gyutaro hunched over another girl who was sprawled on her stomach. her hands tightly gripped the blanket they lay on. her moans could be heard over the earsplitting music. his eyes screwed shut as she praised his work. your eyebrows pursed together in confusion. gyutaro held her by her hips, roughly pounding into her. he bit on his bottom lip as his thrusting became more violent. your lips twitched as you watched the scene before you play out.
"oh yes baby!" she cooed. you took notice that this was the same girl who had complimented gyutaro earlier when you had both entered the party. maybe you should've kept a closer eye on him. regardless, it's too late now. "yo what's up party people!" akaza danced over to you, "what's going on here- oh."
"are you f*cking serious gyutaro?!" you snap. his eyes lifted up to meet yours causing his lips to tighten before he quickly fell over on his side. the girl shrieked, sitting up and wrapping herself in the blanket. by this point, a small crowd had gathered outside of the room. people stuck their heads around the door frame peeking in on their naked, sweaty bodies.
"wait didn't he come in with her though?" someone quietly questioned. "i can't believe this shit!" you chuckled. without warning, warm liquid dropped down your cheeks. you quickly blinked the mess forming in your eyes away. this was what you had picked over tengen? your vision fogged up as you started to walk away.
your shoulder connected to peoples chest and stomachs as you rammed through the crowd. not only was this embarrassing, you felt stupid. "[y/n] wait please!" gyutaro called after you. "it's not what it looks like!" you rolled your eyes scoffing at his plead.
"not what it looks like?" you manically giggled. this was more humorous then saddening. if you would've just followed him around, stayed just close enough. you shouldn't have let anyone rip his from your suffocating grip. now, you were dubbed as the cliche party girl who loses her boyfriend over a sl*tty blonde.
could this night get any more practical? that was a question you didn't want to find out an answer to.
people had pulled out their phones, shoving them in your face as you shoved past them. bright flashes and muffled comments filled your every sense.
"this isn't some show b*tch!" you growl, slapping a girls phone from her slender fingers.she starts to curse down at you but you're too far gone to hear her. "[y/n]!" kokoshibo hollered. he ran up behind you and started to push you faster through the crowd. you were harshly pushed down the stairs where more onlookers gathered. "what's happening?" "she caught gyutaro cheating with sarah ." hushed whispers float around you.
you ignored every last voice that coaxed you to stop and give them answers. the door was an open target that you were ready to tackle. ove the lukewarm air brushed against your face, you let a sigh out that you didn't know you were holding. youbegan to walk towards the direction of your apartment. you didn't have a ride home nor did you want one. a long walk to bleach your mind was well needed.
"[y/n] please don't wander here at night it's not safe." kokoshibo pleaded. he turned you around by your shoulder, staring deep inside of you. you lay your head on his chest and began to cry. all the sudden emotions that had welt up within minutes bursts out of you like a broken faucet. he wrapped his arms around you and rubbed circles on your back.
he whispered sweet things to you that slightly calmed you. "i can take you home." he suggested. "please do. i don't want to be here right now."