Chapter 6- Lonely

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I suddenly feel bad after seeing her brows furrowed at my questions. I mean, there's no way someone will just change their attitude about something suddenly.

There must be a reason Mr. Dauriac is acting this way, the possibility of hearing things from Rose. I feel my anger rising at the thought of Colin making things uncomfortable for Rose just because Scarlett is pregnant with his kid.

Though it's not my place to comment, it doesn't make sense still, as much as he is biased toward his child, he should at least be supportive of Scarlett, isn't it? But looking at it, he is nowhere in sight.

"Hey, Scarlett. Look at me, everything will be ok, let's not jump to conclusions yet, I'll suggest you talk with Colin about everything, including how you're feeling first. I'll go back and arrange to meet up with Mr. Dauriac's team to understand more." giving her hand an assurance squeeze.

She gives me a grateful smile and nods, "I'll... speak with him if I ever get to see him. But, you know the opposite team taking on this case?"

I nod "Why do you sound so surprised?"

"But how?" She asks, looking flabbergasted.

"Oh honey, you're talking to a Yln. I have my ways." I lean back to my seat with a smirk and give her a wink, earning myself a laugh from her.

God, that adorable laugh, I find myself making a promise to make her laugh whenever I can. Wait did I make that promise before? Damn I must really love her laugh.

"Come on now, I'll send you back then I'll get started on the case." I smile and stand while offering her my hand to help her up.

She nods and takes my hand, to my delight she doesn't let go as we make our way to my car.

"You know I'm risking a lot letting you know where I live right?" she suddenly speaks looking at me while I'm keying in her address in the GPS.

I turn to her so quickly that I thought I hear my neck crack

"Oh! Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't think... I-" I panicked.

Her face is unreadable until she burst out laughing.

"oh my god, you should have seen your face! Relax! I'm just messing with you Yn!"

A finger touches my chin to close up my dropped jaw while I stare at her.

"Jaw up honey, you're so cute when you're shocked." She cooed.

I can feel the heat rushing to my ears and my heart beating a thousand miles an hour. Here's to hoping she doesn't hear and notice them.

"You're impossible. You're having too much fun messing with me aren't you?" I shake my head laughing as I drive us back to her house.

The drive was over before I know it, I curse myself internally for not driving slower. Can't blame myself though, I'm used to this fast pace working style that I don't waste each minute or seconds of my time.

But is it weird that I still wish I can spend more time with her? I can't seem to get enough of her, I can hear her talk and laugh all day long.

"Right, I guess this is your stop." I sigh as I turn toward the door to step out.

Her hand shot out to grip my biceps, making me stop.

"wait! I'm sorry, can we just stay out here for a little while more?" she whispers.

I turn around and see her looking at me with her puppy eyes, and her little pout. Oh dear god, how can I say no?

"Of course, whatever you need Scarlett" I smile.

We sit in comfortable silence, soft music playing in the background as I turn to my side admiring the side profile of this beautiful woman in the car with me.

Before I know it, my hands move up to cup her face, and my thumbs smooth away the creased forms between her eyebrows.

"Hey, what's wrong? I know you've not known me for very long, in fact just a few hours. You've every reason not to trust me, but I promise you I'm not going to do anything to hurt you." I whisper.

Thinking that the reason for her worry is that I'm here at her house where she is supposed to keep it private.

She sighs and leans into my palm like it's suppose to fit there and shakes her head.

"No, no. It's not that, I trust you. It's just that I.. don't want to go in there, I feel so alone in all these situations and I'll be all alone at home today. Rose is out with Lizzie, there's nobody at home with me.."

My heart aches for this woman, Colin doesn't know how lucky he is to have her, and yet he is still not treating her right. If I was him, I would have treated her like a queen she is, urgh.

"Hey hey, none of that. You're not alone, I'm still here. We're in this together remember? and if you don't mind, I'll self invite into your house and keep you company until rose comes home?"

I joke to lighten up her mood, hands still cupping her face soothing her cheeks. Her eyes light up at my suggestion.

"You'll really do that? You don't have to though, I know you're busy..." she rambles shyly.

Attempting to hide the smile creeping up her face, I smirk as I off the engine and jump out of the car running up to the side to open her door.

"come on, let's go! Don't go shy on me now Scarlett." I grin.
Hey ya, sorry for the disappearance. Got some work project on-going and having some writer's block. But oh wells, I'm back! Enjoy the chapter, and let me know your thoughts! Cheers (:

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