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🌸chapter 4:getting information🌸
Chifuyu's pov:

This little girl made me think a lot. The little stent in the elevator really impresses me I have to admit and I can't stop thinking about it. If I didn't stop, would it get right to it? I had to know who this girl is, where is she from and how is she able to play it like that? Is she the same as me? Did I finally found a worthy opponent to entertain myself? And since I don't know anything about her, and no one I know from our class really know her either, I decided to ask my dear friend Haitani Ran for some information, since he is an information breaker. If he doesn't know her, no one will.

Later that night I put casual clothes and locked my apartment. Hairani was waiting for me outside the building in his car. I got in and he greeted me with the usual "sup". He started driving thru the long boulevard and handed me a folder full with documents.

"What's this, Haitani?", I looked down at my lap, where the folder was placed.

"Didn't you want information about that new girl from your class?", he asked me without looking away from the road.

I decided to wait till we get to our spot and then talk with Haitani more freely. Usually, when we meet it's always about drugs. He can't live without them. He was one of my best art works, I got him from the streets and turned him into a well known and well payed info broker. The only bad habits he still has are the strong drugs we drowns himself into.
Haitani stopped right behind the abandoned gas station a little far from Tokyo. He parked the car and got out to smoke a cigarette, while I was looking thru the files. It disturbs me sometimes how much Haitani can actually find about one single person. I got out of the car too and looked at him. He was breathing out the black smoke out of the cigarette.

"Is this all?", I asked him.

"Name, family, past schools, blood type, her past doctor appointments, jobs, her parents jobs. What more do you need?", he explained to me without even looking at me, while he was still smoking the damn cancer stick.

 What more do you need?", he explained to me without even looking at me, while he was still smoking the damn cancer stick

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"I need details about what she likes, what she does in her free time, her friends, the guys she dated. Stuff like that", I explained while I was looking thru the files full with personal information about her...first period???

"She studied in Jujutsu Tech before coming to Toman and she has a boyfriend named Gojo Satoru. They been together for 5 years", Haitani explained to me and finally threw away the now non existing cigarette.

"What more?", I looked at him.

"That's the only juicy thing. She's really smart girl, first in all of her classes, she never been arrested, she never took drugs. Basically the normal girl. Maybe the most interesting thing about her is the history of the guys she dated, they are all older than her. Really older than her. Like this Gojo guy is 28".

"Do you know something about the guys before him or not?", I leaned to the top of the car.

"She dated 3 guys till now-Gojo Satoru, that I already mentioned, Sosuke Aizen from The soul society and...".

"Hold one, the dude with the one eye?", I interrupted him without wanting to. Haitani looked me with annoyance.

"AND...Izaya Orihara from Ikebukuro", Haitani finally explained all of y/n exes.

She definitely has a type, if i have to be honest, I don't know much about that Gojo guy, but I'm very familiar with Aizen and Izaya, they are very manipulative and smart guys, especially Aizen. He is a genius. Worthy opponent of mine, I know him for years now. This made me realise what kind of girl y/n must be. One-she might be stupid as hell and love to be manipulated, or two-she might be smarter than all of us and just play us to show that she's number one. But I don't think she'll be able to play Aizen. He's the only guy I will admit, that he's smarter than me. Izaya is not stupid, but y/n might manipulate him, if she put her mind into it. I gotta find more answers to my questions. And they are getting more and more every minute.

"Chifuyu", Haitani snapped me out of my thoughts and got my attention. He was smoking another cigarette and he was looking at me with big smile on his face, not the kind one of course, "is there any particular reason why you're so interested in this y/n girl?".

"I'm convinced that she might be a really good entertainer", I smiled to myself.

"When are you going to stop playing that role of yours and start caring genuinely about other people?", he rolled his eyes.

"Do you mean the humans? Never".

"I don't see why are you so interested in such basic girl, but I'm convinced it's not only for entertainment. You like her, because she's the first girl you can't have, am I right?".

"Now, now..don't be a smart ass, Haitani, you don't know anything about me. She's going to be in my feet very soon. Her little boyfriend will be only a memory..very soon", I rubbed my hands together and chuckled. Am I getting too cocky now? Will I reach be able to pull her? Nah, I know I can do it.

Haitani was looking at me like he knew something that I don't and it pissed me off, so I sat back in the car waiting for him to be ready and drive me home.
While we were driving back home, I couldn't put two and two together. I can see where she's coming from with Izaya and Aizen, they are both good looking and smart, but why I don't know anything about that Gojo dude. Haitani stopped the car in front of my building and I opened the door, but before getting out and turned to him one last time.

"I want you to find information about that Gojo guy. I want pictures, information about him and where he studies, what kind of dude he is, you don't have to give it to me immediately, but I want it all. Got it?", I asked him. Haitani nodded his head as a yes and this is where we parted ways.

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