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Three weeks have passed since I have been here and during the first week, since Johnny had 'allowed' me to stay here mainly due to me hurting my damn ankle, I hate to admit it, but I have enjoyed just a tiny bit of my time here for only up to a week after Johnny had returned. That's when everything seemed to have changed.

None of the guys including Tony have been acting like they had in the beginning. For the first time, I feel as though I am an actual type of a prisoner. (Aside from being locked in a nice bedroom with my own bathroom).

However, they have my ankle shackled to a long-ass-cast-iron-chain so that I can still reach the bathroom and shower and so forth along with being able to sleep on the bed as well.

They give me my food by making sure I am standing back in the corner, far enough away so they can enter the room, set down the food or whatever they give me and leave, locking the door behind them.

The thing that gets me more is that they have an actual camera in here. Though I haven't seen one in the bathroom but in the back of my mind I can't help but think that there is one well hidden in there.

My ankle seems to be healing a bit more rapidly than I had imagined and in the beginning of staying here, I couldn't wait for when I was good enough to leave this place.

Then after Tony and them began to act differently around me and stopped letting me step outside my bedroom whenever Johnny wasn't home and enjoy some fresh air and hang out for a bit, I went back to panicking in what they had planned on doing with me.

There is a part of me that wants to believe they are playing games with me and bluffing. They don't plan to do anything to me. But then there's the other part of me that makes me wonder if they will end up deciding to kill me and send me to my mother in a box filled with my body parts.

My god, why the hell did I ever leave home?!? It was stupid of me.

Today in particular, it was raining and I sat on a little built-in cushioned bench that was next to the window where I looked outside and enjoyed the raindrops hitting the trees and the grass below as well as the window.

I have always loved the rain. I know to a lot of people, a cloudy day could bring sadness or just bring certain people down but to me, I love it. I feel I think better when it rains and it always helps me escape to a place in my mind of somewhere I'd want to travel to, like England or Ireland or someplace far away.

It's a bit ironic that I feel like wanting to message my mom but I also can't stop thinking about the letters I had found and am hoping also that I can have my things returned to me soon.

Thankfully my ankle has seemed to be nearly fully healed and I have been able to walk on it a little more. So I'm hoping today, when somebody brings me my lunch, I will ask to speak with Tony and hopefully he will let me go.

After a while, I began catching myself dozing in and out until I heard the door begin to open up and quickly turned on the bench and faced the guy bringing my lunch. At least that's who I thought was at the door.  However, instead, it was the doctor with  Tony following right behind him who closed the door.

"Sit on the bed for me please so I can take a look at your ankle." The doctor tells me.

I rolled my eyes as I walked over and hoped he would take immediate notice by me not limping anymore, that I was better.

"I'm feeling a lot better. In fact, I think I'll be able to leave here soon. Possibly today even." I tell him.

He smirks a little at me as he takes a seat beside me and then let's put a sigh that seemed to match his quick change in facial expression as he now has a look of bewilderment a little bit.

"Well, it seems you are better." He smiles at me after he finishes inspecting my ankle and removing the bandage.

"So good! I can leave then, right?" I state.

He looks at Tony and then back at me with a nod and says goodbye before leaving. However, Tony stays. I started feeling a bit nervous as if something was wrong and was about to happen.

"Listen, I know things have been a bit awkward and weird for a while now but, I want you to know that we had to go back to treating you like a hostage practically." He half joked.

"I figured. Now that your boss was back. But now that I'm better and since you guys have decided NOT to kill me or anything, as well as the fact that I have cooperated, I can be let go." I tell him.

"That's the thing. You see, for the past few days, I have done some thinking and discussing several options with Johnny about what we should do about you and how to handle the situation." Tony starts explaining as he walks over and sits in an armchair across from the foot of the bed.

I couldn't believe or even fathom for a moment the options he was giving me and that I even had a say in the first place, but after he finished, before he left the room, he gave me no more than an hour to decide if I agreed or not with the options he gave me.

On one hand, some of the options he gave me felt tempting and even a little bit generous and sweet but then the other ones, of course, I felt were out of the question.

I fear that no matter what I decided, I will eventually need to speak with my mom again and not to mention, would have to think if I can stand Johnny always glaring at me and hating on me if I agreed to one of the options Tony gave me.

What am I to do?!?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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