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                 🌸chapter 5: absorbing🌸
Chifuyu's pov:

For the past week I've been keeping a close eye on y/n and let me tell you I can't quite figure out what kind of person she is. In one minute she's so nice to everyone, bubbly and lively, and the next second she's the baddest bitch in the whole school. The way she moves and presents herself, the confidence she has, when she walks in the hallway. Everyone looks at her with wide open mouth, I've heard so many guys talking about how would they fuck her, if they were alone with her. I smiled to myself and thought; ain't no way a guys like you to even have a chance to talk to her, but their comments kinda made me...angry? Why would a scumbag like you would even think that they can get close to the girl I am interested in? You have no chance, so you might as well dream.
Y/n was quite smart I have to admit. She was good in class, she was talking to people, that match her energy. She's really good at absorbing people, just like me. I'm getting more and more interested in her.

It's Thursday night, I'm chilling in my room, where just a minutes ago me and Karin had some action. She was showering, while I was looking thru my phone. Suddenly the doorbell rang and got my attention. I got up from my bed and put my grey sweatpants on. Walked slowly to the front door and opened it to reveal Haitani Ran looking at me with a smile. I let him in, I know what he wants. Haitani put his shoes off and sits on my white couch, then he pulls out a couple of pictures from his pocket. I started looking thru them. There was this man around his late 20s with white hair and ocean blue eyes. He looked tall and muscular, but at the same time kinda skinny. He was wearing black uniform and a blindfold for some reason, but thankfully Haitani managed to get his eyes in a picture.

"So, is that Gojo Satoru?", I turned to Haitani, who was already pulling a cigarette out of the box and lit it up

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"So, is that Gojo Satoru?", I turned to Haitani, who was already pulling a cigarette out of the box and lit it up.

"Yes, that's him", he let out a giant cloud of black smoke out of his mouth, "he's a teacher in Jujutsu Tech. Right now nobody knows, that he's in a relationship with y/n".

"I can see why", I smiled, "anything else you have for me? What is his background?"

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"I can see why", I smiled, "anything else you have for me? What is his background?".

"There are no information about him, it's like he doesn't exist", Haitani looked at me with a little bit of concern.

"So you're telling me, that this man is clean and has no police record, no background and no family?", I raised my eyebrow

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"So you're telling me, that this man is clean and has no police record, no background and no family?", I raised my eyebrow.

"Unfortunately yes, he has no information about family members, except the Gojo clan, who's actually super rich. This is the only thing I know about his name".

 This is the only thing I know about his name"

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That felt oddly suspicious. This man is 28 years old teacher, who has a secret relationship with his ex student and has no background. Why is y/n with him anyway? Attractive? Maybe. Rich? I can see it. But this guy looks so goofy and immature, she needs a man.
Haitani looked at me, while he was still smoking in my living room. The whole room smelled like shit and I couldn't care less about it. I wanted to know why would y/n want a man like that. Are they really dating? As me and Haitani were looking thru the pictures, Karin got out of the shower and came to us with no towel on. She didn't know that Haitani was here. When she finally noticed him, she started screaming in the most annoying way. Haitani felt uncomfortable and covered his eyes, but I really didn't care, if he sees her or not. The only girl no one can touch and see, is y/n and I will make sure about it.

"Chifuyu", Karin started whining like the annoying bitch she was, "can you get him out of here? Do you want him to see what's yours?".

"I could care less about who sees your body", I said to her with the most emotionless expression you can ever imagine, "I have to be somewhere else".

"Where are you going?", she asked me.

"You two can have fun", I said and I ran up to the door and got out of the apartment.

I started running thru the corridors until I finally reached the fifth floor. There was her apartment. I ran up to her door and I ran the doorbell. A minute passed and no one opened the door, so I rang again. I heard small footsteps coming toward, so I made a step back and waited patiently. The door opened to reveal y/n dressed in a short skirt and white top with long sleeves, her white bra was kinda visible thru the material of the shirt. Her hair was styled in a ponytail and her make up was freshly put on. She looked at me with confusion, since we haven't talked after the elevator situation.

"Chifuyu?", she said trying to get my attention, but my eyes were glued on her big breasts and her thick tights, that were shown thanks to the skirt. She looked so hot I wanted to have her right there and right then. She started waving her hand in front of my face, but I got her by the wrist and pulled her closer to me. Our bodies only inches away and I could feel her hot breath on my neck. "What are you doing?", she asked me and tried to pull herself away, but I squeezed her wrist tighter.

I got closer to her ear and breath out behind her ear. I could feel her body getting excited by the goosebumps she had. "Are you trying to seduce me, y/n?", I whispered to her and I squeezed her inner tight with my hand. "Isn't it better, if I come inside?".

The baddest/ Chifuyu M. X Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now