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🌸chapter 1:I know everything🌸

Chifuyu's pov:
Life is a mix of episodes. Sometimes they are good, sometimes they are bad, but mostly they are complicated. Life is like a living thing, it hits you hard and then it praises you. For most people life is hard to understand, it's just so unfair to them like they are the victims, but this is far from the truth.
From a young age I was able to understand, that life works the way we want it to work. We, as human beings, can control what comes and goes out of our life. For me life was simple, it has no meaning. And, if you think about it, what's the meaning anyway? Some people will say family, others will say a good job, but what will happen after you achieve your goal? You get the family..and what after? You watch your kids grow up and leave you, get old and die with a person you don't "love" anymore. And the job? You will build your business and then spend money like crazy, until you're finally satisfied with it.

Everyone has their own purpose to live and I already know what's mine. Mine is to change something, but I still can't understand what it is, that I have to change. Till then I will live day after day and see what happens. Some of you will say, that it sounds very sad, but for me this lifestyle is pleasant. I'm smarter than an average person, I have IQ higher than Einstein and I'm proud of than. I'm also very athletic and I get good grades without even trying. I already achieved most of the average's person desires. Sounds cocky, but that's how it is.
And even tho I have so much potential, I still feel like something is missing in my life. Like I missed something while I was going thru my path. What it is? What is that thing? I can't put my mind into it.

As you may, or may not understand thru this epilogue of mine, I hate people, but at the same time I can't live without them. I prefer looking at people like they are my personal entertainment-their emotions, their reactions, their way of thinking sometimes impresses me, if I have to be honest. Since a young age I've been able to read them like they are an open book to me, they can't impress me or surprise me with anything, but I'm kind of jealous of them. They are able to do something, that I'm not as the smartest person here-they are able to experience human emotions. I'm not. I don't get sad, I don't get mad, I don't get happy and I'm an emphatic. And most importantly-I don't understand love. Humans fall in love practically every day, they change their lovers month after month, they are able to be with one person for the rest of their lives. I've never understood love. For me it's only waste of time and an excuse to just feel sexual pleasure with someone without getting judged by the other humans. I don't care about that, I do sex with no feelings and I'm perfectly fine.
And even tho I look at humans like they are my personal entertainment, I still have a couple of close friends just to hang out with. My best friend Keisuke Baji, Mitsuya and Takemichi, who I don't really like, but he's interesting human for sure. I don't need more than that and I don't plan to have more than that. Even tho I already know what I need in life, I still go to Toman high school and I still like to enjoy sports like basketball and sometimes soccer too, but I'm not really interested in school. I only go there, because my parents wanted me to be "educated", when they were alive. Yeah, I lost them, when I was really young. I barely even remember their faces, but I remember one thing for sure. I didn't let out a single tear, when my grandma told me about their dead. I was calm, I was serious. No single emotion on my face, I was just okay with it. Now I live alone and that's how I want it to be. To live my youth and feel some kind of fun.

I was perfectly fine doing my things all these years of my life, until one Sunday morning, the day before the first day of my last year in high school. I was going for a jog in the park, as I usually do, when I noticed that a moving truck is right in front of our building. Huh, I guess new experiment is moving to my building, I thought to myself and continued to walk past the workers, who were moving the things. I didn't payed much attention to the couple, who was taking care of the small stuff-young couple around their 40s, they look like they are in a good place in their life and very financially stable. The woman was wearing Prada and the man was dressed in a expensive suit. They are definitely rich, I rolled my eyes and I walked into the building. As I was waiting for the elevator I heard a soft giggle from the end of the corridor. I turned my head to the direction out of curiosity and then I saw her. She was beautiful girl around my age with long/short h/c hair and s/c skin. Her body was definition of perfection, those curves really catch the eyes, her height was perfect, she was 2 heads under me, slightly short just like I like them. She was walking with a dog, I believe it was a golden retriever and she was dressed in the most stylish dress I've have ever seen. Her big e/c eyes met mine and she smiled at me with such kind expression. She was like a child. She walked past me and didn't say a word. I was left in front of the elevator completely speechless. For the first time in my life I was impressed by a human. For the first time in my life I wanted to know the human personally and I wanted to see what she's capable of. Is she only looks or does she have a brain? I got into the elevator and the minute the doors closed I smiled from ear to ear.

"This human", I said to myself smiling like a complete phycho, "this human is the entertainment I was looking for. It's going to be so interesting".

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