My God Tier

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Ok so I was texting my friend astronomicalPolygon , and we got to talking about Homestuck and God Tiers. She told me hers, or what she thought hers was at the time, and then asked my what mine was. Now I hadn't really thought of it, and was too lazy to choose on my own, so I went online and took a quiz. The first quiz I took I got Sylph of ?. Like it couldn't figure out what I was a Sylph of... Anyways, I didn't really like that, so I took another quiz. It was for class only. This time I got Bard. I was all "How the heck did I go from Sylph to Bard? Like wtf!"

I am very annoyed at this point, but decide to take another quiz, figuring I'll either get Sylph or Bard and I could then just take an aspect quiz. So I take another class only quiz, and I get Maid. I was so annoyed.

Anyways, this whole time I have been texting my friend these results, and she is like, "Maybe just be a rogue" and I am all meh to that idea. Anyways, I go and take a few ASPECT quizzes just to see if I am continuous there, and I get Breath every time. At least that I can be sure of.
But I am still pissed off about the class thing, and she asks me "Well what have you gotten the most?"
And I am like. "I have taken three quizzes and I got a different one each time."
She is like "oh my gog. Ok maybe just take more and see what you get the most?"
And I am all "Ugh ewwww I hate answering questions..."
She replies "Well maybe just choose it?"
And I consider it but eventually reject it because I figure "what if I chose a class cause I think it is cool but it wouldn't really fit my personality?" So because of this I take one more quiz just for kicks to see what I get. Like if I get something totally different of whatever. It turns out I am a Muse of Breath and the reason I kept getting different answers on the other quizzes is because this class is rare. I hadn't even remembered that class!

But yah. That is how I finally figured out my God Tier. Yay!

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