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🌸chapter 11:unwanted surprise🌸
Chifuyu's pov:

I woke up in a strange for me room. The air was warm, the smell in it was sweet, the sun showing up thru the small holes of the blinds. I sat in the bed and looked around. It was a girly room and it smelt familiar. That's right, I finally remembered, I stayed in y/n room after we did it. I got up from the bed and put my clothes on, then I walked to the kitchen, where y/n was running around. It smelled delicious, she was making bacon and eggs. She looked at me with a bright smile on her face.

"Good morning, Chifuyu-kun", she greeted me with such kindness, it actually made me smile. I got behind her and hugged her around the waist, then I pressed a small kiss on the back of her neck. She jumped a little.

"Good morning, princess", I mumbled in her neck and pressed her more to my body. At this moment I was happy. I didn't know what happy means back then, but I knew. I wanted to smile more, to stay like this forever.

"The breakfast is ready, if you wanna eat. Then we can go to school", she explained and put some bacon in my plate.

"I don't feel like going to school today, do you wanna spend some time with me?", I know I was showing too much emotions in that exact moment and I was vulnerable to her, but I was far from the thought she's going to use it against me, so I continued to cuddle her.

Before y/n can reply to my offer, somebody knocked on the door. We both looked at each other, because we didn't expect anybody at this early hour. I let go of y/n and she slowly walked to the front door. I sat on the table and started eating, when I suddenly hear her say the name "Satoru?". I immediately got up from my seat and walked closer, so I can hear what are they talking about. No doubt, this is him, I thought to myself. They were casually talking to each other, but it didn't sound like y/n was very happy to see him. So they aren't together anymore, huh? Or at least it sounded like that. I finally decided to man up and walk up to them. In front of me was standing a tall man, around 6 feet and more. He had white hair and weird blindfold, just like the pictures,that Haitani showed me. He turned his head to me and smiled. He knew who I was.

"Hello, stranger", he greeted me pretending that he didn't knew who I was, but I wasn't born yesterday, my dude.

"And you are?", I asked with annoyance in my tone. He's interrupting my moment.

"Gojo Satoru, the boyfriend. Nice to meet ya, and who are you, if I may ask?".

"This is...", y/n started explaining.

"Chifuyu Matsuno", I cut her off, "the sneaky link. Nice to meet you, Gojo-dude". I smiled so cocky like I've never did before. He got mad and I could see it. It made me feel so much pleasure. That look of his..so entertaining.

"So you're the bastard, who sleeps around and bothers my y/n", he shouted at me and clinched his fists. So pathetic.

"Guilty, I guess", I stick my tongue out to piss him even more and it worked

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"Guilty, I guess", I stick my tongue out to piss him even more and it worked. Gojo pushed y/n aside and walked towards me, then he punched me as hard as he can. I felt it like my chin was breaking in half, but I didn't want to show it. I made a step back and I looked up at him, he was burning with anger. I run up to him, jumped on him and when we fell together, I started punched him several times, until he pushed me pack and I hit my head in the wall behind me. I looked up at him. My blood was running down to my head dripping on my clothes. Gojo looked at me with more anger.

"That's enough!", y/n shouted at us and pushed us aside, then she turned to Gojo and started to push him out of the apartment, "Satoru, we are over! Just get that in your head! You cheated on me, you made us separate and it's all your fault! Leave...

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"That's enough!", y/n shouted at us and pushed us aside, then she turned to Gojo and started to push him out of the apartment, "Satoru, we are over! Just get that in your head! You cheated on me, you made us separate and it's all your fault! Leave me alone for fuck's sake!".

"Are you seriously going to replace me with this kid?", he shouted back at her, "are you that stupid, you bitch?", he laughed.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that!", I scream and with one last punch I crash his head into the wall slamming the door in his face. Y/n was shaking and he felt horrible I could feel it. I got closer and I hugged her tight pressing her head into my chest. At that exact moment she just stopped shaking, she felt safe with me. Y/n and I connected in a different way, a way I've never experienced before...and I like it. "You know it's not true, right? You are not any of those things he said", I said to her.

"I know", she smiled and looked up at me, then she rubbed my back with her small hands making me feel comfortable with her, "you know, now I want to skip school".

"Perfect, what do you wanna do today, princess?", I played with her h/c hair.

"Wanna go to the mall? Maybe watch a movie or something? I'm down for everything, that's outdoors", she explained.

"Cool then. Eat your food, get dressed and we can go to the mall. Maybe you can meet some of my friends, if you want".

"Yeah, that would be fun", she smiled.

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