Chapter 17- Regrets

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It's been a few days after that incident, a few days since I last heard from Yn. No texts, no calls either, and the updates of the lawsuits are provided by her personal assistant as well.

Frankly speaking, I don't blame her, after what happened I don't think she'll want to see me again. I saw the hurt in her eyes when I chased her out of my house, why did I do that? I'm not sure either, I just know I didn't want her to see me in such a pathetic miserable state.

But I miss her, I miss her so much. I miss her smile, I miss her laughter, I miss her eyes, I miss how she is so gentle and caring towards Rose, and I miss how she took care of me so attentively when I was sick.

How is it possible to miss someone so much after barely knowing them for what, a week? I don't know, she's just that special I guess. I smile softly at the reminder of our instant connection, it's as if we've known each other forever.

But before I could explore our connection, I had to ruin it. I soon hear a series of small pattering of feet approaching my room, distracting me from my thoughts.

"Morning mama" as she climbs on the bed to snuggle with me.

"Morning flower princess" kissing her forehead, tightening my arms around her to seek some comfort.

"That's what Yn calls me! When is Yn coming?" she giggles, asking with her big puppy eyes.

"Sorry princess, I don't know when Yn is coming, but Auntie Lizzie is coming and bringing a new friend! Are you excited?" trying to distract her.

She has been asking for Yn for the whole week. I don't know how long I can distract her, so I'm incredibly grateful for Lizzie asking to hang out today.

"Yes! I love Auntie Lizzie!" as she sits up and bounces excitedly.

"Now go prepare, shall we? Won't want Auntie Lizzie's new friend to see you in your pajamas, don't you?" Laughing at her eagerness.

Rose immediately jumps out of bed rambling about how she wants to show off all the lego sets she had built with the newest addition she completed along with Yn when I was sick.

I helped her wash up before making her breakfast, groaning a little when I finally sat down to have breakfast with my little rose. I must admit this pregnancy is taking a toll on me. I'm at 18 weeks now, dealing with my work which is something I cannot complain about because I'm eternally grateful for the opportunities given.

And a lawsuit to fight for my daughter, the most important person in my life to worry about, without my husband by my side. After what happened last week, I've chased Colin out of the house asking for some space to think.

Not that I just found out he has a violent tendency though it's the first time he tried to raise his hands on me, he hurt Rose without my knowledge? That is something unacceptable, I've yet to talk to Rose about it because I've no idea how to approach this topic.

More like I don't know how to react to the things I'm going to hear, and I know I'm being a very irresponsible mum this way. I make a mental note to myself to talk to Rose about this and I'll decide on how I should be dealing with all this.

Just as we finished our breakfast, I heard the door click open. I turn to look at the time, before standing up to see if it's Lizzie as I wasn't expecting them till later. To my dismay, it's the person I don't want to see most. I quickly stand to walk towards him slightly shielding Rose from his line of sight.

"What are you doing here? I told you I need space to think." I whisper angrily, not wanting Rose to hear.

"Are you going to let me go, just because of my 1 damn drunk mistake?" Colin grabs my wrist pulling me towards him aggressively, hissing.

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