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                   🌸chapter 7: cheating🌸
Y/n's pov:

Chifuyu left my apartment the minute he got a phone call. I was left behind completely naked and flustered to collect my thoughts. What just happened? Did Chifuyu finger fucked me in my own house after barging in? Why do I let him do all of this to me and why did I enjoyed it so much, when I have a whole ass boyfriend.
I got up from my couch and got my clothes off the floor, then I slowly put them back on and I put my favourite necklace on. I was just ready to leave to meet with Hina, when suddenly there was another knock on my door. I got really excited think that was Chifuyu, who came back to finish what he started, but when I opened the door I was surprised to see who it was.

"S-Satoru?!", I shouted in surprise. My boyfriend looked at me with his usual goofy smile and his blue eyes, that I was able to see thru his sunglasses.

"Hey, my lovely", he walked inside and stopped in front of me pressing a kiss on my forehead.

Gojo Satoru, what can I say about him? He was my teacher back, when I was in Jujutsu Tech and I had a huge crush on him, when I was 15 years old. He was very popular, very wanted man among the ladies, but he didn't really noticed them like that. We got closer, when he gave me private lessons, because I was left behind from the others in my class. That's how we fell in love, or at least he did.
At the beginning dating Satoru was really nice, he was my dream boyfriend. He was what I was waking from my previous relationships, but it got boring really quick. He began to give me less and less attention, he was more busy than usual. I genuinely believed that he was working hard to make Yuuji, my classmate, the strongest kid in the baseball team, but how naive I was. Later I found out thanks to his friend Nanami Kento, that Satoru was cheating on me with Utahime, another teacher. And after that I lost my interest and feelings I had for him. I tried to comfort him about cheating on me, but the only things I heard were his stupid excuses. I tried to break up with him, but he just didn't want to leave me alone. That's one of the reasons why I moved in Toman high. And now...he's here.

Satoru sat down on the couch and made himself comfortable. The same couch, that Chifuyu finger fucked my brains out just some minutes before that. Satoru looked me with his stupid smile. "How are you, y/n? I haven't heard from you since you moved to Toman".

"That's the point of my moving, Satoru, I don't want you to know anything about me", I rolled my eyes and looked at him with an annoyance.

"Why? Is there another man? Are you cheating on me, y/n?", he looked at me with that scary look he always puts on to remind me, that he has power over me. I hate it.

"It's none of your business

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"It's none of your business. We broke up, cause you cheated on me, remember?", I asked.

"No, my lovely, you broke up with me, but I'm not done with you yet", he stood up and came closer to me, he put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer. I tried to push him away, but he was stronger than me. "I'm still in love with you and that won't change", he said.

"Then why did you cheated?", I looked at him with a furrowed eyebrows and crossed my arms in front of my chests.

"Let's not talk about that, my love", he whispered to my ear and started kissing my neck. I closed my eyes. My mind started going wild, because Chifuyu's face suddenly popped in my mind. The way he kissed me, the way his fingers pleased me, the way he was calling me slut and mistreated me. I got so carried away that his name slipped out of my mouth in a moan. Satoru stopped to look at me and I realised what have I done. "Chifuyu?", he asked me, his voice got deeper, "who's that?".

"N-No one, Satoru", I looked down, but not for too long. Satoru lifted my chin up, so I can look him in the eyes. He didn't look pleased by my response.

"Who is Chifuyu?", he asked again, but this time he was really mad. I fucked up.

"Just a classmate, Satoru, he's no one really".

"He obviously is, since you moan his name, while I was trying to please you".

Satoru removed his hands from my waist and made a step back. He was clinching his fists, I knew he was mad. I really fucked up, I thought to myself. My breathing was heavy now, my head spinning. Gojo Satoru is really impulsive guy, he might do the impossible, if he wants to, so I'm not sure what will happen. No, he will never hit me, but he might find Chifuyu and do something to him. I don't want that, I don't want to feel bad after.

"Y/n, I'm giving you 5 seconds to tell me who that guy is and what's your deal with him", he said and his knuckles on his hands were now white from gripping.

"I-I just h-have...a crush on him", I had to lie to Gojo, or he might do something, that will get me in trouble. Gojo kinda softened and his hands were relaxed now.

"Oh, so that's how it is?", he came closer to me again and hugged me pressing my head closer to his chest, "I guess I have to show you again, that I'm more worthy of your love", he said.

This guy is mental. After we got together, he changed a lot. Before that he was that obsessed with me. I just hope he doesn't do anything to Chifuyu, I hope and pray.

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