𝘪 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘱𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳.

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"HI." Peter says, smiling. He had taken his Spider-man mask off, so now he was just wearing the Spidey suit. The sun was setting. Olivia had her arms wrapped around his neck and his arms were wrapped around the waist, to keep her from falling.

"Hi." Olivia says excitedly, her breaths uneven as it settles how height off the ground they are.

"Did you get my message?" He asks.

"What message?"

"My message over there." He says, pointing to the the bridge they were standing on.

"Oh, that." She chuckles. "It was very hard to miss. Wait, it was you? Olivia teases.

"Don't do that." Peter says.

"I couldn't make it out!"

"I'll tell you what it says, it says I love you." Peter says, pulling Olivia in closer. "Cause I love you." Olivia smiles up at him in awe. "And no offense, but you're wrong."

"Wrong about what?" Olivia asks, cocking an eyebrow.

"You're wrong about us being on different paths, we aren't on different paths. You're my path. And you're always gonna be my path. And I know there's a million reasons why we shouldn't be together, I know that, but I'm tired of them. I'm tired of every single one of them. We've all gotta make a choice, right?" They both smile at each other.

"Well, I choose you." Peter smiles. Olivia looks up at him, in awe of the boy she has her arms wrapped around. How did he fall for her? And how blind was she before to not see that they were meant to be? That they were fated?

"So, here's my thoughts." Peter says. "California. Both of us." Olivia's face lights up. "Oh my god." She says.

"I'm following you, now." Peter says. "I'm just going to follow you everywhere. I'm just going to follow you the rest of my life. I mean, they've-they've got crime there, in California. They've got tons of crime, it seems. Especially in the Bay." Peter says.

Olivia nods continuously. "Trust me, tons."

"We got-uh, Al Capone." He says. Olivia giggles. "What?" He asks, offended. "He has a hideout in California, they haven't caught Al Capone yet, you didn't know that?" Olivia pushes her lips on his and puts her hand behind his head. Peter wraps his arm around her back and holds her tightly. He wasn't letting go of her. Ever.

Suddenly, all the lights in the city go out.


A beat of silence.

As each light quickly shuts down, one by one.

"What the hell is that?" Peter says, still holding Olivia. The pair share a look with each other. Both of them spot a blue electric wave pass over Manhattan. I mean-They could see everything from the top of the Brooklyn Bridge. "Is that Max?" Olivia asks, looking at the waves.

"He must've cut the power to the whole city." The teenagers watch as the lights to all five boroughs continued to go off, one by one, area by area. Planes that were flying out were now in danger.

"There's gotta be some type of black-out plan, right?" Peter asks. "Some kind of back-up. I mean, it's New York."

"There's an emergency reset at the power plants."
Olivia says, remembering what Gwen told her months ago when they had another black out. "If he gets the transmission lines, they're never gonna get this back up."

"How am I gonna stop him?" Peter sighs. "Everytime I get close to him, he fries my web shooters."

"Okay, have you tried grounding them?" Olivia asks, thinking back to her science and physics class.

"I tried everything." Peter sighs. "Rubber, plastic-"

"Did you try magnetizing them?" Olivia says, looking up at him.

"I didn't..." Peter looks down, ashamed. "...Try magnetizing them." He mumbles under his breath.

Olivia chuckles. "Okay, well. Remember eighth grade science class? I mean, we weren't in the same school or state-but, I assume the curriculum's the same. So- If you magnetize a nail with a battery..."

"It holds an electric charge." Peter says, realizing what he has to do.


"We have to go."
The pair was swinging to downtown Brooklyn together. Peter had (obviously) put his Spidey mask back on. It was complete chaos. The trains all stopped, everyone was running, officers were yelling at people to calm down (which wasn't very effective), Olivia can only imagine how Manhattan looks like right now. All the lights were now exploding, quite literally. Screams echo through the air. "Do not panic!" A officer yells through a megaphone. "Everyone return to your vehicle! Go into your homes!"

Peter and Olivia run towards the officer. "Officer!" Peter yells. He turns to face the two teenagers.

"Spider-man!" The officer yells directly into the megaphone, directly in Peter's ear. Peter moves a few steps back and groans in pain, clutching his ear.

"Officer, my father was Captain Andrew Ramirez of the 19th precinct!" Olivia says.

"Yeah, I knew who he was." The officer replies nonchalantly. "What can we do for you?"

"Jumper cables." Olivia says.

"Jumper cables?" He asks, confirming.

"Yes, and copper wire." She adds.

"Am I talking louder than I usually talk right now?" Peter yells, his ears still ringing from the megaphone.

"Yes!" Olivia yells back, giving him a 'it's so obvious' look.

"Whoa!" He says and takes a few steps back.

An officer brought the materials they asked for. Olivia opened up the police car's trunk and took out the materials. Olivia turns towards Peter. "Your suit will ground you."

"Alright, do it!" Peter yells back. Olivia starts magnetizing his webs. "Okay, good, good, good. Try, try, try, try, hurry, hurry, hurry." He says, holding our his other arm with web shooters. She follows instructions. "Okay, it works, good."

"And that is why you weren't valedictorian or runner up at Midtown!" Olivia smiles proudly.

"Rub it in, okay." Peter scoffs.

Another wave of electricity sparks and a sign falls over. "I gotta go." Peter says.

"I'm coming with you." Olivia says.

"Liv, you're not coming with me." Peter says.

"Yes, I am." She persists.

"Olivia, it's too dangerous-"

"I'm coming." She cuts him off. "I've seen the grid specs with Gwen and I know how to reset the entire system."


She starts yelling, knowing that's the only way he'll budge. "I'm coming with you! You know that you need me-" She gets cut off by him putting his hand over her mouth. She continues yelling, but it's muffled now.

"Okay, okay! Shut up, shut up!" He says, trying to quiet her. "You're coming with me." He lets go of her and he removes his hand over her mouth. "Shut the thing." He says, pointing to the still open trunk.

Olivia puts her hand on the trunk to close it, but she's too slow. Peter shoots a web on her hand. She tries to remove her hand, but it doesn't budge. She shoots him a death glare.

"Sorry, I love you! Don't hate me!" He swings off.

"Peter!" Olivia yells, pissed off. She quickly puts her free hand over her mouth, realizing she shouted out Spider-man's identity.

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