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        🌸chapter 13:everyone has secrets🌸
Chifuyu's pov:

I was walking thru a dark alley, everything around me was quiet. I was making small, but loud steps and I felt like everyone could hear me. The whole city was silent and the only light I'm seeing is right in front of me. Right at the end of the alley there was a tall figure with brown hair. I could tell it was a man and he was smiling at me. No, not smiling, more like a cocky smirk. I got closer and closer until I finally reached him. I could see his face just yet, but this very familiar smell of whiskey got me thinking. Is this who I think it is?
The man gave me his hand and was waiting for me to take it. I was hesitant at first, but then I did it. The man pulled me under the light and I finally saw his face. The same face, who got me the way I am. The same face, who turned me into the human I am today-Sosuke Aizen. He looked at me with disappointment on his face, like I failed him. My gut started going crazy and I felt uneasy. Am I in trouble?

"Chifuyu Matsuno", Aizen said my name with a deep and raspy voice. His tone was strict and cold, I could feel goosebumps going down my spine. What is this man doing inside my head? What does he want from me.

"A-Aizen", I said, my voice shaking. I haven't seen him in years and I haven't even felt the urge to find him, but here he is. Then I remembered something. He is one of y/n's exes. Is that why he is here?

Me and Aizen know each other since I was a kid. It's too early for me to reveal what kind of relationship you had, but he was a pretty big part of my life. And now, after 5 years, he is in front of me.

"I see that you grew up so much, Chifuyu, but you haven't changed one bit", he threw the same judgmental look at me as he used to do back in the days. I hated that look.

"What do you want, Aizen?", I asked

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"What do you want, Aizen?", I asked. Finally got the courage to stand up for myself and I knew I had no chance. Aizen is the only human, who is proven to be smarter than me and I can't do anything about it. He probably planned this meeting for years and he knew I will came back to him.

"I thought that you're smarter than that, Chifuyu. I thought you would be able to recognise your own consciousness", he smiled widely like he was making fun of me.

"My what?", I was confused. I didn't believe in those spiritual shit, that Aizen always used to talk about.

"Let me rephrase it, so your small human brain can understand me", he cleared his throat and looked down on me once again, "I am your feel of guilt. I am your biggest fear, I am your consciousness, Chifuyu. I am the truth, that you don't wanna tell her", Aizen pointed behind him at now sleeping y/n, who was flying in mid air like she was comfortable in bed. What the hell? Did the author ran out of ideas already, where's this story going to? "Yes, but that's not important. I'm here to remind you that your actions have consequences".

"You're the one telling me this?", I started laughing at his face. I knew this wasn't the real Aizen, but still. It doesn't make him less bad than he was. The man smiled widely.

"I want you to see the consequences of your actions", he explained, "that's why I took Aizen's form to remind you of what you did".

"I did the right thing! I know I did!", I shouted on top of my lungs and the man, who looked like Aizen, smiled even wider.

I woke up in my bed. I was sweaty and the whole bed was shaking, my body was shaking, I looked over and next to me was y/n, who was peacefully sleeping. I got up and walked into the bathroom. I washed my face with cold water and looked myself in the mirror. That's not good, I thought to myself, I should tell y/n the whole truth. I should tell her everything I did. The question was..how would she react, when he founds out I was the one, who killed Aizen two years ago? How would she react to everything I've done? Would she expect me. I sat down on the floor and I tried to collect my thoughts. I felt fear for the first time in my life, but I knew what I had to do.
I got up and walked out of the bathroom, I slammed the door into the wall causing y/n to jump out of fear. I sat next to her and she looked at me with confusion. Her mind half asleep, but she still looked at me.

"C-Chifuyu? What's up?", she asked me and rubbed her eyes.

"I gotta tell you something. Actually, I have to tell you everything", I told her and looked down to my lap, "but you need to promise me, that whatever you hear won't change your feelings for me. Promise me".

"Okay? I promise", she said. I took a deep breath and looked her deep in the eyes.

A/n-oookay, I know that the story doesn't make a lot of sense now, but I promise that, if you thrust the process, everything is going to put into places at the end. 😅😅 a few more chapters.

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