Secret Love Pt. 2 (Surprised One Shot)- Happier

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Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you
But ain't nobody love you like I do
Promise that I will not take it personal, baby
If you're movin' on with someone new- Ed Sheeran

Scarlett Pov
It has been 290 days since Yn left. I've been waiting for her since the day she left. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months. Worst of all, no one knows where she is. Not even her family, though I doubt they will let me know if they knew too. They were all beyond pissed at me.

Hell, even all of my friends and family were pissed at me. Lizzie refused to talk to me for a solid two weeks. Not that I'm blaming her, of course. I understand why she's angry with me, and I hurt her cousin, her best friend, whom she dotes on like her younger sister. She's very protective of Yn, knowing how showbiz works, and always wants the best for her.

Hunter, on the other hand, loves Yn almost as much as I do. So much so that I thought he was in love with her. But thankfully, he just loves her as his blood sister. Probably more than he loves me, and I'm his twin. And I fucked up. He refused to talk to me for a week, it would probably last longer, but my parents stepped in. Not before they express their disappointment as well.

I got it worst from my daughter. Rose adored Yn so much that she wanted to go live with Yn and not with me. She'll get upset whenever Yn has to go home and questions why Yn hasn't moved in with us. And like a perfect angel, Yn explained it to Rose every single time before she left for home. Now that Yn had left for good, Rose was so upset that she couldn't see her favorite person for so long, and she got to know I was the reason that isn't coming back. She didn't want to see me for a month straight, so she went to stay with my mum during this period.

Sat in the corner of the room
Everything's reminding me of you
Nursing an empty bottle
And telling myself you're happier, aren't you

I'm now curled on the couch she last sat on, the same corner she loves curling up in while waiting for me to come home. I smile a little, remembering how I'll always find her bundled up like a cute burrito on the couch, watching shows and munching on snacks waiting for me to return. I was happier.

My smile faded away from the time I was spending on the couch. I miss her so much. Is this how she felt every time while waiting for me? The sense of loss whenever I forgot about our date night or came home late without telling her. My tears fell as my heart clenched. I held on to my chest, where my heart ached for her, and sobbed. At least she's happier?

I sobbed over the love I had lost due to my idiotic actions. I cried over the heartaches I felt when I experienced how desperate she felt when she was all alone here. I look at the blank television and imagine how many nights she had spent looking at it. I wrapped myself with the blanket she left on the couch, trying to take some comfort, but it didn't smell like her anymore.

I don't know how many hours I've spent on this couch crying until I hear my door open. I quickly sat to see if it was the person I was missing so badly, but no, it was just my brother bringing me food. Knowing that I won't be having proper meals because I'm wallowing.

"Crying again?" Hunter walks to the kitchen, plating up the food for me.

"Leave me alone." I groan, shutting my eyes. Tired from all the crying. Nothing, if compared to the many tears Yn shed over the months. I'm a horrible person.

"Well, I would. But mum basically forces me here, so sit the fuck up and eat your food."

"How's Rose?" I asked with my eyes closed, knowing I passed Rose over to my parents for a while because I knew I wouldn't be in the right state of mind to take care of her.

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