𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘯.

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MOST KIDS don't go through a death of a very close loved one until their adult years. That is where Peter and most kids are different. The only thing Peter could think of doing was calling one person. The one person who had made him feel special, even when he was just a kid that blended in with the crowd.

As soon as Olivia got the call, she dropped everything and rushed to Peter's house. When she got there, the first thing she saw was his Aunt May being interrogated by a police officer. "Do you recognize this man?" The officer asks.

"No." She answers, shaking her head. "I didn't think you would, ma'am. The detectives are on it. We'll see what happens." She just nods in response.

Olivia never pictured her meeting with Peter's mother figure would be in this way. Grieving over the loss of her husband. She also never pictured the first time that Peter called her would be over his father figure's loss. Olivia was still standing at the doorway, unable to move.

The officer got up to walk out. Peter spotted the wanted poster of his uncle's killer. "Can I have that?" He asks. "Sure, there's one other thing." The officer says, handing him the poster. "He has a star tattooed on his left hand." Peter looks down at the poster.

Olivia doesn't say anything, she just walks up to him and embraces him in a hug. "I'm so sorry, Pete. You don't deserve this." Those were for the most part, the only words she said the whole night. Peter didn't say much either, expect the occasional "I'm sorry, you shouldn't be here, this isn't your fault." Olivia would always comfort him and reassure him that it's okay.

Peter had no choice, but to believe her.

They went upstairs to Peter's room and Pete stayed in Olivia's arms the whole night.


The next day at school was probably Peter's lowest point. Everyone was looking at him with pity, almost the whole school knew. The word got around fast. Olivia walked down the hall. She stopped when she saw Peter. He looked miserable. She'd never thought she'd see him like this.

She saw Flash walking up to Peter. Olivia's eyes widened. "Hey, Parker!" Flash says, walking up to him with his hands in his pockets.

"Not today, Flash." Peter says, shaking his head.

"I just want to talk-" Flash gets cut off by Peter pinning him against the lockers. Everyone around them gasps. "It gets better, alright?" Flash says. "Your uncle died, I'm sorry. I get it. I'm sorry, okay?" Peter just nods. He lets him go. He quickly shuts his locker, grabs his backpack, and walks off.

Gwen spotted him. "Peter." She says, walking up to him with a sympathetic look painted over her face. She tries to hug him, but Peter doesn't return the gesture and walks off. Olivia locked eyes with him. She ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him.

This time, he returned the gesture. They stayed that way until the bell rang.


It was dark. It was late. This was usually the time a young lady from the Bay Area was out. Even though the Bay was even more dangerous at night, if you knew what you were doing and how to act confident, you won't have a problem. Unfortunately, this doesn't work in New York City.

She was still in her dress. She didn't think it'd be a problem until a man dressed like a.... car theif...? grabbed her and shoved her in the passenger seat of a random car. She didn't have enough time to process what happened. "What the fuck?" She yells.

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