Chapter 28: Meet Again

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The light of the morning sun had shone through the window of the couples' room. First to wake up was Y/n who calmly tried to wake up a lich who was in deep sleep. " Wiz... Wake up, it's already morning... " Y/n said as Wiz woke up hearing his voice, she smiled sweetly gazing at him and held his hand gently(how unpure). " Good morning my dear. How did you sleep in my arms? " she said lovingly as she got up. Y/n blushed and looked away as he remembered the moments they had during the night.

" It was heated.... Very heated.... It feels embarrassing to remember that! " Y/n said meekly as Wiz giggled and patted his head. " Don't worry, it's our secret only. Also, don't be too embarrassed alright? I had fun being your ' mommy dom ' if that's how you call it. " Wiz said as she wore her robe. As Y/n got off the bed, Griffon crashed and opened the door shouting:

" Good morning motherfuckers! "

This made Y/n yelp and fire a Mirage Blade to Griffon who got hit by it. The avian demon grinned, shouting " Worth it! "

Griffon: Konosuba!

" At least he promised not to tell anyone... It's so embarrassing! " Y/n muttered as he was with Shadow and Wiz. The familiar growled and put a signpost which said, " Ye, I am not trusting that he'll keep silent. Give him a week or two. "

As they walked around the town, they heard series of carriages going past them. The trio heard someone jump off, their names being called out. The person who had jumped off was Kazuma's group who tackled and hugged Y/n.

" Oww.... Hello little gremlins. Did you behave well while I was gone? " Y/n asked as he hugged back and ruffled their heads. " Only because Lady was strict. If not, they would just be messing around like usual. " Kazuma said in a sarcastic tone as they let go.

" Hey! We behaved even without them! Although Aqua was the only troublesome one! " Megumin said as the duo quarrelled. ' Yep... I totally miss these gremlins. ' Y/n thought as Shadow tried to stop them from fighting.

" By the way.... Did all of you...leave the office? " Wiz nervously asked as Darkness shook her head. " No... Kyouya is in charge. A creep he may be, he is responsible enough either way. " Darkness said as Shadow had a deadpan face. ' To be honest. He has changed and you are more of a creep than him. In fact I would prefer HIS old self's company than yours. ' the familiar thought as he tried to get away from Darkness.

Flapping of wings can be heard, and Griffon landed on Y/n's shoulder. " Look what we have here! The useless goddess, explosion maniac, and the masochist! Also Kazuma. " Griffon said as he cackled.

" Why does the NEET never get an insulting title!? Only us three! " Aqua asked as Griffon laughed. " Kazuma is more respectable than any of you three will be! So suck it up buttercups! " the avian antriedd d as Aqua tries to assault Griffon violently. Albeit the holy aura slightly burning Y/n he tried to stop Aqua from her childish outburst. " Owowowow! Calm down please... Your holy aura burns like hell. " he said as Aqua stopped but her cheeks were puffed up.

" Pouting won't help Aqua. " he scolded.

Aqua: Ko

Y/n: No

Kazuma: Su

Wiz: Ba!

" So ye... I got scammed into being an Axis Cult member. " Y/n said to Kazuma's group while Aqua was put on anp timeout by Lady due to the goddess making a mess. " To be fair. Those creeps know that I am an Axis Member, so they won't pester you while I'm around here. " Y/n reassured as the trio walked around. True to his words, none of them were invading their privacy. " You're too nice to everyone I tell you. " Kazuma said and Griffon cackled.

" True but that's the reason why- "

Y/n then made Griffon disappear for the moment and return to him as they walked. ' Yeah. You're also gonna be on time out Griffon. ' Y/n said in his mind as he looked down in embarrassment, blushing from the last night. " Y/n? Is everything alright? " Megumin asked as Y/n stammered with: " Nothing! Nothing is wrong! Don't worry! " he said as he looked at the group with a meek expression, only to bump on someone.

" I- I'm sorry! " Y/n suddenly said as he bowed. " I-it's fine. You guys are tourists right? " the brown haired man said, surprised at the attitude given to him. " U-um you could call us that. Are you lost? " Y/n said as the man shook his head. " No, not really. I'm just trying to get away from those....freaks. Keep safe, and you woman. Take off that Eris pendant you are wearing if you want to live. " the man said before leaving, running away.

The group then looked at Darkness and tried to grab her Eris pendant. " No guys stop! This is my sign of devotion to Eris! " Darkness pleaded as the group tried to get her pendant. " We don't want to get stoned! " Kazuma said as Darkness then pushed off all of them and ran away. 

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