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OLIVIA RUSHED down to Times Square as soon as she possibly could. Unlike Peter, she couldn't shoot webs out of her wrists or stick to walls. However, she could use her normal senses to figure out something bad was about to happen. Olivia looked around trying to spot Gwen or Peter, or just anyone she knew really.

Instead, she spots a man with blue skin, but not quite. It seemed like the blue was layering on top of his current skin. It was blue electricity waves.

He fell down to his knees on top of those vent things on the sidewalks (mind you, this is in the middle of Times Square, so weirdos aren't that unusual). He reaches below the vent, but it shocks him. He seems to enjoy it? He opens the vent panel and reaches down, touching the wires.

Wait. He wasn't shocking himself. He was absorbing the electricity. This guy was another mutant like Connors, just not in lizard form. What the hell is going on? Olivia thought.

"Can we have everyone just step to the side please? Thank you." An officer says. Everyone follows instructions. "Olivia!" She hears. The girl turns around and sees Gwen running and shoving through the crowd to get to her.

"Gwen! Over here!" She yells back. After a lot of shoving, Gwen makes her way over to Olivia. (They were getting a ton of stares now), "Where's Peter? Weren't you guys together?" Gwen asks.

"How did you even- nevermind. Take a guess." Olivia says. Gwen's eyebrows furrow.

"Oh." She says, casually. Then- "Oh." Gwen's eyes widen.

Suddenly, the officers start yelling. "Everyone, move out the way!" The officer walks up to the electric mutant guy. "Sir, get your hands out of those cables right now. Sir, get your hands away from those cables!"

The electric mutant slowly looks up at him. He slowly takes his hands out and starts quietly growling. The officer points a gun at him. "Stay right where you are. Do not move. Freeze."

The mutant does the exact opposite and stands up. He accidentally backs himself into the main road. A big bus honks at him. He quickly turns around and shoots electric waves at it, picking it up. The truck did a full 180 around him and he left it on the opposite side from where it had originated from, but upside down. Everyone looks up him in shock.

"Where's Peter?" Olivia quietly whispers. Gwen doesn't hear her. Most people start running. Not Gwen and Olivia though. Both girls move over to the red steps. Police sirens getting closer. The police cars all surround the mutant. "Get down on the ground now!" "Get your ass on the ground!" They yell.

"Stop!" The mutant yells. "It's not my fault! Stop! Please!" Suddenly, the mutant looks around and sees himself on all of the billboards in Times Square, being broadcasted live across the country. "They see me, they see me." The mutant starts muttering. The police officers throw smoke bombs at him and point their guns at him. "Stop! Don't do that, please. Wait! It's not my fault!" He looked helpless, and scared. The police continue. "I said stop!"

The mutant, Electro, lets out a huge wave of electricity causing all the officer and their cars to go flying in the air. One police officer almost gets hit by their own car, but right on cue, Spider-man comes in and holds the car up. "I'm glad you're not one of those cops that rides a horse." Peter retorts.

The rest of the officers continue firing shots at him as if it's going to do much. This is an electric mutant. What the hell is firing shots at him gonna do? Probably slow him down for five seconds. Spider-man flips over the car the right away and drops it on the floor. "Hold your fire!" The officer yells. Spider-man jumps onto a police car. "Yo, Sparkles!" He yells. Electro turns around. "Hey, how you doing?" Spider-man asks.

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