CHAPTER 55: Anne

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While slowly waking up with a massive headache, I struggled a bit to open my eyes as I felt real groggy.

Once I was able to become fully awake, I tried to sit up and take a look around to where I was at.

Right away I noticed I was in a small room that looked half decent and the moment I tried standing up to get off this bed I'm on, I quickly was halted by a handcuff on one of my wrists, connected to a chain that had been locked onto the metal headboard bed frame. So I sat back down trying to gather my thoughts.

Next I heard a heavy door open and saw that it was O'Conner along with a few other men.

O'Conner started walking towards me menacingly as he intently looked at me.

I began to curl up with my knees to my chest.

"It's about time you woke up." He grinned.

"Where's Johnny?" I asked.

"Don't worry. He's safe....for now. But that all will depend on you." He states grimly.

"What do you mean?" I asked nervously.

"It all depends how nice you decide to play. You see, that little stunt that he pulled on me and then trying to get Gioanni to back out of our deal and partnership, that was a mistake. I've lost a lot of money because of him." He says.

"And rightfully so. You tricked him into signing that contract. Besides, we both know the REAL reason as to why you tried also blackmailing him when he tried to back out of it. Nobody wants to do business with you. Your reputation is so bad you became more desperate than anything, so you came to Johnny to help yourself no matter at what cost!" I tell him.

He looks at me with his head cocked to the side and smiled at me.

"You really shouldn't listen to such gossip." He claims.

"Gossip? Oh no, I don't do that. I go based off the evidence and facts I had read. Which speaking of facts, does everybody know about your true origins and where you come from?" I asked loudly towards the end for his men to hear.

They looked at me puzzled while the look upon O'Conner's face right now was priceless. He looked like he wanted to punch me.

"Don't...." He began but I cut him off.

"Don't what?! Tell others how you are NOT full blooded Irish?! You're in fact, full blooded Scottish?!" I got louder when I mentioned that as well followed with a huge smirk of satisfaction on my face as I noticed his few men standing at the door there began looking bewildered at one another and then at O'Conner.

"That's right! You're last name isn't even truly O'Conner....." I began ranting on until he shut me up with a hard slap across my face.

I then turned my head back to look at him and laughed before then spitting in his face.

I could tell that angered him even more and right as he was about to hit me again, one of his other men came running in out of breath to announce Johnny's uncle was here.

"This ain't over yet. And very soon, I will make you pay." He grins in a sinister way.

"Fuck you!" I spat back.

"I'll think about it." He grinned and winked.

He then gets up and has one of the men stand guard outside while the other two stay inside the room with me at a distance.

Though there was no clock in this room you didn't need one to know that time was going to slow.

What made things awkward and a bit agitating to say the least for me was having these two strange guys standing guard and talking, smoking then chuckling here and there, all while most of the time, watching me.

I wasn't going to let them see that they were getting to me.

Then it came to me. Not knowing what was going to happen or what already had happened to the others, I wasn't going to go down without a fight. And suddenly, I began trying to devise some sort of a plan.

Not entirely would work but anything was worth a try at this point. For all I knew, Johnny's uncle was already dead as were......well, I actually don't even want to think about any of that.

I quickly begin to work up a convincing cough. The guards didn't seem to pay mind to me possibly choking, so I became more loud and a little bit harsher with them.

One of the guys puts out his cigarette with the bottom of his shoe and irritatingly walks over towards me.

"What?!" He asks.

"Can you please get me a glass of water?" I asked in between coughs.

"Pff. Deal with it." He states harshly.

"Please?!" I tried to plead and beg until the other guy stood up and stated he would go get me a glass.

So the guy leaves, shutting the door behind him and the moment he walks out, I then look at the guy who stays behind and scowls at me.

"I knew you were faking." He angrily states.

"I had to. You see, I wanted to be alone with you." I began to TRY and flirt with him if I could. Not sure it would work but hey, maybe it could.

He begins eyeing me up and down then scoffs.

"Yeah. I'm not falling for that." He states.

"Suit yourself. I just thought, maybe before your friend returned, we could have some quick fun." I told him.

"Right. You think I'm dumb?! No girl of Johnny's would ever try any stunt like you are." He tells me.

"Johnny doesn't have to know. Now come on, let's have a little fun before your buddy comes back." I try in an even more seductive tone of voice.

He looks at the door and then back at me.

"It will take him a little while." He smirked.

"Good." I replied as I began scooting towards him a little bit as he sits on the bed and begins to unbuckle his belt and I stop him by moving in close enough where it looked like I was about to kiss the side of his neck, I took the one hand that was free of cuffs and quickly grabbed the gun from the side of his pants and immediately pointed it at his head.

"Uncuff me." I tell him while sitting back from him.

"You fucking bitch!" He says.

I then cocked the gun.

"Uncuff me and take me to Johnny." I demanded.

"Fuck you, you fat bitch!" He spit at me then as soon as he was about to lunge at me to grab the gun, I fired at his head and then next at my chains to break free.

Seconds later the guy with the water came busting in through the door along with the guard outside with their guns drawn and I started shooting them both down then taking their guns and start finding out where Johnny and them are.

God help whoever stands in my way.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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