CHAPTER 11: Anne

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What an asshole! You know what? I'm glad he didn't accept and that I decided to leave. Fuck him and his bullshit! I can handle shit on my own and if not, I'll figure it out.

Tony didn't say anything and the guys who helped remove the shackle and handed me my stuff along with an envelope of a few grand, I decided I would take the cash and accepted the cab they called and had escorted me out to in front of the house and gates.

While driving away, I had the taxi take me to the bus stop and it wasn't until the driver missed the driveway to enter into the bus stop, did I begin feeling my stomach start becoming worked up and worried.

"Uh, excuse me, but that was the bus stop back there." I told him.

The guy doesn't answer. So I try to tell him again.

"I said...." I started but was quickly silenced the moment he turned around after pulling over to the side of the road and pointed a gun at me.

"Shut your mouth and do as your told and you'll be okay." He says and I felt as if I froze in place after I sat back and noticed he had locked the doors.

This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be FUCKING happening to me. Was this a setup? Instead of Johnny and his men killing me, was this guy going to do it?

All I could repeat in my head was how sorry I was to my mom and that I loved her and that my father, I wished I could have seen him one last time.

I guess I deserve this for being a dumb and naive person who fucked up badly and messed shit up apparently.

I tried to fight back tears and tried to hide the fear I was feeling knowing this was my last moments of my life. It's ironic in a way, I tried a while back to take my own life and right when I felt I could try to convince myself to stay alive, I'm about to have it all end. And all just a month shy from my eighteenth birthday.

Not sure on how long the drive was to where we ended up going to but it doesn't matter I guess because either way, it felt like forever.

We drove down a dirt pathway in the middle of nowhere to a farmhouse looking place with a barn and I immediately began thinking of a few scenes I had watched in a few movies before.

I didn't have enough time to think about how this was all going to be done and if I was going to be tortured and die slowly or what.

I was next yanked out of the car and hit the top of my head on the car while getting out then was being yanked harshly towards the rickety-old-abandoned-looking farmhouse.

It was small with landscape that looked to be dead and unkept for a very long time. The shutters were half hanging on the windows and the entire outside of the place looked abandoned as if it was neglected for a very long time as well. Even the porch steps were barely hanging on for dear life.

I started to notice a few men wearing all black shirts that showed off their muscles and jeans as they walked out onto the porch and grabbed me from the guys hands and didn't say anything before I next was pulled forcefully into the house and I was greeted by an older gentleman sitting at the small rounded dining table, smoking a cigarette and drinking scotch, look at me.

With the quick look I did over the place, the place was a mess and it looked as though these guys were part of a gang of some kind. At least they weren't the Mafia. Although I don't know what's worse.

Next I felt myself being harshly pushed down in the chair and immediately had my hands tied behind my back as one of the guys had a gun pointed at me.

"Can I get you anything?" The man asks.

Is he for real? What the hell is this?

"I want to know what the hell is going on. Why have you taken me!" I asked while pretending to be stronger than I am feeling a the moment.

"Because I know that you have been a 'guest' we'll say, at Johnny's place for nearly a month. And since he seemed to have not hurt or killed you, I figured you'd be worth something." He states.

I know this would be a perfect time to mention that I don't know Johnny and them personally and that I was a witness to a murder but they let me go today. But for some reason, I didn't because in the back of my head, I thought briefly that it's possible they would think I was worth something to Johnny of some importance and possibly use me to try and get me to talk or set things up for me to be used as bait. Little do they know Johnny could give two shots about me and am worthless to them.

"I don't know anything. I-I actually am Gary's cousin. I haven't seen him in a long time and was in town so....." I stated in hopes that he'd believe me.

I was beginning to think though that it was possible I was in way over my head and they would call my bullshit but, he eventually says something and sounds as though he believes me.

"Gary's cousin, you said?" He asked.

"Y-yes." I continued to lie.

"Huh." He replies with tongue in cheek. "Alright then." He says as he stands and nods at the guy beside me pointing the gun at me still, helps me stand up with both my hands tied behind my back while this jerkwad stands and starts looking me up and down.

"You know, I may have use for you still. Even though you are not related to Johnny, I believe you may still be of good use. You are a runaway after all, right?" He asks with a cocked eyebrow.

"So?!" I fired back at him.

"So..." He began while lighting up a cigarette real quick. "So you honestly think I would ever believe you were related to one of Johnny's guys?" He asks. "I'm not stupid and plus, I know Johnny and his crew more than you. After all, you're just a pathetic runaway." He remarks. 

Yeah okay. Maybe that's true and he does know him more than me but still, Johnny nor anyone else will come for me.

So I guess now I am going to die or whatever this guy is planning to do to me - for nothing. And if he thinks I'll go down without a fight, he better think again.

SHIT! I'm dead.

"Like I said, I have use for you. And you WILL cooperate." He states.

I'm in deep shit now.......

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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