CHAPTER 15: Anne

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I couldn't believe this. I just almost get raped and then now I have been practically sold off to Johnny. In whom I'm sure played a part of this whole kidnapping in the first place.

This was all just a nightmare. It had to be. This was things that happened to people in movies. Not in real life. Okay maybe in real life but, I never imagined this would happen to me.

While driving in the car, my body was still in shock I suppose since I couldn't stop myself from trembling from the fear and what all just happened. Not to mention I was very upset still and in the back of my head began think again that they knew what would happen all along.

We all seemed to be silent and then suddenly, my stomach started to growl really loud and I tried to clear my throat loudly to try and mask the growls but of course that never works.

I was startled as I heard Johnny firmly tell the driver that we needed to stop someplace to eat.

"Where to boss?" He asks.

"Whatever is the closest drive thru." Johnny exclaimed.

"I'm not hungry." I lied. My god, why the hell did I lie?!

"Yeah, right." Tony teased and laughed a little.

"You don't have to be nice to me or try and help me." I exclaimed.

"Pff. Please. Save that speech for someone else. And in this case, you have no choice in this matter. Not to mention once we go back to the house, we're going to talk." Johnny finishes.

I wanted to say something else but decided I was too tired to argue and accepted the free food and the somewhat sympathy I deserved from them.

Once we finished grabbing the food and had returned back at the house to eat, once we finished, we all sat around the table and there was quietness between everyone.

"Do you want anymore?" Johnny asked.

The way he asked me I wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic or genuine but still replied.

"I'm full. Thanks." I replied.

"Okay then. Here's how this is going to go. You will stay here until I tell you otherwise. You will accept the deal we discussed before you left. And I want to make it perfectly clear for the record, that we had no idea that driver was anything but." He states.

I look up at him right after he finishes saying that last part and judging by the look on his face and the tone of his voice, I somehow believe him.

"Well, be that as it may, I am not staying here with you under the same conditions and terms you made." I tell him.

"I don't negotiate." He explains to me yet again.

"Right. Yet you just did with that asshole back there!" I point out.

Everybody becomes silent and the atmosphere becomes quickly awkward.

"That was different. And you're welcome." He states after taking one final drag from his cigarette and putting it out onto the table.

I begin to realize that this is going to get us nowhere and how I should accept his offer considering how well things turned out days ago when I left here before. Besides, I could possiblyearn a thing or two and grow some confidence even.

"Fine. I accept the offer then. However, I want to learn the business. This lifestyle. If I'm going to act as Gary's cousin or whatever, then I need to know my stuff. And most importantly, no more restraining me with chains or anything." I demand.

Tony and the guys all smirked and winked at me and Johnny looked both surprised and yet impressed.

"Deal. But what we tell you and decide to teach you, may not ever or at least sometimes, might not be exactly what you want to know but, you will learn and not question. Understood?" Johnny states.

I nodded my head in agreement and he next excuses himself as do the rest of us and say goodnight before we head off to bed.

I first decide to take a shower and clean myself up of course and wear just a Tshirt and pair of clean panties to bed - which reminds me I will need to go shopping for some clothes and everything tomorrow.

And as I laid in bed, looking out the window, I knew from this moment on that my life would be forever be different. There were so many things I still needed to fathom and to take care of but for now, I will take advantage of this moment to learn self defense the best way I can and to pretend that this is all just a movie and that I'm playing a character of some kind.

I'm hoping I won't have to kill anyone but right now, I feel as though I don't have too much of a choice. Not to mention the risk of me leaving again and things going badly once again, I don't want to risk it.

All I care about is earning enough money to see my father. Life is a game practically and this time I plan to play it.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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