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🌸chapter 9: rain🌸
Y/n's pov:

Another day ended. Today was pretty hard, we had 3 tests and we had to do an essay about Romeo and Juliet. I couldn't wait to go home and relax my feet, watch tv and read my fav manga. Me and Hina stayed after the classes, because it was our turn to clean the classroom. It was pouring outside, I've never seen so much rain in my life. Me and Hina finally put the chairs in place and put back the cleaning supplies in the closet room.

"What are you going to do tonight?", Hina asked, while we were leaving the building. She got out her umbrella and opened it.

"Nothing really", I got my umbrella too and opened it ready to go home, "what about you?".

"I have a date", she smiled from ear to ear and turned to face me. Her cheeks were red and her eyes were glowing, she really likes this dude, if she gets so excited. "Do you know Takemichi from class 3B? I'll go out with him".

"So happy for you, girl", I smiled at her, even tho I didn't had any idea who's that Takemichi guy, "don't forget to tell me the details later".

"Sure thing! Bye, y/n", she put the umbrella above her head and started walking away.

I was ready to go too, when the door behind me opened with a loud bang and got my attention, it was Chifuyu exiting the school. He looked at me with his usual 'not interested in anything' face and came closer to me. My heart started raising and beating like crazy. Haven't seen that guy since we...did something. The rain was getting even harder and it didn't look like Chifuyu had an umbrella. He was ready to start walking, but I put the umbrella above his head and he looked at me. We didn't say anything, we just started walking together.
The rain was getting slower, it looked like it's about to stop. Me and Chifuyu walked side by side under the umbrella. He was holding it since his height was obviously bigger than mine and he didn't want to walk bending down. We didn't say a word during the whole walk, so I decided to start a conversation.

"So, did you do the essay about Romeo and Juliet?", I looked up at him with a smile, but he didn't return my look. He continued to look straight ahead and his face didn't change.

"No and im not planning to", he simply said with no more explanations.

"Why?", I raised an eyebrow.

"It's about love and I don't wanna write about stupid things. It's waste of my time", Chifuyu looked so serious while saying that, it made me chuckle. Now he looked at me with his blue eyes, but still no emotion, "what?", he asked.

"Haven't you ever fallen in love?", I looked at him and continued to smile bright.

"I don't fall in love, because I don't believe in love. There's far more important things than getting in love with someone", he explained.

"You only say that, because you've never met the right person, Chifuyu-kun", I said.

Chifuyu continued to look at me. He was acting like I told him the biggest secret of life, but didn't say anything more. We finally reached our building and I put the umbrella down, when we were finally inside. I stopped in front of the elevator, Chifuyu was still next to me as quiet as ever. I took a quick glance at him. Is he serious about the love thing? Did he ever had a girl, that he loved? Is that the reason why he acts like that. I wanna know more.

"I'm curious, y/n", Chifuyu finally spoke and we both got into the elevator, "have you ever fallen in love with someone?".

"I can't say in love, but I definitely had strong feelings for the person", I explained, "I have plenty of time to fall in love".

"Can you see yourself falling in love with me?", he got closer to me and pinned me to the walls of the elevator. He lifted my chin, so we can meet our eyes. I know what you're doing, I thought to myself and pushed him with a smile.

"First I have to see that I'm wanted, Chifuyu-kun, and not only for sex, you know", I explained with a cocky smile on my face, "and I don't think I would be the first girl you'll fall in love. I'm not that exciting", I said.

Chifuyu leaned to the wall next to me and moved his eyes to the floor, then a big smile appeared on his face. He crossed his arms and let out a soft chuckle. "You are something very interesting, y/n, I wanna know more about you and I've never been interested in anyone like that before", he said to me.

"Does that mean you can fall for me?", I teased him, but he didn't respond. He only looked at me and the elevator to his floor stopped.

Can I? Chifuyu told to himself for real and he walked out the elevator. He didn't turned to face me, he didn't say bye. He just walked out like nothing happened. Did I say something wrong? I asked myself watching the doors of the elevator close once again.

Chifuyu's pov:
I walked in my apartment and I sat down on the floor after closing my door. I put my hands to cover my face. I started laughing to myself and it progressively got louder. I looked up at the window and put my hand on my head, I felt like a lunatic. Mitsuya, who was sitting on my couch looked at me, fear in his eyes.

"Dude, are you okay?", he asked me.

"More than fine!", I answered and continued to laugh like I was totally mental. Then I got up and walked towards the window, looked thru it and continued to smile, "oh, y/n, what have you done to me? What have you turned me into and what kind of witchcraft you did to me? I can't recognise myself", I started talking to myself, Mitsuya behind me was making a step back, "fall in love with you? Hahaha, let's try that! Let me FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU".

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