sprained my ankle but I covered my mouth and stopped myself immediately from crying in pain and tried to pull myself up by holding onto the door handle and once I finally felt I was close, I suddenly felt a couple pairs of arms help me up.

"Are you alright?" A few of the guys had asked me.

"I'm fine." I replied.

"No you're not. You're hurt." One of the guys says.

"I'm fine. Please. Let me go. I need to leave." I tell them.

I next notice the guy who just told me to leave, comes heading out from the hallway along with Tony, the guy who had let me stay here for a while came behind him and Tony started quickly coming towards me.

"What the hell happened?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Really. I slipped and...." I began to explain before I was cut off by one of the guys who proceeded to tell Tony I was hurt and may have sprained my ankle.

"Shit." He says as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"I'm fine, really." I try to convince them.

"My god, just tell her already!" We hear Johnny shout out.

I was confused. I thought I HAD to leave. Not to mention, I have WANTED to leave for the past few days now anyways.

Tony looks at me and rolls his eyes at Johnny's outburst.

"I talked with Johnny and he agreed to let you stay here a while. And from what it looks like, the offer couldn't have come at a better time since you just got hurt. So why don't you stay downstairs here in our spare room so you don't need to climb the stairs while in pain and I'll call a doctor to come check you out." He offers.

"Thanks but..." I tried to protest but he wasn't hearing of it.

"Not taking 'no' for an answer." He states.

Next I felt my backpack and purse being removed from my shoulders while Tony and one of the other guys helps me towards the room in the hallway, letting me lean on them a bit to help me.

I guess this wouldn't be such a bad idea as long as I stay out of Mr. Asshole's way. Once I get better and recover good enough to leave, I will.

Not sure if whether or not this was a good idea but I feel in the moment I have no other place to go and no other choice. So might as well take a chance and take advantage of this kindness while I can.

I could practically hear both Tony and Johnny arguing downstairs for a very long time while I was packing and how Tony was going to be responsible for me. In which I think is bullshit.

However, on the other hand, I have no other choice really and could tell earlier that by Johnny mentioning to me that I should be put up into a room (after I fell and after Tony caught him up briefly on the situation with me being here).

I could tell by the way Johnny said it that he was not very happy I was here and to be honest, made me more frightened than I think I have ever been in my entire life before.

I hope I heal fast.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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