Chapter 31- Deadly attachment

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The following few days passed quickly after the short getaway last weekend. I still can't believe that THE Scarlett Johansson is my girlfriend now, and I've officially asked them to move in with me. There's no way I'll let them out of my sight after what happened previously, though that asshat it's already in custody for domestic abuse.

I ensured we had enough evidence to put him in jail for a long time, and Scarlett would not need to go to court and testify. While the domestic abuse case is coming to a close, the divorce and custody case with Mr. Dauriac will also be finalized today, with Mr. Dauriac dropping the case and letting Rose stay with Scarlett since the harm is out of the way.

I'm finishing up the last touch of the office corner I've set up for Rose, who's sitting on my chair coloring. I brought Rose to my office as Scarlett has interviews to attend in person before her check-up with the gynecologist. I can't wait to see the little bean later.

"Come, Rose. How do you like your office area?" I stood up, stretching my body and smiling, placing the last avenger's lego figurine as decoration on her desk.

 How do you like your office area?" I stood up, stretching my body and smiling, placing the last avenger's lego figurine as decoration on her desk

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Rose ran over and circled the area before launching towards me, hugging my legs. "I love it! Thank you, Yn," Rose exclaimed excitedly before returning to my table and bringing all her coloring materials to her new table in my office.

I smiled and sat back at my table, and started looking through the files accumulated when my door flew open with one of my senior partners barging in along with three other associates.

I frowned when Rose jumped up, surprised, and rushed to my side. I picked her up immediately and sat her on my lap as she snuggled on me, shying away from strangers. "Haven't you ever heard about knocking?" I growled lowly, not wanting to alarm Rose at my annoyance.

"Sorry, Ms. Yln, for my tardiness. But there's a case that requires your attention immediately." my senior partner, Jake, mentioned solemnly, standing in front of my table, holding onto the case files.

"What case it's so urgent that it makes you forget all of your mannerisms? Can't it wait?" I groan, hands rubbing on Rose's back.

"I'm afraid not, Ms. Yln. It's the murder case of the celebrity Gaberial Ellarius, and we are representing the suspect, Mr. Johnson Clark, her boyfriend." Jake handover the case file to me. (A/N. I made up the names of the celebrity because, you know, I don't want to "murder" any real celebrities and offend anybody)

I looked at them, stunned, before reading the case file over. Gaberial Ellarius was found dead on arrival with a close-range gunshot wound on her chest. Gaberial's private trainer found her with a single gunshot wound to the chest, most likely dying within minutes.

Flipping to the next page and found some photo's from the crime scene. I quickly look down at Rose to prevent her from seeing such gruesome pictures and to only find her fast asleep.

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