6 (18+)

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🌸chapter 6:action 🌸
Y/n's pov:
Chifuyu picked me up and walked into my apartment slamming the door behind him, he smacked my butt hard with his big hands.

"Hey, what are you doing?", I tried to protest, but to be honest it really turn me on. Chifuyu put me gently on the couch and looked down on me. At this moment I just wanted to grab him and ride him. He was wearing only grey sweats on and no shirt. His body was really jacked and nice. I wanted to touch it so bad.

Chifuyu smirked with the same cocky smirk I saw back then in the elevator. He put a small straw of hair between my ear and then brushed his thumb across my bottom lip. "Dressed like that, so slutty", he shook his head and his smirk got even bigger, "what if someone sees you like that? Then I have to take care of it".

"And why would you?", I asked and suddenly I got chocked by his big hand around my throat.

"Because only I can see this", he said.

Chifuyu pushed me back on the couch and I fall down pulling my skirt down, so nothing gets revealed. Chifuyu shook his head, "I want you to get rid of that", he pointed at my skirt and then at my shirt.

"No way", I shook my head, "no way I'm getting undressed in front of you!".

"Fine. I'll do it myself".

Chifuyu quickly got on top of me, his legs on my sides pushing me down to the couch. His left hand still on my throat and his right hand was unbuttoning my skirt. I tried to fight him, but he was way stronger than me. Before I know it my skirt was already on the ground and his next more was removing my shirt. He pulled it up revealing my white lace bra holding my breasts. Chifuyu stopped for a moment, like he was admiring my boobs. He smiled and pulled one of them out without removing the bra. My nipple immediately got hard, when the cold weather in the apartment hit it. Chifuyu started to twist it gently and I can't say I didn't like it. He noticed my facial expression changing, so he continued to massage my boob and play with my nipple. He let go on my throat and slowly started to kiss my neck going down to my boobs.

"What a nice body you have, y/n, I want to feel and taste more if it", the way he said my name was so sexy. His deep voice definitely had some big impact on me.

Chifuyu started to such my nipples and to pull them with his teeth. It felt so nice, so I let out a small gasp. Without stopping to play with my boobs, Chifuyu slid his other hand between my tights and lifted my skirt up. He touched my clit thru my thongs and stopped. He looks up at me with another cocky smirk.

"I barely touched you and you are already wet for me?", he teased me, while he continued to rub my clit with his big thumb, "are you going to be a greedy slut for me, y/n?". He pressed my clit with his finger and I let out a small moan, then he made me face him and asked me one more time, but this time with more dominance. I nodded my head. God, I love, when he calls me slut and mistreats me.

After 2-3 minutes Chifuyu got bored of only rubbing me, so he stood up and put his fingers in my mouth. Commanded me to suck them, so I started sucking his two fingers. I could see his facial expression, he was so pleased. His gray sweats were showing the boner he already had for me, but he wanted to take his time. I was sucking his long thick fingers slow leaving some lipgloss all over them. And with my hands I was massaging my boobs. Chifuyu already had some precum on his pants, but he didn't stop. After my fingers were wet enough he pulled them out and commanded me to spread my legs for him, so I did. He pushed them in with roughness and started to move fast rubbing my g-spot. His movement were so aggressive, but at the same time nice. I started moaning loudly as he was finger fucking me so nice. "Ahh, yes", I moaned and Chifuyu made me look at his eyes. "Who can fuck you this good other than me?" , he also moaned. He felt pleasure by only fingering me. "Ahh, y/n, you feel to tight around my fingers. I can't wait to put it inside of you, you little slut", Chifuyu continued to rub the g-spot and pressing it from time to time, "you little greedy slut, you are only mine! You can fuck only me!". "Yes, daddy", I moaned. Calling Chifuyu daddy was even more exciting. I can feel that he likes to be called like that, because it gives him the dominance he wants.
I started feeling a little funny down there, I was close to cuming and Chifuyu felt it, so he started going even faster. I was practically squirting and his movements made my water go everywhere. His whole hands was covered in my waters and after I was done he licked it slow, so I can get the idea what that tongue can do. Chifuyu started to slide down his pants, when suddenly his phone started ringing.

"Just ignore it", he told me, but the phone didn't stop. Chifuyu got at and finally picked up the phone, "what?". One minute of a talk and he let out a loud sigh, he ended the call and put the phone in his pocket, then he got up and fixed his pants, "sorry, doll face, but we have to finish it some other time", he explained,

"Chifuyu", I smiled and I crossed my legs, "I'm starting to think that you're afraid to actually continue, since you have an excuse every time you try to fuck me. Are you scared?".

"Haha, ah..doll face, once you get in my hands, you will beg me to find an excuse, because after I fuck you, you won't be able to sleep with anyone else. You will want only me, you will be only for me and no one else".

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