Chapter 4- A Promise

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I see her standing outside my door, and oh my god it's Scarlett Johansson, my internal fangirl is screaming. I mean, can you blame me? Who doesn't love Scarlett Johansson?

The iconic female superhero that doesn't give 2 shits about people. And my goodness, have you seen her in the black widow costume?

Ok stop it Yn, she is your client calm the fuck down. I took a few breaths calming myself down, walking towards her.

As I get closer, I can't help but smile hearing her adorable mumbling and tease her, luckily she reacts well to it, and dear lord when smiles at me, I feel my breathing hitched and the whole world stops spinning.

"After you M'lady" I manage to get out after composing myself, inviting her into the meeting room.

"Well, before we go into formalities, I must say I'm not expecting to meet my celebrity crush like that but I'm a big fan, Ms. Johansson, I'm Yn Yln" I smile as I usher her in to take a seat and look towards her to realize, that she is pregnant?

I kick myself internally, how can I forget she is married to Colin Jost, though I can't help but feel slightly disappointed.

"First of all thank you, secondly I'll make you a deal, I get to call you Yn and you'll call me Scarlett" she mentions with a relaxed smile, taking a seat in front of me.

I raise my eyebrows, surprised by her sudden change of demeanor, where's the cute mumbling woman go? Though is kind of hot.

"You got yourself a deal, Scarlett" I reply with a wink.

As much as I want to have small talk with her, let's take care of business first.

"Now, Scarlett I've read through your case files, fighting a child custody battle with your ex-husband, Mr. Dauriac. I assume it's supposedly granted to you fully and allows flexible visitations as long as agreeable between both of you, did I miss out on anything?" I asked looking up at her.

"Nope, you got that all right. But what are the winning chances? I cannot afford to lose this battle Yn, I can't lose Rose." she rambles out anxiously, breathing picking up slightly.

Sensing her nerves, I walk over, crouch down to grab her flailing hands.

"Hey hey, it's okay, look at me Scarlett, I need you to breathe alright? It's not good for the baby, this is why I'm here, I promise I won't let him take Rose away from you. And trust me, I don't intend to break my promise." I cooed, rubbing my thumbs against her knuckles soothingly.

Thankfully she nods and manages to calm down.

"Sorry uh.. Sorry for the outburst, can I blame my pregnancy hormones? I just can't imagine losing rose you know?" she mumbles softly looking down.

My heart breaks for her, she must be feeling very stressed dealing with this lawsuit, constantly having the fear of losing Rose while being pregnant, I wonder why didn't Colin come with her today?

That's not very supportive of him as a husband, she is clearly struggling with her emotions & needs his support more than ever. What kind of partner even does that?

Pushing the annoying feelings behind me, I gently lifts her chin to look at me.

"It's okay, you've got nothing to apologize for. The reason you came to me is to help win the battle remember? And that's what we're going to do, I don't lose and I have no intention to lose, knowing how important this is to you. I'm in this with you, you're not alone, we'll do this together." I smile.

"Together?" she looks at me whispering.

"Together." I confirmed, a promise that I'll never stop until I know they will be safe together.
Slightly longer chapter today. I guess, " Together", will be their saying.

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