you wandered aimlessly around the corridor of your new college. you had your schedule in your hand but you couldn't figure out where your room was. you turn the corner in hopes of finding your new class, but you were only greeted with more long hallways. you sigh as you mentally facepalm yourself.
this building was too big and you felt as though you'd never be able to get to where you needed to be.
"guys guys settle down!" a hushed voice called behind you. you faced the noise to see a group of three boys walking in your general direction. the boy with a darker red hair was shushing his friends who appeared to be arguing.
"inosuke please stop yelling. there are classes going on." he pleaded.
the boy with the long blueish-black hair tied back stopped walking. his green eyes ignited with anger.
"tanjirou how about you fight me then?" he huffed. the boy with the yellowish-orange hair he had been arguing with earlier had now stopped as well.
"inosuke i won't fight you. you know this." he sighed. he had now stopped walking as they all three started to bicker.
taking this as your opportunity to find your class, you approached them. "hi um excuse me-" your sentence was cut short by inosuke putting his hand in your face.
"give us a moment." he requested.
you step away from them as they continue to fight. you open your phone to see that you're already 15 minutes late for class. "hey i'm sorry about them, you needed something?" tanjirou asked.
"actually i need to get to room 248." you say, showing him your schedule. he looks around at the room numbers then his friends.
"hey wait, zenistu come over here for a sec." he calls back. the boy with the yellowish-orange hair approaches you two. his eyes meet with yours and he blushes instantly.
"tanjirou why would you call me over here in front of a beautiful girl?! this is embarrassing!! i haven't even got a speech or-" the boy rambled on.
"what class are you going to?" tanjirou butted in. "248?" he replied. although it came out more of a question. "why?"
"what are you guys scheming?! i want to know!!" inosuke butted into the conversion. "im sorry, what's your name?" tanjirou asks you. "oh, im [y/n]." you say with a smile. the boys all introduce themselves then you all resumed talking.
"we know this place like the back of our hands! zenitsu can show you to your room!" tanjirou smiled. he seemed to be the nicest and more carefree of the group. his energy felt so positive and warm.
"i can show you for sure! leave it to me! girls always walk with me to my-" zenitsu is cut short once again when inosuke smacks him in the back of the head with a book.
"she's not looking for a boyfriend dipshit. she want to get to class. now go!" he grumbled.
zenitsu whimpered as he held the back of his head. the boys wave their goodbyes as you and zenitsu continue down the hall. "where did you come from?" zenitsu asks."i came from mount. kujikasane" you reply. he nods as you continue to walk in silence. "what made you take up an art major?" he questions.
"im not sure. i just really like art." you reply.
"me too! what do you like to draw?" he asks.
"i'll show you in class!" you smile. he nods once again as you both enter the room. "well thank you for finally showing up." a voice calls from below.little ways down below, a man stood with a sleeveless shirt. his white hair was tied behind his back in a bun. his purple eyes stared back into yours, following you to your studio. you sat down your bag before approaching him.
"im really sorry! i got confused because i was lost and zenistu-""i don't care." he says. he looks down at you, squinting his eyes. he had a strong, tall stature. he wasn't much taller than you, but you were also only 5'8. he had to at least be 6'6. the black apron tied around his neck and waist hung tightly on him. little splotches of different colored paint dotted the front of it.
"go to your studio. i won't wait for you to catch up." he says. without another word, he reverts his gaze back to his painting, talking to the other students.
you make you way back to your studio, somewhat annoyed. "the hell's up with that guy?" you mumble to zenitsu. he shrugs his shoulders as he continues to get out his art supplies.
"now how about the drawings you said you'd show me." he smiled.