CHAPTER 10: Johnny

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"This is a bad idea." I said for the hundredth time while we waited for Anne to call Tony back inside the bedroom to tell us what she wanted to do.

"Trust me. I know her kind. And if you think about it, she'd be the less obvious if we decided to use her at times." Tony grinned at me.

"But if this gets out that we even offered a fucking prisoner, whom you should have taken care of that night, the options you gave her. I can't believe you even gave her any, for that matter. If it gets out, I swear." I tell him while taking another drag of my cigarette.

"Yeah well, you also mentioned that she was MY responsibility and besides, me even telling you about it, well, with all do disrespect, Boss, just be grateful I even did that." Tony fires back.

He's lucky he is like a brother to me. We suddenly heard her call out for Tony to come back into the bedroom and I followed him inside to hear her answer. After all, this has to do with mostly me and my reputation that I needed to protect.

There she sat, on the side of the bed facing the door, and I have to say that I thought she looked good with her hair in a messy bun.

"So, what's the verdict?!" Tony asked.

"I still am not too sure I am making the right choice but, I guess, since I need some money and you guys apparently know that I can't just call my mom and get anymore and I want to see my dad..." She started and I don't know why but something inside of me made me interrupt in a more rudely manner than I expected to.

At the same time though, I like to get right to the point and believe in shooting straight from the hip, therefore, I needed her just to tell us because I have other matters I needed to take care of that were far more important.

"What's the decision?!" I demanded.

She seemed to have grown a little bit of some guts as she snaps a glare at me.

"I decided to stay. I'll work around the house until I make enough to leave for good. I want $5,000 in cash, mainly in twenties, and I also want to be able to speak to my father. Along with that, I need to make sure that nobody involves my family. After I leave here for good, I want that to be it. We go on as if I never came into your lives and vice versa. I'll be whoever you want me to be if ever there are guests. I don't want to be in these shackles and I want my things back." She says with assertiveness that has taken both me and Tony by surprise.

This girl seems to be acting brave right now but she has no idea how any of this works and how she is not in charge of the negotiating part.

Tony looks at me with an impressed look and I look at him shaking my head 'no' before looking back at her and answering.

"I understand you're new at this and probably got several ideas about how our operations work through movies and entertainment but, let me assure you, this isn't like any of those. There are no negotiations. You get the amount we give you and you sign a contract with us. You agree to OUR terms or you walk out of here. Which you should be grateful for being given such luxuries, in the first place. Especially what all we have done for you these past few weeks." I replied with my arms crossed over my chest. "We never hurt you. You had your own room, was fed real good food, not to mention access to your own bathroom."

"Yeah, while chained to a wall like a damn animal." She snapped back.

The more I look at her, I can tell that she can't resist now. I know she can't turn down the option of her staying here and us paying her what I decide to.

It takes her a moment before she answers again and then I for one am a little bit surprised in what she decided to do.

"Fine. Then no deal. I leave with my things and that's that." She states.

I would have sworn that she would chosen the option in us paying her until she had enough ato travel and go wherever whether it was to her father or not. But no.

On the other hand of course, this is a good thing. I won't have to worry about her anymore.

"That's more than fine with me. I don't need another problem to deal with, let alone babysit." I stated and then started heading out the room. Before leaving, I turned back around at Tony and told him to remove the chain and give her back her things. Besides the phone.

I truly had no care nor time in the world to be dealing with anymore childish games. So this was going to be a huge load off my back.

Right now I needed to leave. So I had a couple of my guys who stayed and helped look out at the house while I was always gone, to grab her stuff and give her some cash and send her away in a taxi to get out of here. Then I called out for atony to follow me outside to the car and take me to a meeting.

I swear, why does shit have to get complicated whenever a woman gets involved?!?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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