zenitsu held your backpack on his arm while carrying his own. you caressed your shoulder in pain. all the weight of your text books was starting to finally catch up on your body.
"they should be at the park already." zenitsu pointed ahead. you tried to peer to the metal bars stacked on top of the brick slabs, but to no avail. the traffic was pretty heavy at this time of afternoon.
you waited for a car to slow down so that you and zenitsu could pass, but no one paid you any mind. you tapped your foot impatiently, constantly looking both ways across the street. removing your phone from your pocket, you clicked on the screen. 6:14 PM flashed in your eyes in big, white numbers.
"we're going now." you inform zenitsu.
"but not with this traff-" you grab zenitsu by his hand and pull him into the street. you lightly jog to fasten you journey, but zenitsu stops. with your hand still glued to his, you see he's staring at a car speeding straight at you both. "F*CK ZENITSU COME ON!" you scream. you yank him towards yourself, making you both topple into the grass at the edge of the park gates.
the car honked several times as it sped past you. you throw both your middle fingers up, cursing under your breath. "i'm sorry, [y/n]! i got scared!" zenitsu cried. You pulled yourself up to your feet before helping him do that same. "it's okay. i shouldn't have pulled you into the street like that." you reply. you pick your book bag up, leading zenitsu into the park.
already sitting on a nearby bench, tanjirou sat, watching inosuke jump around like a mad man. As soon as your eyes met, he stood up. a smile began to form on his face as he waved you down. tanjirou was so sweet.
"i'm glad you guys could make it!" he said. he shook zenitsu's hand before pulling you into a hug. he smelled like fresh dandelions.
"we would've been fine without you. i could do this project easy myself." imosuke snarled. "wel hello to you too, inosuke." you smiled. he furrowed his brows, flicking you off. you smiled at this gesture, returning it politely.
"so we need to find all three of these species before sundown. they can be hard to find as they're darker." explained. "i already found one!" inosuke cheered. he held up a slimey, green bug that wriggled in his hand. your faced instantly balled up. "what the hell is that?" you gagged. you weren't aware that bugs would be being found in the assignment.
"if you don't like bugs, [y/n], feel free to sit it out." tanjirou smiled."she's a girl, of course she doesn't like bugs." inosuke scoffed. you took this as a challenge to prove inosuke wrong. something you hated was not being the best.
"nope, i can do it." you beamed. "eh?" inosuke groaned. he looked you dead in the eyes, studying your face. "i'll beat you."
you shrugged your shoulders, setting your bag on the bench tanjirou once sat at. zenitsu did the same, preparing himself to touch the creepy crawlers.
"well then, what are we waiting for?" you asked. the boys looked at each other before nodding. they all took off in different directions, leaving you there standing alone.
"aright then." you say aloud. you walk in the opposite direction of everyone else, keeping in mind the bug you needed to look for.
it was a papilio maackii, which would be almost impossible to find during the night. you stepped around some bushes, pulling the leaves back. "oh!" you cry out in surprise when you see a guy squatted down, digging into the bush.
"my bad, i hid my stash in here." he says, not taking his eyes up to greet yours. you watched him rummage through the bush a little more, smiling as his hand touched something.
"haha!" he chuckled. the smell of marijuana protruded your nostrils. you smack your hand over your face to not intake anymore. "anyways, the bush is all yours now." he pats the top of the bush, smiling down at you. you look back up at him, face twisted in confusion.
"who hides weed in a public park?" you question. "me, obviously." he laughs. he eyes you up and down, meeting you back at your eyes. "say, what's your name?" he asks.
"you don't look familiar." he responds. looking at him, he didn't look like anyone you knew, either. his hair was green and black, pulled up into a bun. a few loose pieces hung around his forehead as well as the back of his head.
his eyes were a really light brown, almost resembling a yellow. he had darker freckles that spotted his cheeks, the bridge of his nose, and a few others were sprinkled on other random parts of his face. his eyes hung lowly, almost menacingly.
"if you won't go first, i will." he says. "gyutaro ."
"[y/n]." you reply. he studies you for a moment longer, then he smiles. he had perfectly straight teeth, although his k-9's were sharp, resembling shark teeth.
"i like you, [y/n]. come sit and chat with me." he said.