First dares

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Me: Hey guys! Before we start, I wanted to say, we have a new OC joining us! Her name is Tally, and she is from the Doctor Who series.

Tally: You don't have to introduce me like I am a kid.

Agent Rhode Island: I like you already.

Dawn: NEW PERSON! YAY!!! *flys over to be in front of Tally* Hi! I am Dawn Cloud!

Tally: Um... Hi? *whispers to Rhode* Is she always like this?

Rhode: Yep, pretty much.

Tally: Ugh.

~Time Skip to after they introduce each other~

Me: Ok everyone! We have a dare! It is from -Souda_is_my_bae- . For this one, I am taking out Hazy, cause she is a child, and Dawn, because she has a mind like a child.

Dawn: but what do we do while they get the dare?

Me: I put out some games in the other room, now shoo.

Dawn: OH OK! *grabs Hazy and goes into the the other room*

Me: Ok then! Now let's get on with this dare! -Souda_is_my_bae- dares you all to watch Boku no Pico episode one uncensored. Enjoy.

Lost Shade: oh no. I hate this anime.

Rhode Island: You watch anime?

Lost Shade: let's just watch.

Me: ok! *turns on TV*

~During show~

Sadie: Whoever told us to watch this is sick.

Me: I'll have you know that she is my friend.

Tally: All the more reason she is sick.

Rhode Island: Nice one.

Whittney: My innocence is gone ;-;.

Sadie: Don't worry, everyone is in the same boat. We are all scarred for life now.

Tally: I lost my innocence a long time ago.

~A little later~

Whittney: This is really cruel of her to make us watch this...

Sadie: I agree...

Me: O-O... This is disturbing.

Rhode Island: you just have to distract yourself. Like think about pink fluffy unicorns or something.

Tally: Pink fluffy unicorns?

Rhode Island: Nothing that I would know...

Tally: Whatever.


Sadie: *halfway through the episode* NOPE! I AM DONE! I shall take no more of this! *shuts TV off*

Lost Shade: Since you chickened, I am going to have to think of a revenge dare thing for you to do.

Whittney: I actually don't think it matters. The person who dared said to watch episode one. She didn't specifically say the FULL EPISODE.

Tally: I have to give it to Whittney because I like her ability I find loopholes.

Lost Shade: Fine... 😒

Rhode Island: That actually wasn't so bad...

Sadie and Whittney: *slap Rhode Island*

Rhode Island: *puches and knocks out Sadie* Don't you dare call me a Perv!

Lost Shade: She is kind of right though...

Rhode Island: SHUT UP! Cat, just give us the next dare!

Me: *was eating popcorn to watch them fight* *drops popcorn* I totally wasn't wanting you to fight! Oh yah, right, the dare...

~A few seconds later~

Me: *calls ,Dawn and Hazy back in* Ok, the next thing is from IrkatMeow . The first question is from Blood, she asks: What is 9+10? *starts laughing*

Whittney: oh! Blood is my friend!

Tally: No one really cares.

Dawn: Obviously 9+10 is fish!

Me: *laughs*

Dawn: What?

Me: You weren't serious, right?

Dawn: I was 100% serious. What is wrong?

Tally: *starts laughing too*

Hazy: Um Dawn?

Dawn: what?

Hazy: 9+10 is 19...

Rhode Island: No, Dawn, don't listen to her! 9+10 is 21!

Dawn: Oh ok! Thank you two! Now I know for future reference that 9+10 is 1921.

Lost Shade: Dawn, you are and idiot.

Sadie: For once, I agree with you, Lost.

Whittney: Just give us the next question.

Me: ok then! The next question is from Meow. She asks: Why are you so mean to me ;-;?

Hazy: We were mean to her? I didn't mean to be! Oh I am so sorry Meow!

Dawn: Yah, I am sorry too!

Tally: I don't even know who that is...

Rhode Island: Me either.

Lost Shade: Same.

Sadie: I am with Rhode Island, Lost, and Tally on this.

Whittney: How were me mean to you, Meow?

Me: I don't know... Meow, would you mind telling us?

Tally: Ok, let's go to the next question now!

Me: Ok! the next question is from Tears. Tears asks: ...... Question?

Sadie: How are we supposed to know what the question is?!?

Lost Shade: I think she is asking us to ask her a question.

Rhode Island: That seems like that might be what she is going for.

Tally: um... Well then...

Whittney: I might know a question we could ask Te-

Dawn: OOO OOO! I KNOW! Tears, do you like kittens?

Tally: You wasted our question on THAT?!?

Dawn: I think it is a perfectly good question.

Last Shade: You are so disappointing on so many levels...

Me: Well anyway, that was our first ever dare chapter! You may ask/dare as many times as you want in the comments below! Thanks you all! Bye!

Tally: Who are you talking to?

Me: The readers...

Rhode Island: Who?

Me: Never mind...

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