CHAPTER 19: Anne

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Throughout these past couple weeks I have been learning a lot about the guys here, including Johnny. Although I have to admit that for the past few days, he has been acting a bit odd around me.

For a little while it seemed like he was beginning to relax around me but lately, he's different.

Not sure if whether or not I make him uncomfortable all of a sudden and if so, how that happened, but it's a bit agitating sometimes.

Such as the other night, the guys were teaching me how to play poker and we seemed to be having fun but, Johnny had refused to play with us, when normally, he wouldn't hesitate in playing. He's also going out a lot too and coming back before daybreak.

I don't know, maybe he's getting annoyed with me and even regretting making the deal. But I'm not going to say anything or let him bother me because for the first time in a very long time, I feel like I have found friends. Especially with guys. My confidence has definitely grown since I've been here.

The old me would not have cared so much but, for some reason it is starting to. Then again, I guess it's okay and shouldn't really matter. I at least have the other guys to talk to.

There were just a few more days before Johnny's uncle's dinner party and deep down inside, I was a bit nervous. I have never been to a party, let alone a dinner party.

Tony had gone over what they are like and reassured me things were going to be okay and I believed him.

Today I had gone shopping for a nice dress to wear to the dinner and scheduled to have my hair and make up done as well the day of.

Gary was nice enough to take me shopping and after I got my shoes and dress for the dinner party, we made our way back home.

Gary and the rest of the guys have all felt like brothers to me and I was more than appreciative of them treating me as good as they have been.

Once we got back to the house and I went into my room, I had noticed I missed a call from my mom. Ever since I made the deal with Johnny, I was given what they called a 'burn' phone where it can't be traced and have been making sure to speak to my mom ever since then almost every day. Because for a lot of the time, I guess they don't get good reception where they're at.

The latest news on my mom and her boyfriend's trip is that they have to stay nearly a month longer than they had expected because there were supposedly a few issues with a few deals.

In which that was more than fine with me considering how I obviously was in no hurry for them to return any time soon. And I had decided earlier on that I would talk normal and not act upset with her over the letters I had found or even mention I found them in the first place, since that would create her possibly finding a way to ruin everything I have going on right now.

My birthday was coming up soon and I couldn't wait to finally turn eighteen. Tony had asked me the other day what I wanted to do to celebrate and I had no clue.

Tonight was Johnny's uncle's party and I was beginning to feel a bit more excited as soon as I started getting my hair done aling with my make up and nails.

I have never been pampered in this way and I have to say that it feels real good. Then once I got home and put my jewelry on, I took one final look at myself before stepping out of the bedroom where Tony was dressed all nice.

Then as soon as Johnny came down and seemed surprised I was even going and after asking Tony to follow him into the office, I felt a bit worried and a little embarrassed to an extent because I thought it was all settled.

When Tony came back out, he reassured me everything was okay and I just ignored it as we continued outside and headed into a limo. I have never been in one before and this one in particular, I thought, was really nice and fancy.

The ride over to get Johnny's date and to his uncle's house, things seemed a bit awkward but I didn't care. I ignored even Johnny's glaring he did at Tony and I throughout the car ride while ignoring his date. I don't know what his deal was but it's a little annoying.

Once again though, I'm not going to let him ruin the special night tonight.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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