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           🌸chapter 14:let it all out🌸
Y/n's pov:

Both me and Chifuyu sat in the couch of his living room. His whole body looked weak and it was shaking a lot. I began to feel uneasy, my thoughts got the best of me and fear filled my veins. Chifuyu got my hands in his forcing me to stay still and looked me in the eyes.

"There's so much you don't know about me and I think it's time for you to hear it all", Chifuyu took a deep breath, which made me more anxious than before.

"O-kay?", I was not only scared, but confused too. What can be that bad to made Chifuyu, the most emotionless person, be so scared?

"Let me start from the beginning. When I was really young, around 8 years, my mom and dad passed away. I was scared, I didn't know how I'm going to end up. My grandma didn't want to deal with me for long, since she's an old lady and doesn't have much energy to raise a kid. I was basically homeless with no money whatsoever", he started to explain and his hand started shaking even more, "that's when I started sailing drugs and weapons. That's how I was surviving this madness".

"Oh my God, Chifuyu", I put my hands on my mouth, his story truly devastated me.

"Let me continue and you won't feel so sorry for me", he cut me off and looked down at his lap, "around this time I met Aizen. I know, that you know who he is. Aizen took me out of the streets and gave me home, took me under his wing and showed me how to live and how to make my money, but it was a knife with two ends. Aizen turned me into a mini version of himself, but more dangerous. I wasn't smarter than him, but I started to feel like I had more power than him. I started sailing again and then I met the Haitani brothers. Me and Aizen started arguing more and more, every day was a mess for us and one day he decided to remind me who he is. I got irritated, so I murdered him with my bare hands. I choked him to death and then stabbed him in the heart", he looked at me and I didn't know what to say. Back, when I was dating Aizen..he did mention, that he's looking after a kid with big future, but I didn't take him seriously. "No one knew that i killed him, since no one knew that we had all of these arguments. After that I took most of his money to create my own gang putting a guy named Mikey as a head of the gang to not be suspected and I manipulated a lot of people to ruin their lives", he stopped talking.

"A-Are you serious?", I let go of his hands and got up from my seat. Chifuyu tried to reach for my hands, but I snatched them away from him, I looked at him with disgust. Aizen was my first love. I met him, when I was 16 and he helped my dad with a lot of money. Aizen truly wasn't that bad, that everyone thought and that's why I loved him so much. "Did you know about my existence back then?", I asked.

"Yes, I knew", Chifuyu looked back down, "you were the reason of our arguments. I fell in love with you the moment Aizen showed me your picture. No, mine isn't love, mine was an obsession with you".

"Chifuyu, you are a murder! And not only that, but you're completely mental! You are crazy and I don't want you to be near me", I shouted.

"Y/n, you promised you're not going to hate me after that", he got up from his seat and tried to put his hand on my cheek, but I slapped it away and looked at him with anger.

"Fuck the promise! You are a murder", I tried to get away from him and leave, but he got me by the hand and pinned me to the wall choking me with his big hand. I looked at him with fear and tried to breath, but it was useless.

"You're not going away from me", his blue eyes were crazy, his look showed me that he completely lost it and I was in real danger, I can't escape now, "I did so much to finally make you mine and that's how you repay me? I travelled to Ikebukuro for you, I got rid of Gojo Satoru for you! I did everything for you".

"W-What have you done to Satoru?".

"You don't need to worry about him anymore, princess", he smiled, but now his smile looked creepy and dangerous, "he won't bother you anymore, my love".

"GET AWAY FROM ME!", I pushed him away with all my force. Chifuyu fell back and hit his back in the walls. I stormed off his apartment and started running down the hall. I could hear him screaming my name angrily.

As I was running I bumped into somebody and I looked up. It was Ran Haitani. He took my by the hand and dragged me out of the building to his car. "Get inside", he commanded and I got inside. He sat on the driving seat and started the car. As we started moving a gunshot filled the air. I bend down to cover my head, but Haitani-kun wasn't so lucky. The bullet hit him right in the back of his head and he fell in my lap bleeding out. I let out a loud scream and the passenger door opened wide. Chifuyu grabbed me by the hand and pulled me out of the car. He squeezed my hand while he was dragging me to him apartment.

"Let go of me, Chifuyu!", I started fighting, but his grip was stronger than I thought. He didn't let go till we were back in the apartment. He threw me on the couch and locked the door behind him. I looked up in fear. Am I going to die today?

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