CHAPTER 22: Johnny

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I wasn't sure if whether or not she would accept my invite and then after the way I had behaved last night. Even though I apologized this morning, I don't know, I really wanted to make it all up to her.

Besides, she needs to get used to being seen with me, in case I decided to have her as my escort to events.

I waited for her to come walking out as I stood by the opened car door and not too much longer after I was, she came walking out looking as breathtaking as she did last night, if not even more at this moment.

"You look amazing." I compliment her.

She blushes and smiles at me.

"So do you." She says before she gets in.

After closing the door for her then getting into the car and taking off towards the restaurant, I couldn't help but find myself looking over at her out the corner of my eye while driving. There are even a few times I thought I might have lost control.

Things weren't awkward between us however and I aimed to keep it that way.

I don't know why she makes me feel different and even has me to the point where I hesitate at times in trying to make a move on her or so. She seems so fragile and innocent inside, despite the persona and new confidence she has created throughout the time she has been around us all.

Once arriving at the restaurant and after escorting her into the place and being seated at a table, I ordered us some wine taster we ordered our food, so that I made sure it went well with whatever we had.

"Wow, it smells really good in here and the pasta meals look great." She comments while looking around.

"I'm glad you like pasta. This place in particular though, I had helped the family come over here and open their eatery from Italy. They have the best pasta I've ever tasted." I tell her.

"I'm glad you convinced them." She says.

I had the waiter leave the bottle after he poured us each a glass and we toasted before taking our first drink.

"Here's to a new business adventure." I randomly say.

I have no idea where that came from but she makes me nervous for some reason.

"I'll cheers to that." She smiled.

After taking her first sip, I could tell she had never tried wine before, judging by the look on her face.

"You don't have to drink it." I chuckled.

"No. I like it. It's different. Besides, I had drank different things when we went to that club." She says.

I almost forgot about that.

"Well this will be better with the food." I assure her.

We spent the next few hours sitting, drinking wine, eating delicious homemade pasta and getting to know one another a little bit more.

She is very mature for her age, in particular, with how she thinks.

After we finished, we drove around a little while since I didn't have a clue in where else to take her to (yes I know I didn't plan this very well). However, I have never needed to wine and dine many, let alone take them on a real actual date. I'm used to dinner and sleeping with women or skipping the meals all together. So this is a first for me. But at the same time, I wasn't wanting to take her home yet.

"So what's there to do around here?" She asks.

"You know, oddly enough, I never paid attention to this place other than for business." I admit.

"Well, how about we drive around a little bit until we find a place to park at and maybe walk around." She suggests.

"Okay." I agreed.

It didn't take too long to find a place that seemed nice to pull over and stay at for a bit. In fact, it seemed to be some type of a lake area with a playground down a ways.

We both got out and noticed the moon happened to be shining brightly onto the water and I spotted a dock that was located underneath the moonlight directly with a few boats tied up to it.

We walked out onto it and stood there against the railing, overlooking the water and enjoying the fresh night air.

"I've always thought about places like this. I always wanted to see a lake. It's uh.....pretty romantic." She says.

"It is." I replied.

I find myself no longer in control with my movements as I place my arm around her waist from behind her and lean in closer. So close in fact that I can hear her take in a breath as I started to move my lips lightly over her soft skin on the side of her neck.

Next I move my other hand on top of hers that are on the railing while I begin placing gentle kisses onto the side of her neck.

I begin to feel her start to turn around to face me and looks into my eyes. That's when I take the opportunity to hold the sides of her face as she wraps her hands around behind my neck.

"I'm sorry I waited so long to do this." Was all I told her before I leaned in and gently began pressing my lips onto hers.

We stood there for a good while just making out and holding each other. My god I want her so bad. Why the hell did I ever wait so long?!?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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