Chapter 40- Meeting

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The drive to the hospital is entirely of Mom's constantly rambling on how excited she is to finally meet the woman who got my twin sister so smitten in just such a short period.

I mean, Man. One moment, she was handling Rose's custody case. Another moment, she was already in my sister's pants. My face scrunches in disgust at that thought. Who is this mysterious Yn?

I read up about her when I knew my sister was getting involved with her. She's the big-shot lawyer who's ruthless on the court and a saint outside it. Rich, beautiful, and kind.

The perfect kind of person that can exist in the universe. But the reality is, does such a perfect person exist? Is she even real? What's her motive with my sister? Not money, and why would she need fame when she's already a celebrity lawyer?

I can't figure her out, and it's driving me insane. Doesn't help when she has already gotten my sister into danger within a short period. Though I mean, I can't fault her for that. That's on my ex-brother-in-law.

Before I can spiral further, I jump when my Mom calls me out. "Hunter!"

"What?" I breathe out, trying to calm my racing heart.

Rolling her eyes, "What are you thinking about?"

Honestly, I'm conflicted about whether to voice my concern on Yn. I do not want my Mom to be worried about my overthinking, but I can't leave her hanging, too.

I can feel her burning gaze beside me, waiting for my answers. With a sigh, I turn to look at her for a moment before focusing on the road.

I guess having a second opinion doesn't hurt. "What do you think about the whole Yn situation?" I ask as casually as possible.

My Mom's brows furrowed, "Yn situation? Like, what do I think about Yn?" I nodded, waiting for her to continue.

She hums in thought, "I do not know much about this Yn, but I know she makes your sister very happy. Happier than I've seen her with anybody. Sometimes, I wonder if your sister was dating the wrong gender all along." chuckling a little.

"And little Rose seems to love her too, which I think it says a lot about this person. Because kids don't lie. As much as Rose was okay with Colin previously, she was never that happy or talked about anyone like they hung the moon and stars for her during our phone calls."

I hum as I think over what she said. It makes sense, but still, Scarlett is my sister. I need to make sure she's safe at all times and that person is really good for her.

And it doesn't help in Scarlett's case when her track record for her dating history was not all glory. It shows a lot about her ability to judge someone before she enters a relationship.

But I guess I have to give Yn some credit. Scarlett might not be a tough nut to crack, but Rose definitely is. I may be her uncle, but her liking for me still does depend on her mood.

However, I heard Lizzie is dating her best friend as well. A pair of best friends dating another pair. It's an interesting situation. I am pretty sure the pair of best friends (Scarlett and Lizzie) wouldn't be so dumb in love, right? Falling for a pair of horrible people.

Before deciding how I felt about Yn, the hospital's entrance came into our view. I could see my Mom buzzing in excitement beside me. She rushed to open the door before I could park my car, giving me a mini heart attack.

"Mom!" I huff as I park my car, still deciding how to act around Yn. I suppose I can be civil for the time being for the sake of my sister and nephew. However, I will find a chance to get her alone to talk with her thoroughly. I can never be too safe.

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