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            🌸chapter 12:your choice🌸
Y/n's pov:

When I agreed to hang out with Chifuyu's friends, I didn't really knew what was I getting myself into. I don't know Chifuyu that much, I don't know what he likes, I don't know what he does in his free time and meeting his friends was just a way to show me, that his ready to open up for me. But..oh, boy..his friends were something else.
I recognised a few of them. That Baji guy from the other class, that was really scary for some reason. Mitsuya Takashi, who's from my class and he's pretty cool. Maybe the only one, who didn't scream and get aggressive for no reason, oh..wait..he started yelling at the lady, who was serving our food. Then there are those two guys twins or whatever they are, the Haitani twins, that looked a little older than us and the only one I kinda found myself having a nice and peaceful conversation-Takemichi. They weren't bad guys, there was just loud and annoying.

"Chifuyu, I'm so happy that you finally brought a girl here", Baji tapped his back and let out a loud laugh, the whole place turned to see us, because we were making a lot of noise, "I wasn't expecting that".

"Yeah, I thought our Chifuyu was gay", Mitsuya chuckled and looked at me. He tried to be more gentle around me, until he shouted at that poor lady. Man, they are too much.

We had a little bit of fun tho. They told me a lot about Chifuyu and what kind of person he is, that he's a little bit hard to handle, but he isn't a bad guy and that he has a little bit of different point of view, but he can be really generous, if he wants to. Most of them didn't know the real Chifuyu and it was showing, because the only one, who was quiet the whole time, was Ran Haitani. I looked at him a couple of times and he didn't seem to enjoy his time here. I don't blame him tho, he must feel bored around all of these kids with him.
After we eat our burgers, we decided to go to the mall to chill and maybe watch the new Spider-man movie. All of the guys were on their motorcycles and I was the one left to drive with the bus. Haitani came to me and smiled:
"I can drive you, if you want", he suggested and I agreed. Of course I asked Chifuyu first and he said, that he trust Ran and he doesn't mind. We got into his car. I put my seatbelt on and we started driving after the guys. Haitani looked a bit upset for some reason.

"Haitani-kun", I tried to sound as nice as possible to get his attention. He took a quick glance at me and then turned his head back to the road, "is something wrong? You seem a little upset today?", I asked.

"Look, y/n, it's not my business and place to speak on Chifuyu's name, when he's not around, but I don't think he deserves to have a nice girl like you", he started to explain himself and turned the car to the left, "Chifuyu is not a nice guy, he doesn't wish good upon people and he always has a motive to do something. Don't listen to these guys, I know him better than anyone else".

"Why are you telling me all of this?", I asked.

"The author ran out of ideas", he slowed the speed of the car to face me, "and you're also a nice girl. I know that you had three previous relationships, that really hurted you? I don't think you want another one".

"H-How do you know...", I felt goosebumps all over my body. Literally nobody knows about my dating life, how did he found out.

"I'm an info broker, that's my job. And not only that, but I'm a part of a gang, so is Chifuyu. He knows a lot of bad people and he's not really different from them. I think you should know, since you want to date him".

"A..gang?", I was so confused. I didn't know he was a part of a gang. I knew he wasn't a good guy, but a whole ass gang. "What else can you tell me about him?", I asked.

"I don't need to tell you shit, you will find out about him yourself, when the time comes, but now..try to hide everything you just found out about, okay?", he smiled at me.

Now my curiosity got the best of me. Chifuyu Matsuno. Thinking about it and looking back at the past few days, he changed his personality a couple of times just to fit into the situation-from calling me human to calling me princess, from telling me how he doesn't belong in love to introducing me to his friends. This guy is full of secrets, that I need to know about.
Haitani dropped me in front of the mall and was ready to leave, but before driving away I knocked on his window. He looked at me and rolled it down.

"Haitani-kun", I whispered close to him, cause I didn't want Chifuyu to hear us, "thank you so much for telling me all of this".

He nodded his head without saying anything and drove away. Chifuyu came closer to me and hugged me from behind looking at the car that just drove off, then back at me.

"Is everything okay, princess?", he asked me and pressed a little kiss on my cheek.

"Yeah, yeah...I'm just tired. That's all", I put a fake smile on my face and pretend like I don't know what's happening, but deep down my gut was killing me. My thought were all over the place. Even if Haitani-kun is right, what would a guy like Chifuyu want from me? I need to find out.

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