CHAPTER 14: Johnny

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I can't believe I ever agreed to meet with Luca and his men. This entire thing was going to be regretful, I can tell by what my gut is telling me.

It was too late now to turn back and forget about this plan since we were already driving up a dirt road then noticed an old looking small house in viewing distance.

"This is a joke, right?!" I asked.

"This is the address he gave us, boss." Tony states.

"There's no way in hell he could be serious enough to invite us to a place like this. This has to be a set up of some sort. And judging by just him having us come here, there couldn't possibly be anything he can offer me that will be worth my time." I state.

After pulling up, we all got our of the car and noticed a few of his guys already standing outside of the door, armed of course but who looked more like bouncers than anything.

After we approached and had the door opened for us to begin walking inside, I immediately took notice of the place as I looked around and saw that it was as unkept and nearly abandoned looking inside of here as it was outside.

I next noticed Luca come walking out from around the corner of a hallway and greeted us.

"So glad you could make it." He starts.

"Save the formalities. I agreed to come out of pure curiousity and nothing more." I stated.

"Sure. Of course." He says. "Please, have a seat. We'll eat and then talk about business." He exclaims.

Despite how agitated I was, I cleared my throat and nodded my head at Tony and a couple of my men to sit at the table as did Luca with his.

Once we had sat down, I felt I had to say something to avoid any kind of possible awkward silence moment that I had a feeling may occur.

"So what merchandise were you assuming I would be interested in?" I asked.

"As I said. We'll discuss the proposition and speak about it more after we eat." He repeats.

I just rolled my eyes as one of his men walked up to us at the table and set down drinks of brandy and whiskey.

We sat there for another brief moment before I heard him call out for his 'servant' to go ahead and come on in.

I despised people that used others like they were nothing and spoke at them by a title that they thought themselves was relevant or what they thought to believe was 'appropriate.'

The moment however, when I saw the servant come out, I right away noticed it was Anne. The girl who chose to leave the house instead of taking my offer.

But wait, how the hell did she get here?! And judging by the way she looked with the paleness to her face and look of some weakness, I could tell what's going on here.

I couldn't look at her without feeling something I don't want nor enjoy feeling. So to avoid having those types of feelings, I skipped straight on to anger and becoming instantly infuriated at Luca while glaring at him.

Tony and all of my guys had all gasped the moment she walked in and began to set down plates for us all.

Judging by the look upon the guys' face and especially on Tony's, they looked both mad and empathetic. In which made me start feeling even more upset.

Once she walked back into the kitchen, I noticed Luca grinning in a sick and twisted evil way.

Now it's all starting to become more clear to me. SHE was the 'merchandise'.

The jokes on him though because I don't give a shit about her. She had ran away from home and obviously is gullible or and has the worst luck in trying to stay safe.

However, more importantly, I am not even close to being okay with Luca and the likes of him and his men. The games they play and the one he is TRYING to play with me, well, he is really testing me.

"See something you like?" I hear him ask.

Now it's more clear than ever in what he is thinking. He thinks that Anne means something to me and believes he can use her as leverage, if you will, in order for me to possibly cave in to whatever he wants to offer me. Well it won't work......Then again, I can't allow him to do to her what he does to all his so called female servants.

After she leaves the room, that is when I take the opportunity to say something.

"Not at all. In fact, she means nothing to me. She's...." I started to explain that she was Gary's cousin but he stopped me.

"We both know, that isn't the truth." He states. "And because you have this secret now, I believe we can strike a deal." He explains.

Is he seriously trying to threaten me?!

"And what makes you think I'm afraid enough to strike a deal with you? It is after all, your words against mine." I smirked.

"You sure about that? You have no idea the kind of connections I have accumulated throughout the past year alone. Trust me, you won't be the best after this (of many) secrets of yours gets out." He mentions.

Shit! I knew this shit would get out somehow. I glare at Tony for a moment and shake my head at him pissed off at the fact it was practically his fault.

So until I could think up of another way to end this fucker, I felt I had no other choice but to see what kind of a game he was trying to play with me.

"Alright. What type of a deal?!" I replied.

"It's simple really. And the first thing I'd like you to do, is to make sure I am invited to that dinner party your uncle is throwing. And I want you to act real friendly around me." He begins.

"No fucking way." I replied quickly.

"Fine." He states then nods at one of his men from behind him and the next thing we hear and see is his guy bringing out Anne by force by the back of her neck as she screams and tries to fight him off then he brings her out and holds her head up forcibly to look at me and then at Luca.

I could tell by her reaction that she was trying to hide her terror, but I knew.

The next thing I saw was her being dragged towards a bedroom in the back as she continued to scream and I knew what he had planned. He was going to have his men have their way with her and I am NOT going to allow that.

"Okay! I'll do it." I immediately replied.

"Hold it!" Luca called out to the few men who had started taking her towards the bedroom. They stopped and brought her back to the table.

Now that she was more in the light, I could see more bruises and a cut on her lip. Those sick assholes.

"Now, here is the first term of mine. She comes back with me." I explain.

He chuckles at me at first.

"Yeah, right. That's not part of the deal." He states.

"Take it or else there is no deal and we see whom all believes your word against mine." I call his bluff.

I know damn well he doesn't want that attention.

He thinks for a moment it seems before replying finally and agrees to have her return with us for $5,000,000 cash, that I have Tony remove from his pocket and hand it to one of Lucas' men.

She next is released to us and I can tell she is weak.

I next have Tony and my men take her to the car as I follow behind them and end this little get together.

"I look forward to doing business with you." He says in a disturbing way.

I remain silent as a couple of my men follow behind me and we all head out towards the cars.

The next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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