you held the crumpled up sticky-note in your hand. you sighed heavily as you contemplated dialing the number into your phone. you really wanted to talk to gyutaro, but your friends' views really threw off your viewpoint.
you didn't know whether he was a good guy or not. it was really up to you what you did, but you didn't want to cause any problems so early into meeting everyone. only two months had passed since you started college, so you wanted to keep a good profile.
"f*ck it." you mumble.
you tap around your phone screen a few times before opening your contacts. you type in the contact name : gyutaro🧑🎤.
you hit the text box, thinking of how to start off the conversation. you settle on a simple, "hey, it's [y/n]." clicking the send button, you put your phone down and lie it on your chest. not a minute later, your phone vibrates on your chest.
you click the phone on and see gyutaro had already texted back. you open your phone before clicking on the conversation.
"hey beautiful." he wrote back. you smile at this and begin to click on the keyboard.
" aw haha. what are you up to?" you write back.
he answers your text with an incoming facetime . you panic slightly, unsure of declining or not. you pull a hoodie on over your hair and sit up straight in bed. you click the accept button. gyutaro is smiling at the camera once you answer.
"you look comfy." he speaks. you smile a little bit, pushing your face out of the camera. gyutaro is struggling to set his phone up on his dresser.
you laugh a little as the phone slides down again. hi silently curses under his breath as he gives up. "you had asked me what i was doing?" he says.
you nod your head a few times. "you don't like being seen?" he asks. you realize only a corner of your eye was in the camera. he chuckled a little, adjusting his black wife-beater.
although he had a thinner frame, his arms and torso were well sculpted. you studied his body as he focused his eyes on something off-screen.
although his room was only lightened by what you assumed to be a television, you could see his smile when he laughed.his adams apple moved up and down as the show entertained him. his eyes reverted down to the camera, landing on you. you stare back at him, unsure of what to say. "you're just gonna stare at me then?" he asks.
"you know, you're kinda cute." you say. you then open your eyes in surprise at your own comment.
"kinda?" he scoffs. "man, that hurt." "no no!" you laugh. "you are." you wink rapidly with your left eye, making him chuckle.
"you're funny [y/n]." he says. you smile in the frame, laughing a bit too.
"you still never told me what you were doing." you remind him. his eyebrows furrow, then he relaxes. "i'm just relaxing. daki's loud ass tv is keeping me up." he responds. you tilt your head to the side in confusion.
"it's my sister." he repsonds quickly. "i wasn't gonna stress it." you say, shrugging you shoulders. "i don't want you to worry if it was another girl." he says.
"i mean, it's not like I'm your girlfriend or anything."
"but i want to you to be. in the future of course. i wanna get to know you first." he says. he held the phone in one hand with the other arm behind his head. the phone was resting on his stomach, so he looked down when he talked to you.
"who says i want to be your girlfriend?" you ask.
gyutaro pauses for a moment.
"i don't know. only time can tell." he responds. you really didn't give it any thought as you had just met him hours earlier. but you could tell he did like you, maybe didn't have strong feelings, but definitely wanted to talk to you more. you didn't mind either.
"we should hang out this weekend then." you suggest.
"yeah?" He questions. "let's just like, go swimming or walking or something." you say. "hm. alright. i can pick you up if you'd like." he replies.
"alright. we can do it around 3:30 on friday then?" you ask. "yeah, of course." he smiles. "then i'm gonna get to bed, i got some art projects to work on in the morning." you yawn. "oh yeah? you majoring in art?"
"yeah! you know professor tengen?" you ask. gyutaro grimaces. his smile turns into a hard pressed line. "yeah i know the guy. i'll let you sleep now. bye." he grumbles .
before you get to respond, he hangs up the phone. you sit in the dark, confused. maybe tengen and him had bad history that you don't know about. you wouldn't be surprised, though.
it seemed like gyutaro had a reputation here that you weren't aware of. you decided that you'd ask around about him to see what information you could gather. last thing you wanted was to be hanging around a delinquent.
you yawn once again, signaling you for bed. you plug your phone onto the charger, stretching one good time.
as your mind becomes foggy, you hope for a good dream tonight.