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HIGH SCHOOL graduation. Supposedly one of the best moments in a student's career. Also known as, finally leaving the hellhole known as 'high school'. High school treated Olivia pretty shitty, she would say. The only great part was meeting Gwen and Peter. Gwen was her roommate now. Olivia decided to move in with Gwen and her family, since she had nowhere else to go. They both adjusted to it fairly well.

Olivia was valedictorian this year. Gwen was runner up. Olivia herself doesn't know how she managed to beat Gwen on a academic scale, but she didn't question it. She had to make a speech today.

Gwen had pre-college plans to work at Oscorp over the summer and she got offered a internship at Oxford, Peter was going to venture out as Spider-man and get a extremely low-paying as a photographer for Spider-man. Olivia, on the other hand, had applied for a internship at NASA. She hadn't told any of her friends this information yet, though. If she didn't get into NASA, she would probably try and find a field to work at Oscorp before her college years.

Olivia quickly took out her phone and dialed Peter's number. "Hey, um, I'm sorry- I'm running a little bit late, I got stuck in some traffic-" Peter says.

"Your timing is terrible... It started already." Olivia sighs.

"I know." He says. "I'm sorry."

"Where are you?"

"1st on Broadway- 2nd on Broadway- 3rd on Broadway- 5 minutes, 10 tops." He says, casually.

"Are those sirens in the background?" Olivia asks, raising an eyebrow.

"No." He says, quickly. Far too quickly to be innocent.




"No sirens-" Suddenly, he stops.

"Peter? Peter? Peteeeerrr? Peter, I swear to god I will murder you- Hello? Peter?" She tries.

"I'll be right there, promise." He hangs up. She sighs.

"Where's Peter? Your speech is next." Gwen whispers.

"He's-" Olivia gets cut off.

"This years valedictorian, Olivia Ramirez." They announce. Olivia quickly gets her shit together and walks up on stage.

"Good morning, distinguished teachers, students, and their families. It's an honor to be standing up here today." She smiles. "I know we all think that we're immortal, we're supposed to feel that way. We're graduating. But, like our short four years in high school, what makes life valuable is that it doesn't last forever. We all have a certain amount of time. This year, I truly learned that life is so precious and can be taken away in an instant. Being alive is a privilege most of us take for granted. I know I did. There's a ton of dark days ahead of us, but we have to be greater than what we suffer. We have told hold onto hope. And so, my wish for you is to become hope. People need that. As we look around at each other, it feels like we're saying our goodbyes. But we aren't. We will always carry a part of each other in what we do next. And a part of who were meant to be. With that being said, live your life, not someone else's. Speak your truth and live with no regrets. Always follow what you want to do. Even if we don't accomplish everything we want, at least we know we tried, right? And what better way is there to live?"

Everyone started clapping. A few minutes later, they started calling up people's names for their diplomas. Olivia only payed attention when Gwen came on the stage to receive her diploma. "Hey, fellow graduate." Gwen smiles.

"Fellow graduate." Olivia returns the gesture.

"Peter Parker." They announce.

Peter suddenly runs on stage and takes his diploma. He shakes the announcer's hand, then Olivia's. He cups Olivia's face and kisses her. He dips her down, and then back up. When Peter pulls away, Olivia smiles and fixes her blue cap.


Gwen and Olivia run over to Mrs. Stacy. Olivia had practically become family to them over this month and vice versa. "I'm so proud of you two." Mrs. Stacy smiles. "This is your moment and I'm so happy you both managed to succeed, despite all the difficulties this year."

"Thank you, Mrs. Stacy." Olivia smiles.

"Let me take a picture of you two." Olivia and Gwen put an arm around each other's shoulders, and the other on their hip and smile. "Say graduates."

"Graduates." They both chuckle. Olivia looks over at Peter, still smiling. They lock eyes. Gwen locks eyes with Harry, her now-boyfriend. Peter still hadn't met him. "Go on." Her mom smiles. Both girls chuckle and walk off to their significant other.

"Hey." Olivia smiles.

"Okay, you two, get together really quick." Aunt May says. Peter chuckles and wraps an arm around Olivia. "Cheese."

"Cheese." Both teenagers repeat, awkwardly.

"Okay, I'll-" She starts walking off.

"Yeah, just give me two seconds." Peter says, starting to walk backwards with his hand in Olivia's.

"Don't go too far!" Peter says.

"It was nice seeing you!" Olivia yells. After she walks off, she turns towards Peter. "Hey."

"Did your traffic jam coincidentally have to do with the Russian Mob?" Olivia asks, holding the news article on her phone up to Peter's face. "Just by any chance?"

Peter sighs and lowers her phone. "Why didn't you just tell me?" She asks.

"What was I gonna do? You were about to do your speech, I couldn't risk you messing up because-"

"Olivia! Gwen! Family photos!" Mrs. Stacy yells.

"Okay!" Both girls yell back.

"You're coming to dinner at Gibson later?" She asks, turning around to face Peter again.

"Can't keep me away." He smirks.

"It's at eight o' clock. Don't be late." Olivia smiles.

"I won't."

"You better not." She grins. She leans in and gives him a quick peck. He puts his hand on her cheek. She pulls away. "And I'm gonna do my speech for you tonight because I'm proud of it."

"All night." Peter says. "I wanna hear it all night long."

"No, you can't." Olivia says.

"Why not?" He frowns.

"We'll be finishing off tonight." Olivia says.

"Finishing what off?" He asks, confused.

Olivia kisses him. "That." She says.

Peter's frown turns into a smirk. "Yes, ma'am."

She turns towards Gwen's family. "Peter, come join us!" Mrs. Stacy says.

"Yeah, come on!" Olivia smiles.

"I gotta find my aunt- I gotta find her- but we'll catch up later. Thank you." He says.

Olivia goes to hug Gwen again. "I'm so happy we're done with high school." Olivia whispers.

"Trust me, so am I." Gwen chuckles.

"Alright, time for the full family picture!" Mrs. Stacy says. Gwen's brothers come into frame. They all huddle around and take the photo. "Hey, where's Harry?" Olivia asks.

"He had to leave. Something with his father, I think." Gwen says.

"Oh." Olivia says. "We have to introduce him to Peter. I think they'll get along."

"Yeah, I do too." She smiles. "I'll try. He can't come to the dinner tonight, so it doesn't really work out. Maybe another time." She frowns.

"Hey, we're graduating. Fuck boys. Today's our day. Let's go rewatch gossip girl." Olivia smiles.

Gwen chuckles. "You always know how to cheer me up. Let's do it."

Peter watched as Olivia ran off with Gwen, the dying promise he made to her father, running through his head.

a/n: literally edited this while being stuck in the mall because of the insane amount of rain 😭 also the last line was NOT an intended rhyme
see u on wednesday !!

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