Chapter Five Part Four

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While Ian was making out with Oleander outside of the party his phone went off. It was the alarm stating that he had to be home soon to make curfew.

“I didn’t know you had a curfew.” Oleander said awkwardly, trying to make small talk because she worried that if Ian left they would never speak again.

He shrugged embarrassedly, “Overprotective parents, when I turn eighteen I won’t have one any longer.”

“That’s cool. I don’t have one now.” She responded.

“Wanna go to a movie tomorrow?” He blurted out.

“Sure.” She said excitedly.

“Perfect,” he sighed relieved, “text me when you wake up and we can pick a time.”

“Okay.” She grinned, offering “I’ll walk you to the door.”

They walked hand in hand, a firm and warm clasp that Oleander savored. She bid him goodbye and thought that she saw him strolling home with a skip in his step.  She felt as though she were walking on air herself. She stepped over a passed out body and slumped onto the couch next to Trent and Valerie.

“Look at you!” Valerie declared, “Looks like you hooked up with Ian.”

Trent’s expression darkened and his chugged his beer before angrily crumpling the plastic cup and tossing it onto the floor.

“Hey!” Oleander chastised, “Tomorrow you’re helping us clean.”

“That’s dumb.” He slurred, “I can make it clean itself.” He stood up and looked towards the stereo he nodded his head curtly and the song cut into a different one. An angry tune from the nineties that Oleander was pretty sure wasn’t even on her ipod. It frightened her that Trent could do things like that, yet it also impressed her.

Oleander had an idea and her eyes bulged, she whipped out her phone and finally texted Rebecca back. “You’re right.”

Rebecca’s phone was playing her text message alert, she sat up in the bed that was in the Jameson’s guest room. Shoving Kevin’s sleeping form hard, she stared at her phone in confusion.


“About the magic. I know how to do magic.”


“We just have to decide that we can do it. We have to believe.”

“Ur dumb.”

Oleander rolled her eyes at Rebecca and sent a similar message to Valerie and Trina, this time just saying.

“I know how to get rid of Trent.”

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