CHAPTER 37: Anne

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The days quickly turned into one week and then a few weeks, after the dinner with O'Conner. Time went by faster than ever and now it was the day my mother and Martin were going to arrive.

For the last few days I have been becoming more anxiously nervous than I have been in a very long time.

This was going to be a big deal for me and a huge stepping stone as well but I was more than ready to confront her about what all I know and how I feel.

Johnny made in advance sure he had no business meetings or anything of that sort for when my mother arrived and I was happy because I felt I truly needed him for moral support and to of course, proudly introduce him as my boyfriend.

He continued on insisting I tell my mom and Martin a lie of some sort in what he does. Meanwhile, I continued pressing on about being honest about the entire thing until eventually, I caved in and agreed to go along with his idea.

I had snacks prepared and some drinks then  did one last quick check on how I looked as soon as I saw a nice car rental pull up to the front of the house then saw my mother and Martin both get out.

"Don't worry, love. Remember, I'm right here." Johnny reminds me while giving me a kiss before we opened the door to greet them.

"Hey mom. Hi Martin." I greeted them both with a smile.

"Hi sweetie." My mom smiled and tightly hugged me.

Then Martin said 'hi' and we gave a quick hug as usual then I introduced them to Johnny and once inside, I introduced them to Tony and Gary along with a couple of other guys as they were just heading out for a few hours to kill some time until my mom and Martin left.

"This is a very nice place you have here." Martin commented while taking a look around.

"Thanks. We like it." Johnny replied as he placed his arm around my waist.

"Well, so you mind giving us a tour?" My mother blurred out after glaring at both Johnny and I.

"Sure." Johnny replied for me as he could tell I had gotten tensed when my mother remarked that.

My mother had a few quirky and yet smart remarks that I didn't care too much for and quite frankly I was impressed by Johnny not being offended with some of the things she commented on and how well he kept his composure.

After showing them around, we headed into the living room to sit opposite of Martin and her while Johnny poured us all a drink and we sat there sharing an awkward moment of silence.

"So, Johnny, what is it that you do?" My mother came right out to ask.

"I own my own business." He replied.

"What kind? And please don't tell me it's construction." My mother chuckled.

"No ma'am. I actually own several clubs in different states." He tells her.

"Niiiice." Martin compliments.

"Clubs?!" My mom repeats with a raised eyebrow and in an unconvincing tone of voice.

"Yes." Johnny tells her.

"Hm." Was all she said.

"You know, Anne here...." Johnny started talking but was interrupted by of course, my  mom (in who I am starting to think she had a few glasses of wine before arriving here).

"How exactly did you both meet? I had never seen you around where we lived. Also, you do realize she just turned eighteen and has her whole life ahead of her." My mom went on.

It's one thing to ask questions as a truly curious mom but it is a whole other thing to be so bluntly rude for no reason towards Johnny.

"My god mom. Stop it!" I tell her.

"What?! They're basic questions. I mean, after all, he has nothing to hide, right? Any mother would ask these questions." She smirked before finishing her glass of wine.

"But not so rudely. Not to mention the fact that we both know you could give two shots about me." I tell her.

Both her and Martin looked at me in shock.

"What did you say?!" My mother asked.

"You heard me. And while I've already started on this track, I might as well continue. I know all about you and your past. I know what kind of a person you really are. And I know the truth about my father." I come right out and tell her.

Now her facial expressions are of both fear and shock.

"Yeah, that's, right. I found the last letter he sent me out of so many that you kept hidden from me. He never truly left me. And you, you made me believe for so long that it was my fault he left. You made me believe for so long that he was a monster when in fact, YOU were the real monster. You have done nothing but look down on others and judge them based upon their flaws - including me." I explained.

"I always loved you. I have always cared for you and tried to give you a better life than I ever had. And if I never cared about you, then why the hell have I been working so hard in being sure you get the best help for your mental health?!" She fires back at me.

"Because of this." I tell her as soon as I pulled out a folded up piece of paper.

Her facial expression was priceless. Her jaw dropped opened and then quickly glared a little at me.

"Where did you find that?!" She asked.

"It was in the same envelope the last letter from my father was in. This entire time I believed daddy left us with nothing. But that wasn't true. He in fact SENT you money for me. Yet I never saw a penny. Not to mention the fact that he didn't leave us for another woman. YOU were having the affair for years. And as you can see the copy of his marriage license to the woman who is now his widow, he hadn't married her until two years after he left." I managed to finish.

It took her a moment and right when she looked to be on the verge of shedding some tears or having even an inch of remorse, she just stood up and held her head high.

"I can see this is why you invited us here. Do you feel better now?! So I lied. And yes I had an affair. But it wasn't as long as he has stated in this bullshit letter and if you want to believe him oblver me then go ahead. But consider this a means to end to ever giving you any more money. In fact, from here on out, you're on your own. And don't come crying to me when you end up in the hospital because you hurt yourself." She stated.

I can't recall exactly how I got up so fast from the chair but in a flash, I walked up to her and slapped her hard across the face.

"Go to hell. I never want to see you again. And don't worry, as of this moment, I don't have a mother." I replied then stormed off while her and Martin left and peeled out of the driveway.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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