fourty-two | 42

145 8 7

(i recommend listening to make me (cry) by noah cyrus ft. labyrinth!)

you slam your door shut with intense anger. the room shook slightly as you pounded your feet against the hard, wooden floors. your eyes watered profusely as you paced around your living room. yoi had just lost some of the people you held dearest to you as well as the potential love of your life.

you rapidly clicked at your phone screen as you texted shinobu.

"hey there! do you think you could swing by my apartment in a few? i could use someone right now :')."

You shut your phone off and dropped it on the couch. Your heart ached with immense pain. Sure Tengen hurt your feelings. But Tanjirou and the others wanting to not talk to you, that hurt far more then you could have imagined. They were some of you closest friends and companions. You knew you needed them and had always relied on them when things got rough with you.

You screamed at the top of your lungs, or at least as loud as you could manage. You ran your hands through your hair belligerently.

"i f*caked up okay? i get that!" you cried, "please come back. i really am sorry guys!" you say as you sink to the floor in despair. gyutaro wouldn't even be able to mend your fragile, broken heart. you raised yourself up from the carpet and took a pillow from the couch. you slung the pillow as hard as you could at the coffee table, knocking everything off.

you began wilding chucking things around the room. you threw a glass mug at the television causing the glass and the tv screen itself to shatter. you fall back into the couch cushion and sob. the way such intense emotions flowed through your veins scared even you.

you had heard stories of people going berserk when they lost important things, but you never thought that it could be true. amidst your thoughts, you began to think back on everything you'd done wrong. as clear as day, you realized you had been selfish. you had pushed your friends away for "love".

that though only made you chuckle at yourself . here you were throwing a pity party as if you weren't the reason for all falling down. your chuckles became hysterical laughs. you laughed until your stomach caved, you couldn't breathe. you fell onto the floor clutching your gut as if you had just been stabbed.

"[y/n] i'm outside please open the door." a muffled voice sternly stated. after you gain your composure , you crawl over to the door and unlock the bottom lock. shinobu shoves the door open, squeezing in the tight space.

"[y/n] are you alright?!" shinobu worriedly shouted as she bent down to aid you. she helped you over to the couch where you sat silently. "how'd you know where i live?" you questioned. "you location on snap is on. you wouldn't answer my texts or calls when i asked you what was wrong." she explains .

"i'm okay now." you meekly respond. "well, that blood oozing from your cheek and forearm say otherwise." she frowns. you look down to see a nice sized incision on your forearm.

"must've been from when i broke the cup." you shrug. "well that can get infected. let's get you cleaned up." shinobu smiled. she stood up from your couch and wandered around your apartment. she opened each door until she got to the bathroom. "ah." she smiled.

the door opened entirely before you could see and hear her running water. she plugged the drain and walked back over to you. "let's go." "but i don't want to." you whined. "[y/n]." shinobu's stern voice taunts. you sigh and stand up, slowly dragging yourself to the bathroom.

as you you undress and sit in the hot water, your body instantly relaxes. you slowly slide down into the water, bringing your knees up. "i'll be back." shinobu smiled. you let the water continue run as shinobu wandered off once again.

once the water got high enough, you turned off the knob and layer back down in the water. you took in a deep breath, slowly exhausting through your mouth. a few pans clatter around in the kitchen. you didn't mind letting shinobu do what she pleased. she seemed to be good at taking care of people.

a moment later, shinobu walks into the bathroom and peers down at you. "wash up my love, i have some tea and soup cooking." she smiles. she walks back out to let you tend to yourself while she finishes cooking. you sit up in the water and began to clean yourself. you wince as you scrub past the cut on your forearm.

after you clean yourself and go to your room to change, you walk into the living room. "i cleaned up all the glass and set the tv back up. i don't know how to fix tv screens though." shinobu chuckled. "you've done enough shinobu." you praise.

"well then, let's eat and then you can tell me all about what happened." she smiled.

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