CHAPTER 40: Johnny

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Did I overreact? Maybe. Was it a good idea I left at that point instead of talking things out? Possibly. But I couldn't. I was still enraged about Luca and felt I needed to cool off. Besides, it killed me a bit to see that she had a fearful look in her eyes when I snapped at her.

I ended up staying with my Uncle and I didn't bring her up right away. Instead I told him I was in the neighborhood and finished a meeting then thought I'd stop by and see him.

We talked about shit going on with us in business and I told him even about the O' Conner business deal I was about to make.

"Really?!" He looked shocked.

"Yeah. He invited both Anne and I up to Ireland to his wife's party and mentioned we'd discuss everything up there." I explain.

"Wow. That's uh....that's good. I'm very proud of you." He says as he downs the last of scotch before getting up and refilling his glass.

I could tell by the tone of his voice, something was off or wrong with me telling him about the deal.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing." He shakes his head and returns sitting back down across from after pouring another drink.

"You think I'm getting myself into something I can't handle?!" I come right out and say.

"Not at all." He forces a smirk.

"Then why are you reacting the same way you did those few business deals I had made when starting to build my own empire in the beginning and failed!?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"All I'm going to say, is that you need to be careful with him. Trust me, he's not like he used to be." He says as he takes a drink from his glass.

"Have you done business with him before?" I asked curiously.

"You could say that. Him and I go way back. In fact, don't tell him I told you this but, did you know that he's not full blooded Irish?" My uncle says.

"What? But he has to be. For the title he has in the Irish Mafia, he has to. Isn't that part of the rules?!" I chuckled.

"Yes. But you see, he is truly Scottish. He developed the Irish accent after him and mother were run out of Scotland by their own. He told he was three years old when his mother brought him to Ireland. They had to be in hiding. So growing up, his mother had already changed their names and they quickly became the O'Conners. The mother had Irish in her blood and so they lived with some family members of hers. Then as he grew up, he had an Irish accent and was taught all about Ireland and being a true Irishman, that he always believed it." My uncle starts to chuckle a little before continuing on.

"When he did find out that his father had been cut up in pieces by the Scottish, he made it a goal to seek revenge. So he hunted them down and brought some of his friends to help murder the ones responsible. He made sure from then on out what he did and had guaranteed people would fear him. Hence, is why he is where he is." My uncle finishes.

I was stunned. I had never heard that before and I'm fact, it seems like nobody else knows neither other than me.

"And how exactly did he tell you if it's such a secret?" I curiously asked.

"We were drunk. Not to mention I had his background thoroughly checked out." He chuckled as did I.

"Damn. That's some interesting shit." I remarked.

"It is. Maybe one day, if he pissed me off enough, I would expose him and have everybody else take care of him after finding out." He says.

"Yeah." I replied before downing the rest of my drink.

He made it sound as if knowing that secret was a good way to blackmail him if ever needed or something. In which I will for sure keep that in mind.

"So, anyways. Why don't you tell me why you're really here." He mentions.

"I told you." I reply.

"Pff. Yeah, some bullshit. Come on nephew of mine, what's going on? Having relationship issues?" He asks me.

"I don't want to talk about it." I tell him.

"Come on. What kind of bullshit did you two argue about that made you want to come over here? Or did she kick you out?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"She didn't kick me out." I tell him before proceeding to explain to him what happened and what all was said.

"My god, is that all?!" He laughs off.

"What the hell do you mean is that all?! Yes. That's enough." I reply a little agitated he thinks this is funny.

"You two will eventually learn what kind of stuff is worth arguing about and what kinds are not." He states.

"Oh please. Whatever happened to you not liking her anyways?" I asked.

"I never had anything necessarily against her, personally. Don't get me wrong, I still am not sure that she will ever be used to this life and yeah, she might even have doubts if whether or not it's the life she wants to live. But she'll always choose you over anything else." He mentions.

"Okay, where is the uncle I knew from the last time I brought her over here and what all you told me?" I asked.

"It was after you left and spoke with my old lady, that I realized, it was out of line for me to have said what I did about Anne. Not to mention the way I noticed how she affected you. Boy, I haven't seen you smile the way you have since she came along. I haven't at least seen you smile like that since you were real little. And that's all I ever wanted with you. Was to find your smile. The same smile your mother gave you." He tells me.

We both sat there for moments longer before the next thing I knew, I passed out from having drank so much and ended up sleeping on the couch to sleep it off then head over in the morning back to the house and apologize to Anne as well as admit I overreacted.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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