EPILOGUE: 2 Years Later

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Not a whole lot happened after that night.
Aside the fact that Gioanni died after being shot multiple times by O'Conner. Gioanni in the end was not a trader, but still a sick fuck.

It all turned out good though because at least their business died along with them and just seeing O'Conner dead once and for all was more than enough for me. For us all.

My uncle had explained later that night to me about the deal with Gioanni and why he helped us. He too felt that O'Conner was too much of a liability and terrible at business. His plan all along was to get me to come onboard and truth be told, turned out that O'Conner hadn't necessarily been a permanent partner with Gioanni in the trafficking. Gioanni, once again, just used him.

After arriving at my uncle's house, he called a doctor he had been seeing and has entrusted for many many years. I remember the doctor making house visits since my mother and I moved in with him.

The doctor helped us out and kept checking up on us until after we all were completely healed of our wounds.

I myself, have a few scars and took a long  time to heal. Luckily all Anne has were bruises and everybody else had been hurt pretty bad but not deadly, thank God.

We all got very lucky that night that none of us were dead. However, Gary was the closest out of us all that we were unsure if whether or not he in fact would survive since he was the only one who was shot on his side, with the bullet thankfully missing a few important organs that would have led to him dying as a result.

Overall, everything in the end turned out to be good including from the business aspect.

As far as our personal life's........Well, to start off, Abria and my une both ended up getting married in Vegas a year after what happened.

Gary seemed to have found a girl that he has been dating now for several months. Tony has been dating a girl for a year now and as for me and Anne.....we are planning at the moment, a nice wedding.

She has already decided on Abria being the Maid Of Honor and My uncle walking her down the aisle and giving her away. While Tony will be my Best Man.

We have concluded in having the wedding take place in Italy at a vineyard that a good family friend of ours has owned for the past twenty five years and has been in his family for centuries.

I ended up making the decision to have us move to Italy and as an early wedding present, our family friend ended up buying us a nice villa overlooking their vineyard that was a ways away from their house.

So I made a suggestion a couple of months ago to go ahead and move there and show her around while showing her my favorite places, including when I was a kid.

I'm glad we decided to be here because even I was taken back to when I was younger and memories flooded my head the moment we entered our home here.

Seeing Anne react to just arriving here in Italy to the house, was priceless to me. I loved seeing her looking everywhere and being as excited as a kid in a candy store. It made the moment even more special to me also because of her.

My uncle and Abria along with Tony and his girl as well as Gary and the rest of my guys all arrived a few weeks after Anne and I moved in and got settled.

We never would have been settled within two weeks if it wasn't for our family friend having the place furnished already after asking us about our style for each room and him hiring an interior decorator.

We had planned to stay here until we decided to go elsewhere but make this really our main home from here on out.

Today, as a big 'welcome to our new home' get together, we had it catered and invited everybody we knew to come out to help us celebrate.

Despite this being a cliche type thing to say, I feel as though I'm something I never thought I'd be......both happy and whole.

Anne has changed my life in a way that can't be described - not in a card or in a movie, books, even a dictionary. There just aren't enough words to explain how I feel and how grateful I am to have the life I do.

While sitting around the table and enjoying some wine and dessert, we all end up stopping what we were doing at the moment after hearing Anne tapping her glass of iced tea while standing up to try and get our attention.

"Sorry for interrupting everybody but I have something to tell you all." She began with a huge smile upon her face.

Maybe it was that she finally finished a children's book she has been working real hard on for the past almost year that started as something fun but then within a month of starting, realized she wanted to try and get it published.

"As you all know, I have been working on a children's book and have finally finished it and sent it off already, so fingers crossed." She stated.

"That's great!" I told her excited and everybody congratulated and cheered for her along with me.

"Thanks. But I have even greater news." She began to speak and then looked at me. "I found out this morning, after visiting the doctor's and found out I'm pregnant."

We all become silent and shortly after us all being quiet and surprised, Abria and others teared up (including me) then I stood up and wrapped my arms around her.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yes." She smiled and wrapped her arms around me as well.

I couldn't hold in the excitement I had that I picked her up and started kissing her as we both laughed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her.

"Well, after taking ten at-home tests and they all say 'positive', I wanted to make sure before saying anything and this morning, before going to the grocery store, like I mentioned, I went to the doctor's to do the test and she confirmed I was. Then I thought since we were gathering tonight, I wanted to tell you and everyone here at the same time." She finishes.

"Oh my god. I'm gonna be a dad!" I said excitedly.

Everyone gets up and hugs us tightly and congratulate us. Then later on, before everyone leaves for the night, Abria along with Tony's girlfriend and our family's friend's wife told Anne that we needed to plan for a baby shower after the wedding or before.

Not to be rude but I wanted alone time with my soon-to-be wife and couldn't wait for everybody to leave.

Once they left and after I helped Anne clean up, we talked more about everything to look forward to and went upstairs to make love and while laying in bed in each other's arms, I began starting the soon to be routine I wanted to do, which was to speak to her belly and kissed her stomach.

She thought I was being a dork but liked that I was doing that.

So many things to look forward to and I couldn't ask for more.

                                 THE END 

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