Chapter 41- Home

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Madison's POV
I'm going to see my grandson. I'm going to see my grandson. I'm going to see my grandson! I am so excited. Today is finally the day I get to meet the baby boy! Ever since I knew about Yn's past relationship histories, I've long given up having grandchildren.

Never have I thought that I still can hear kids calling me grandma. Even though he's not biologically related to us, he's already an honorable Yln when Yn called Scarlett hers. I was so worried when Yn called while on the way to the hospital when Scarlett's water broke.

We have grown to love this woman as much as we love Yn. I've seen how much Yn has grown after knowing Scarlett, and that's how I knew she would be suitable for Yn. After going through so much together, they finally have some peace to focus on their new family.

Yn has expressed her desire to lessen her workload to focus on her family. We agree as I do not want Yn to repeat our mistakes of neglecting our family for work. We are thankful that Yn has grown up just fine and understands fully when it comes to our work since young. So, how could we deny her simple request to care for her family?

Diego and I reach the door of the ward where Scarlett is staying, and we hear waves of laughter from the inside. Before we can knock on the door, it swings open, and we are met with unfamiliar brown eyes. "Oh Jesus." he stumbles backward in shock as the whole room looks towards us.

"Oh, hi, Mom. Come on in!" Yn wiggles her way down the bed carefully, trying not to wake Scarlett up, and walks over to pull us into a hug, guiding us to the sofa where the rest is gathering.

I look around the room and see little Rose in the arms of another unfamiliar woman, giggling. Beside them was the man that we stumbled upon earlier with Em and Lizzie at the side. "Mom, Dad. This is Melanie, Scarlett's Mom, and this tall guy is Hunter. Scarlett's twin brother." Yn finally introduced them to us.

Rose wiggles down Melanie's arm and immediately jumps into Diego's arm. "Grandpa! Come see my new brother!"

Diego laughs, "Later, baby flower. We got to say hi to your other grandma." He nodded towards me.

"Hi, I'm Madison, and this is my husband, Diego." I reached out my hand to Melanie, who waved me off, smiling and pulling me into a hug.

My eyes widen at the gesture, locking them with Yn, who has an amused smile pulling on her lips before I react and hug her. "Sorry, I'm a hugger." Melanie laughs as she moves to shake Diego's hands.

"This is my son, Hunter." Melanie introduces him as he steps forward with a smile, shaking our hands. Well, this is interesting. I didn't realize I'd be meeting Scarlett's Mom and brother under this circumstance, but they seem to get along well enough with Yn, and that's all I care about.

Just then, a baby cry rings in the room, startling us. We watch as Yn springs into action, carrying the baby out of his cot into her arms, shushing and bouncing him around. She is so good with him, never that I thought I would see her being a Mom to such a small child one day.

Once he is calm, Yn walks over and hands him to me. "Mom and Dad meet Corey Gale Yln-Johansson. Do you want to hold him?"

"R-really? But he's so soft and fragile." I look at Corey's bright green eyes as he coos.

Melanie laughs and shakes her head. "Go on! You'll do just fine." She stands up and guides me into position as Yn sets Corey down in my arms gently.

Diego watches with interest, mesmerized by the tiny child in my arms. Rose is rambling in his arms, telling him all her plans for Corey when he goes home with them today. Corey is such a calm baby and did not once fuss when he was out of his Mom's arms.

His bright green eyes look around curiously and coos so adorably, reacting to the noises around him. It's been a while since I'm holding on to such a tiny baby, and it makes me feel all sorts of things. I didn't spend too much time while Yn was growing up, so I'm determined to spend all my time spoiling Rose and Corey.

"Should we call Big Papa and Big Nana? I promise to show them my baby brother when he's here!" Rose pouts when she suddenly remembers having to call the seniors back home. Diego nods, grabs his phone from his pocket, and starts dialing.

Rose, Diego, and Yn huddle over close while waiting for the call to get through, but not too close to make Corey uncomfortable. I smile at Rose's excited face and continue cooing down at Corey, who's starting to wiggle around, reacting to the phone call.

"You better have got a really good reason to call, son. We're just going to nap under the sun." Patrick grumbles.

Rose perks up at his voice and squeals excitedly, "Papa Patrick! Look! It's my brother!"

Corey must be surprised at the sudden noise and starts fussing. Standing up, I bounce him lightly in my arms and try to calm him down, shushing him softly. Yn lectures softly, and I hear Rose apologizing almost immediately. Not wanting her to feel bad, I bring Corey next to her again after he calms down.

"Is okay, little Rose. Look, Corey is happy again now! Just remember to be soft and gentle next time, alright?" I smile at Rose, who nods obediently.

We laugh lightly when we hear the commotion coming from the phone. "Where is he? Show us!" the seniors demand.

Flipping the phone around, we finally reveal the handsome little face of Corey to the group of excited seniors gathered around the small phone. A series of awes and coos were heard. We allow the seniors to enjoy the view more before Corey fusses and Scarlett stirs awake.

"Feeding time?" Scarlett starts to sit up, and Yn rushes over to help her, chuckling softly.

The seniors fawn over Scarlett for a while more before letting us go to prepare for Corey's feeding time. We all head out, leaving the family of four in the room for some privacy. I lead them down to the staff cafeteria to grab some snacks.

We sit around and chat, giving us more time to learn about Scarlett's side of the family. Melanie and Hunter seem nice and friendly and I can feel they genuinely care about Scarlett's well-being and not about our family.

"No offense, but you know, at first, I thought Yn was just in for fun with Scarlett." Melanie teases, and I don't blame her for knowing Yn's history.

I laugh, shaking my head. "None taken. I know what people are talking about outside. I never knew there was someone she listened to until Scarlett!"

Hunter agrees, smiling a little, "I talked with Yn earlier, and I thought Scarlett was a simp at how much she talked about Yn but damn. Yn had it worst."

"Oh, you have no idea. I've been kicked out of my own bed just because my daughter was a moody ass at the start of their relationship." Diego jokes.

Em chimes in agreeing, "You have no idea how stupid they both are about their feelings for each other. Lizzie and I had a hard time dealing with their mood swings."

After a while, the Yn called to inform us that both mother and child were cleared to be discharged today, and they're preparing for them to leave. Melanie and I exchanged numbers to keep in contact if our daughters need help.

We're both very clear that Yn and Scarlett can manage themselves well and probably don't need our help. But who can understand the heart of a mother? Oh, probably Yn does understand now She would understand us. We always want and have time for our grandchild. No, our child. Melanie and I laughed at our understanding of wanting to spend more time with little Corey.

"What are you guys talking about that made you so happy?" Yn calls out as she pushes Scarlett out in a wheelchair.

Melanie and I look at each other and smile with a mutual understanding. This is where they belong. Yn and Scarlett belong together, and we're so glad they found each other at such a difficult time.

"Nothing, let's go home." I smiled as I held my hand out to Rose, who was jumping around in excitement

Their family is perfect. Our family is perfect.
It's not me letting you guys wait another month for an update. And not me not having any ideas for the proposal. Help? Enjoy this while waiting for the next! Cheers (:

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